896 research outputs found

    Initial conditions of the universe: A sign of the sine mode

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    In the standard big bang model the universe starts in a radiation dominated era, where the gravitational perturbations are described by second order differential equations, which will generally have two orthogonal set of solutions. One is the so called {\it growing(cosine)} mode and the other is the {\it decaying(sine)} mode, where the nomenclature is derived from their behaviour on super-horizon(sub-horizon) scales. The decaying mode is qualitatively different to the growing mode of adiabatic perturbations as it evolves with time on \emph{super-horizon} scales. The time dependence of this mode on super-horizon scales is analysed in both the synchronous gauge and the Newtonian gauge to understand the true gauge invariant behaviour of these modes. We then explore constraints on the amplitude of this mode on scales between k∌10−5k \sim 10^{-5} Mpc−1^{-1} and k∌10−1k \sim 10^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1} using the temperature and polarization anisotropies from the cosmic microwave background, by computing the Fisher information. Binning the primordial power non-parametrically into 100 bins, we find that the decaying modes are constrained at comparable variance as the growing modes on scales smaller than the horizon today using temperature anisotropies. Adding polrisation data makes the decaying mode more constrained. The decaying mode amplitude is thus constrained by ∌1/l\sim 1/l of the growing mode. On super-horizon scales, the growing mode is poorly constrained, while the decaying mode cannot substantially exceed the scale-invariant amplitude. This interpretation differs substantially from the past literature, where the constraints were quoted in gauge-dependent variables, and resulted in illusionary tight super-horizon decaying mode constraints. The results presented here can generally be used to non-parametrically constrain any model of the early universe.Comment: Fixed typo in figure 6. Previously the noise curves were labelled incorrectly. New figure fixes that issue - main results are unchange

    Cosmic Shear from Galaxy Spins

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    We discuss the origin of galactic angular momentum, and the statistics of the present day spin distribution. It is expected that the galaxy spin axes are correlated with the intermediate principal axis of the gravitational shear tensor. This allows one to reconstruct the shear field and thereby the full gravitational potential from the observed galaxy spin fields. We use the direction of the angular momentum vector without any information of its magnitude, which requires a measurement of the position angle and inclination on the sky of each disk galaxy. We present the maximum likelihood shear inversion procedure, which involves a constrained linear minimization. The theory is tested against numerical simulations. We find the correlation strength of nonlinear structures with the initial shear field, and show that accurate large scale density reconstructions are possible at the expected noise level.Comment: Accepted by the ApJL, revised discussion, minor changes, LaTex file, 8 pages, 1 ps figur

    The Nonlinear Evolution of Galaxy Intrinsic Alignments

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    The non-Gaussian contribution to the intrinsic halo spin alignments is analytically modeled and numerically detected. Assuming that the growth of non-Gaussianity in the density fluctuations caused the tidal field to have nonlinear-order effect on the orientations of the halo angular momentum, we model the intrinsic halo spin alignments as a linear scaling of the density correlations on large scales, which is different from the previous quadratic-scaling model based on the linear tidal torque theory. Then, we analyze the halo catalogs from the recent high-resolution Millennium Run simulation at four different redshifts (z=0,0.5,1 and 2) and measure quantitatively the degree of the nonlinear effect on the halo spin alignments and its changes with redshifts. A clear signal of spin correlations is found on scales as large as 10 Mpc/h at z=0, which marks a detection of the nonlinear tidal effect on the intrinsic halo alignments. We also investigate how the nonlinear effect depends on the intrinsic properties of the halos. It is found that the degree of the nonlinear tidal effect increases as the halo mass scale decreases, the halo specific angular momentum increases, and the halo peculiar velocity decreases. We discuss implication of our result on the weak gravitational lensing.Comment: ApJ in press, revised version, mistakes and typos corrected, discussion improved, 29 pages, 11 figure

    Normalizing the Temperature Function of Clusters of Galaxies

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    We re-examine the constraints which can be robustly obtained from the observed temperature function of X-ray cluster of galaxies. The cluster mass function has been thoroughly studied in simulations and analytically, but a direct simulation of the temperature function is presented here for the first time. Adaptive hydrodynamic simulations using the cosmological Moving Mesh Hydro code of Pen (1997a) are used to calibrate the temperature function for different popular cosmologies. Applying the new normalizations to the present-day cluster abundances, we find σ8=0.53±0.05Ω0−0.45\sigma_8=0.53\pm 0.05 \Omega_0^{-0.45} for a hyperbolic universe, and σ8=0.53±0.05Ω0−0.53\sigma_8=0.53\pm 0.05 \Omega_0^{-0.53} for a spatially flat universe with a cosmological constant. The simulations followed the gravitational shock heating of the gas and dark matter, and used a crude model for potential energy injection by supernova heating. The error bars are dominated by uncertainties in the heating/cooling models. We present fitting formulae for the mass-temperature conversions and cluster abundances based on these simulations.Comment: 20 pages incl 5 figures, final version for ApJ, corrected open universe \gamma relation, results unchange

