171 research outputs found
Constraining dark energy
In this paper we propose a mechanism that protects theories violating a
holographic bound suggested in arXiv:1203.5476 from developing accelerated
expansion. The mechanism builts on work on transplanckian physics, and a
non-trivial choice of vacuum states. If correct, it lends further support for
detectable signatures in the CMBR signalling new physics.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0606474.
Minor misprints correcte
A remark on alpha vacua for quantum field theories on de Sitter space
It is shown that the so-called -vacua which have been proposed as
candidates for states of free quantum fields on de Sitter space have infinitely
strong fluctuations for typical observables as averaged renormalized energy
momentum tensor
The stringy nature of the 2d type-0A black hole
We investigate the thermodynamics of the RR charged two-dimensional type-0A
black hole background at finite temperature, and compare with known 0A matrix
model results. It has been claimed that there is a disagreement for the free
energy between the spacetime and the dual matrix model. Here we find that this
discrepancy is sensitive to how the cutoff is implemented on the spacetime
side. In particular, the disagreement is resolved once we put the cutoff at a
fixed distance away from the horizon, as opposed to a fixed position in space.
Furthermore, the mass and the entropy of the black hole itself add up to an
analytic contribution to the free energy, which is precisely reproduced by the
0A matrix model. We also use results from the 0A matrix model to predict the
next to leading order contribution to the entropy of the black hole. Finally,
we note that the black hole is characterized by a Hagedorn growth in its
density of states below the Hagedorn temperature. This, together with other
results, suggests there is a phase transition at this temperature.Comment: 1+21 pages; v2: Substantial changes in the body of the paper, main
results the same. Clarified discussion on the thermodynamics, added section
on a phase transition, references added. v3: Typos corrected. v4: Final
version, to appear in JHE
Non-Relativistic Superstrings: A New Soluble Sector of AdS_5xS^5
We find a new sector of string theory in AdS_5xS^5 describing
non-relativistic superstrings in that geometry. The worldsheet theory of
non-relativistic strings in AdS_5xS^5 is derived and shown to reduce to a
supersymmetric free field theory in AdS_2. Non-relativistic string theory
provides a new calculable setting in which to study holography.Comment: 29 pages, LATEX forma
On Thermalization in de Sitter Space
We discuss thermalization in de Sitter space and argue, from two different
points of view, that the typical time needed for thermalization is of order
, where is the radius of the de Sitter space in question.
This time scale gives plenty of room for non-thermal deviations to survive
during long periods of inflation. We also speculate in more general terms on
the meaning of the time scale for finite quantum systems inside isolated boxes,
and comment on the relation to the Poincar\'{e} recurrence time.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, latex, references added. Improved discussion in
section 3 adde
Stability of flux vacua in the presence of charged black holes
In this letter we consider a charged black hole in a flux compactification of
type IIB string theory. Both the black hole and the fluxes will induce
potentials for the complex structure moduli. We choose the compact dimensions
to be described locally by a deformed conifold, creating a large hierarchy. We
demonstrate that the presence of a black hole typically will not change the
minimum of the moduli potential in a substantial way. However, we also point
out a couple of possible loop-holes, which in some cases could lead to
interesting physical consequences such as changes in the hierarchy.Comment: 14 pages. Published versio
Brane Dualities in Non-relativistic Limit
We analyze brane dualities in the non-relativistic limit of the worldvolume
actions. In particular we have analyzed how the non-relativistic M2-brane is
related via these dualities to non-relativistic D2-brane, non-relativistic IIA
fundamental string and also, by using T-duality, to non-relativistic D1-string.
These actions coincide with ones obtained from relativistic actions by taking
non-relativistic limit, showing that the non-relativistic limit and the
dualities commute in these cases.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur
Squeezed States in the de Sitter Vacuum
We discuss the treatment of squeezed states as excitations in the Euclidean
vacuum of de Sitter space. A comparison with the treatment of these states as
candidate no-particle states, or alpha-vacua, shows important differences
already in the free theory. At the interacting level alpha-vacua are
inconsistent, but squeezed state excitations seem perfectly acceptable. Indeed,
matrix elements can be renormalized in the excited states using precisely the
standard local counterterms of the Euclidean vacuum. Implications for
inflationary scenarios in cosmology are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. One new citation in version 3; no other change
Effects of Nonlinear Dispersion Relations on Non-Gaussianities
We investigate the effect of non-linear dispersion relations on the
bispectrum. In particular, we study the case were the modified relations do not
violate the WKB condition at early times, focusing on a particular example
which is exactly solvable: the Jacobson-Corley dispersion relation with quartic
correction with positive coefficient to the squared linear relation. We find
that the corrections to the standard result for the bispectrum are suppressed
by a factor where is the scale where the modification
to the dispersion relation becomes relevant. The modification is {\it mildly}
configuration-dependent and equilateral configurations are more suppressed with
respect to the local ones, by a factor of one percent. There is no
configuration leading to enhancements. We then analyze the results in the
framework of particle creation using the approximate gluing method of
Brandenberger and Martin, which relates more directly to the modeling of the
trans-Planckian physics via modifications of the vacuum at a certain cutoff
scale. We show that the gluing method overestimates the leading order
correction to the spectrum and bispectrum by one and two orders, respectively,
in . We discuss the various approximation and conclude that for
dispersion relations not violating WKB at early times the particle creation is
small and does not lead to enhanced contributions to the bispectrum. We also
show that in many cases enhancements do not occur when modeling the
trans-Planckian physics via modifications of the vacuum at a certain cutoff
scale. Most notably they are only of order O(1) when the Bogolyubov
coefficients accounting for particle creation are determined by the Wronskian
condition and the minimization of the uncertainty between the field and its
conjugate momentum.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: references update
Observing the Structure of the Landscape with the CMB Experiments
Assuming that inflation happened through a series of tunneling in the string
theory landscape, it is argued that one can determine the structure of vacua
using precise measurements of the scalar spectral index and tensor
perturbations at large scales. It is shown that for a vacuum structure where
the energy gap between the minima is constant, i.e. , one
obtains the scalar spectral index, , to be , for the modes
that exit the horizon 60 e-folds before the end of inflation. Alternatively,
for a vacuum structure in which the energy gap increases linearly with the
vacuum index, i.e. , turns out to be
. Both these two models are motivated within the string theory
landscape using flux-compactification and their predictions for scalar spectral
index are compatible with WMAP results. For both these two models, the results
for the scalar spectral index turn out to be independent of . Nonetheless,
assuming that inflation started at Planckian energies and that there had been
successful thermalization at each step, one can constrain and in these two models,
respectively. Violation of the single-field consistency relation between the
tensor and scalar spectra is another prediction of chain inflation models. This
corresponds to having a smaller tensor/scalar ratio at large scales in
comparison with the slow-roll counterparts. Similar to slow-roll inflation, it
is argued that one can reconstruct the vacuum structure using the CMB
experiments.Comment: v1: 8 pages, 2 figures; v2: grammatical typos corrected, results
unchanged v3: To be published in JCA
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