3 research outputs found

    La dimensi?n matem?tica en educaci?n intercultural biling?e : educaci?n matem?tica y diversidad.

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    En Am?rica Latina existen m?s de 600 pueblos originarios y grupos minoritarios, marginados hist?ricamente por los sistemas educativos y la pol?tica social, que obtienen resultados menos exitosos en los logros de aprendizaje en matem?ticas. Para fomentar la equidad en la educaci?n y la pertinencia de los procesos de aprendizaje y ense?anza, es necesario incorporar en ellos la riqueza y diversidad cultural de los pueblos. De all? la importancia de desarrollar la Educaci?n Intercultural Biling?e y dise?ar procesos de aprendizaje que utilicen los conocimientos matem?ticos locales. El Grupo de Trabajo pretende dar a conocer la situaci?n de la EIB en Ecuador, Chile y Per?, as? como el biling?ismo de los sordos en Brasil, desarrollando aspectos de su dimensi?n matem?tica y proponiendo alternativas que contribuyan a solucionar la problem?tica planteada.In Latin America, there are more than six hundred indigenous peoples and minority groups, historically marginalized by the educational systems and the social policy, who obtain less successful results in mathematics learning achievement. To foster the education equality as well as the appropriateness of the teaching and learning processes, it is necessary that they include the peoples? cultural richness and diversity. Hence, it is important to develop Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) and to design learning processes that use local mathematical knowledge. This Working Team seeks to show the situation of the IBE in Ecuador, Chile and Peru, as well as the bilingualism of the deaf in Brazil by developing aspects of the mathematical dimension and proposing alternatives that contribute to the solution of this issue

    A study of mathematical, intercultural and bilingual education in South America : an ethnomathematical perspective.

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    La diversidad es inherente a la condici?n humana. En Am?rica del Sur se manifiesta en la existencia de m?s de 600 pueblos ind?genas y otros grupos culturales minoritarios, marginados hist?ricamente por los sistemas educativos y la pol?tica social, que, como consecuencia de ese abandono, obtienen los peores resultados en logros de aprendizaje en matem?ticas. Sobre esta realidad se edific? esta investigaci?n con el objetivo de conocer, primero, la situaci?n de la dimensi?n matem?tica en Educaci?n Intercultural Biling?e (EIB) y la Educaci?n Matem?tica de algunos grupos culturales en pa?ses latinoamericanos como Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, Per?, y Venezuela y, posteriormente, proponer alternativas que contribuyan a solucionar la problem?tica relacionada con el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje en matem?ticas en estudiantes biling?es.Diversity is inherent in the human condition. In South America, diversity is manifested in the existence of more than 600 indigenous peoples and other minority cultural groups who are historically marginalized by educational systems and social policies in which, as a consequence of that abandonment, obtain the worst results in learning achievements in mathematics. The objective of this article is, first, to understand the situation of the mathematical dimension in Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) and the mathematics education of some cultural groups in Latin American countries, such as, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela and, later, propose alternatives that may contribute to solving entrenched problems related to the process of teaching and learning processes in the mathematics of diverse bilingual students

    Ethnomathematics and bilingual intercultural education in Latin America.

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    La mayor?a de los Estados Latinoamericanos ha asumido dentro de sus pol?ticas p?blicas a la Educaci?n Intercultural Biling?e (EIB), modelo que tiene como finalidad formar a los escolares de los pueblos originarios y grupos sociales minoritarios, en el contexto de dos culturas distintas. Inicialmente, la EIB solo se orient? a la formaci?n en comunicaci?n ling??stica desde una perspectiva intercultural. En la actualidad, el ?mbito de acci?n aborda tambi?n la formaci?n escolar intercultural en el ?rea de ciencias, y dentro de ellas, las matem?ticas. El ejercicio del derecho a la Educaci?n Matem?tica de los pueblos originarios y grupos minoritarios promueve el desarrollo de la Etnomatem?tica en la EIB. El presente estudio propone conocer la pertinencia cultural de los curr?culos nacionales de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala y Per? en el ?rea de matem?ticas, tomando en cuenta las perspectivas hist?rica, social y pol?tica, demostr?ndose la necesidad de recurrir a diversas disciplinas para dar soluci?n a problemas en educaci?n matem?tica.Most Latin American states have adopted Bilingual Intercultural Education (BIE) within their public policies, which is a model that aims to educate students from indigenous peoples and minority social groups, in the context of two different cultures. Initially, the BIE only focused on the formation of linguistic communication from an intercultural perspective. Currently, we also work on intercultural school education in the area of science, and within them, in mathematics. The exercise of the right to Mathematical Education of indigenous peoples and minority groups promoted the development of Ethnomathematics in conjunction with BIE. While demonstrating the need to draw upon various disciplines to solve problems in Mathematics Education, this study aims to raise awareness of the cultural relevance of the national curricula of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru in the area of mathematics while taking into account historical, social and political perspectives