    Initial conditions of the universe: Decaying tensor modes

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    Many models of the early universe predict that there should be primordial tensor perturbations. These leave an imprint into the temperature and polarisation anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The differential equation describing the primordial tensor perturbations is a second order differential equation and thus has two solutions. Canonically, the decaying solution of this equation in radiation domination is dropped as it diverges at early times and on superhorizon scales while it is then suppressed at late times. Furthermore, if there is an inflationary phase prior to the radiation domination phase, the amplitude of the decaying mode will also be highly suppressed as it enters the radiation phase, thus its effect will be negligible. In this study we remain agnostic to the early universe models describing pre-radiation domination physics and allow this mode to be present and see what effect it has on the CMB anisotropies. We find that the decaying mode, if normalised at the same time on subhorizon scales as the growing mode leaves an imprint on the CMB anisotropies that is identical to the growing mode. Contrary to expectation, on large scales both modes are poorly constrained for a scale invariant spectrum, and the apparent divergence of the decaying mode does not lead to a divergent physical observable. Quantitatively, the decaying mode can be more constrained both from temperature and polarisation anisotropies. We use a model independent, non-parametric, approach to constrain both of these primordial tensor perturbations using the temperature and polarisation anisotropies. We find that both modes are best constrained at the reionisation and recombination bumps and crucially, at the reionisation bump the decaying mode can be distinguished from the growing mode.Comment: 10 pages, comments welcome

    Mapping dark matter with cosmic magnification

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    We develop a new tool to generate statistically precise dark matter maps from the cosmic magnification of galaxies with distance estimates. We show how to overcome the intrinsic clustering problem using the slope of the luminosity function, because magnificability changes strongly over the luminosity function, while intrinsic clustering only changes weakly. This may allow precision cosmology beyond most current systematic limitations. SKA is able to reconstruct projected matter density map at smoothing scale ∌10â€Č\sim 10^{'} with S/N≄1\geq 1, at the rate of 200-4000 deg2^2 per year, depending on the abundance and evolution of 21cm emitting galaxies. This power of mapping dark matter is comparable to, or even better than that of cosmic shear from deep optical surveys or 21cm surveys.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures. Discussions added. PRL accepte

    The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from Radiative Transfer Simulations of Patchy Reionization

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    We present the first calculation of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect due to the inhomogeneous reionization of the universe based on detailed large-scale radiative transfer simulations of reionization. The resulting sky power spectra peak at l=2000-8000 with maximum values of l^2C_l~1\times10^{-12}. The peak scale is determined by the typical size of the ionized regions and roughly corresponds to the ionized bubble sizes observed in our simulations, ~5-20 Mpc. The kSZ anisotropy signal from reionization dominates the primary CMB signal above l=3000. This predicted kSZ signal at arcminute scales is sufficiently strong to be detectable by upcoming experiments, like the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and South Pole Telescope which are expected to have ~1' resolution and ~muK sensitivity. The extended and patchy nature of the reionization process results in a boost of the peak signal in power by approximately one order of magnitude compared to a uniform reionization scenario, while roughly tripling the signal compared with that based upon the assumption of gradual but spatially uniform reionization. At large scales the patchy kSZ signal depends largely on the ionizing source efficiencies and the large-scale velocity fields: sources which produce photons more efficiently yield correspondingly higher signals. The introduction of sub-grid gas clumping in the radiative transfer simulations produces significantly more power at small scales, and more non-Gaussian features, but has little effect at large scales. The patchy nature of the reionization process roughly doubles the total observed kSZ signal for l~3000-10^4 compared to non-patchy scenarios with the same total electron-scattering optical depth.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures (some in color), submitted to Ap

    Tentative Detection of Galaxy Spin Correlations in the Tully Catalogue

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    We report a tentative detection of spin correlations in the Tully catalogue of nearby galaxies. We define a simple but nontrivial spin correlation function, and find an analytic estimate of it in the frame of the linear perturbation theory. Then, we present the observed spin correlation signal from the Tully galaxies with error bars. The three dimensional spin correlation turns out to be significant at the 97% confidence level, detected out to a few h−1h^{-1} Mpc. This observed correlation is consistent with the theoretical prediction based on the gravitational instability picture of galaxy formation. An analysis of systematic errors is also presented. The observed strength of correlation may be sufficient to significantly affect blank field of weak lensing searches.Comment: Accepted by the ApJ Letters, revised Physical Analysis, LaTex file, 10 pages, 1 ps figur

    Cosmology in a String-Dominated Universe

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    The string-dominated universe locally resembles an open universe, and fits dynamical measures of power spectra, cluster abundances, redshift distortions, lensing constraints, luminosity and angular diameter distance relations and microwave background observations. We show examples of networks which might give rise to recent string-domination without requiring any fine-tuned parameters. We discuss how future observations can distinguish this model from other cosmologies.Comment: 17 pages including 4 figures, of which one is in colo

    Reionization: Characteristic Scales, Topology and Observability

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    Recently the numerical simulations of the process of reionization of the universe at z>6 have made a qualitative leap forward, reaching sufficient sizes and dynamic range to determine the characteristic scales of this process. This allowed making the first realistic predictions for a variety of observational signatures. We discuss recent results from large-scale radiative transfer and structure formation simulations on the observability of high-redshift Ly-alpha sources. We also briefly discuss the dependence of the characteristic scales and topology of the ionized and neutral patches on the reionization parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (4 in color), to appear in Astronomy and Space Science special issue "Space Astronomy: The UV window to the Universe", proceedings of 1st NUVA Conference ``Space Astronomy: The UV window to the Universe'' in El Escorial (Spain
