21 research outputs found

    An efficient fuzzy extractor for limited noise

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    A fuzzy extractor is a security primitive that allows for reproducible extraction of an almost uniform key from a noisy non-uniform source. We analyze a fuzzy extractor scheme that uses universal hash functions for both information reconciliation and privacy ampli??cation. This is a useful scheme when the number of error patterns likely to occur is limited, regardless of the error probabilities. We derive a sharp bound on the uniformity of the extracted key, making use of the concatenation property of universal hash functions and a recent tight formulation of the leftover hash lemma. We show that using almost universal hash functions instead of universal leads only to a small penalty in the number of extracted key bits, while giving a large reduction of the storage requirements

    Computationally secure authentication with noisy data

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    In this chapter we discuss authentication techniques involving data such as biometrics, which are assumed to be typical (essentially unique) for a particular person (or physical object). The data are captured by a sensor or measuring device, which is an imperfect process introducing some noise. Upon enrollment of a user, a sample of the noisy data is captured and stored as a template. Later, during authentication, another sample of the noisy data is captured and matched against the stored template

    On the amount of entropy in PUFs

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    \u3cp\u3eThe aim of this chapter is to provide an information-theoretic framework for the analysis of physical unclonable function (PUF) security. We set up this framework and then apply it to optical PUFs and coating PUFs. From the description of PUFs in Chapter 1 some obvious questions arise in the context of the security primitives discussed in Part I.\u3c/p\u3

    A data carrier having security mark and apparatus for handling such data carrier

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    The present invention relates to a data carrier (1) having a security mark (2) in which a code is embedded, which security mark is of an optical type. For instance, the mark is of the POWF (Physical One Way Functions) type which gives a speckle pattern for a specific light. From this speckle pattern it is possible to determine a code from which it is possible to get an authentication mark or a decrypting key. In an alternative, it is possible to use a hologram from which a key or authentication mark can be derived by using a unique spatial modulation filter at the level of the analysis of the security mark

    Robust key extraction from physical uncloneable functions

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    Physical Uncloneable Functions (PUFs) can be used as a cost-effective means to store key material in an uncloneable way. Due to the fact that the key material is obtained by performing measurements on a physical system, noise is inevitably present in each readout. In this paper we present a number of methods that improve the robustness of bit-string extraction from noisy PUF measurements in general, and in particular for optical PUFs. We describe a practical implementation in the case of optical PUFs and show experimental results


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    \u3cp\u3eOver the past decades a large range of security primitives has been developed to protect digital information. These primitives have solved many traditional security problems and achieved a high level of sophistication. Their security properties are well understood. An intrinsic property, vital for secure operation, is that they are extremely sensitive to small variations in their input.\u3c/p\u3

    Generic security proof of quantum key exchange using squeezed states

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    Quantum information theoretical analysis of various constructions for quantum secret sharing

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    Quantum information theoretical analysis of various constructions for quantum secret sharing

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    Recently, an information theoretical model for quantum secret sharing (QSS) schemes was introduced. By using this model, we prove that pure state quantum threshold schemes (QTS) can be constructed from quantum MDS codes and vice versa. In particular, we consider stabilizer codes and give a constructive proof of their relation with QTS. Furthermore, we reformulate the monotone span program (MSP) construction according to the information theoretical model and check the recoverability and secrecy requirement. Finally, we consider QSS schemes which are based on quantum teleportatio

    Method and apparatus for information carrier authentication

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    The present invention relates to a method of enabling authentication of an information carrier, the information carrier comprising a writeable part and a physical token arranged to supply a response upon receiving a challenge, the method comprising the following steps; applying a first challenge to the physical token resulting in a first response, and detecting the first response of the physical token resulting in a detected first response data, the method being characterized in that it further comprises the following steps; forming a first authentication data based on information derived from the detected first response data, signing the first authentication data, and writing the signed authentication data in the writeable part of the information carrier. The invention further relates to a method of authentication of an information carrier, as well as to devices for both enabling authentication as well as authentication of an information carrier