4 research outputs found

    Gastric antral vascular ectasia. Clinical presentation and therapeutic management

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    Gastric antral vascular ectasia is an infrequent cause of high gastric hemorrhage, responsible of the 4% of high gastric non-variceal hemorrhages. The diagnosis is based on endoscopic findings and its most accepted treatment is argon plasma coagulation. It is presented a case of a woman with recurrent digestive hemorrhages in the form of melena and anemia, who was performed a high digestive endoscopy with resulting a diagnosis of vascular ectasia of the gastric antro. Later she was treated satisfactorily with argon plasma coagulation without complications. The resent work is aimed at reviewing an unusual cause of digestive bleeding and its treatment

    Gastric-esophageal Junction Outflow Obstruction: Little-known Cause of Dysphagia

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    Gastric-esophageal junction outflow obstruction is a poorly understood esophageal motor disorder due to its recent identification with the beginning of high-resolution manometry. His ignorance means that it is frequently not noticed in the clinical area. The case of a 34-years-old male patient is presented, who approximately 5 years ago began to sporadically notice a sensation of clogging of solid foods at the thoracic level, sometimes associated with early postprandial vomiting. This manifestation became more frequent a year and a half ago, so he went to the doctor in his province without obtaining a diagnosis or clinical improvement, that is why he was referred to the Gastroenterology Institute. After performing the routine tests in the dysphagia study, the result was obtained by high resolution manometry of an obstruction to the outflow of the gastric esophagus junction. This case presentation can provide to internal medicine specialists with new knowledge so that they take this entity into account in patients with dysphagia where no organic cause is demonstrated. Therefore, the aim of this report is to describe the case of a patient with dysphagia who presents an obstruction to the outflow of the esophagus-gastric junction

    Tratamiento endoscópico de la fuga biliar postcolecistectomía. Presentación de dos casos

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    Las lesiones o fugas biliares que ocurren luego de una colecistectomía abierta o laparoscópica, son poco frecuentes, con una incidencia de 0,1-1 %. La presentación clínica de la fuga biliar postoperatoria se caracteriza por dolor en el cuadrante superior derecho, náuseas, vómitos, anorexia y fiebre. Se presentan dos pacientes, de 53 y 58 años de edad, respectivamente, que después de haber sido intervenidos quirúrgicamente, tuvieron manifestaciones clínicas e imagenológicas de fuga biliar. Ambos fueron tratados mediante colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica con esfinterotomía biliar y colocación de prótesis. La evolución fue satisfactoria. El objetivo del trabajo es exponer el resultado del tratamiento endoscópico en la fuga biliar postcolecistectomía.</p