4 research outputs found

    Dysgraphia in Relation to Cognitive Performance in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Dysgraphia has been observed in patients presenting mild to moderate levels of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in several studies. In the present study, 30 AD patients and 30 matched healthy controls, originating from the Lazio region, Rome, Italy, were examined on tests of letter-writing ability and cognitive performance over a series of 10 test days that extended over 19 days (Test days: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19). Consistent deficits by the AD patients over the initial cognition test (PQ1), 2nd cognition test (PQ2) and the difference between them (D∆), expressing deterioration, and writing-time compared the group of healthy control subjects were obtained. Furthermore, the performances of the AD patients on the PQ1, D∆ and writing-time, but not the PQ2, tests deteriorated from the 1st five days of testing (Days 1-9) to the 2nd five days (11-19). Both AD patients’ and healthy controls’ MMSE scores were markedly and significantly correlated with performance of PQ1, writing-time and PQ2. The extent of dysgraphia and progressive deficits in the AD patients implicate multiple brain regions in the loss of functional integrity

    Hashish e principio attivo: considerazioni medico-legali su una casistica

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    Riassunto L’hashish Ăš una sostanza stupefacente psicotropa che deriva dalla pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Cannabaceae della specie Cannabis sativa. Le proprietĂ  farmacologiche della Cannabis sativa sono dovute al suo composto principale, il delta9-tetraidrocannabinolo (THC), che agisce sui neuroni dopaminergici e provoca effetti psicoattivi. L’hashish si ricava dalla resina estratta dalle foglie della pianta e contiene il THC in una percentuale che va dal 6 al 15%. I campioni di stupefacente analizzati presso il laboratorio dell’Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Lazio (ARPALazio) nel triennio 2007-2009 e risultati positivi per hashish sono stati il 54,10% dell’intera attivitĂ  di laboratorio inerente agli stupefacenti eseguita dall’ARPA Lazio. La quantitĂ  di principio attivo Ăš tra il 6 e l’8% per il triennio 2007-2009. I casi in cui Ăš stato superato il limite di 500 mg, fissato dal Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990 n. 309 e relativo al possesso per uso personale depenalizzato, sono stati il 5,81%. Tale percentuale non conferma l’esistenza di grossi traffici internazionali, piuttosto di “piccoli spacciatori e/o consumatori”. Questo si spiega considerando che, se la quota di THC Ăš sempre bassa, saranno pochi anche i casi eccedenti il limite consentito. Inoltre, se la quantitĂ  di THC nel campione si aggira intorno al 6-8%, il resto del preparato Ăš costituito da altre sostanze come contaminanti, sostanze da taglio e adulteranti. Questi ultimi alterano i risultati degli esami per la droga effettuati in laboratorio, nascondendo il contenuto di THC e rimandando a tecniche piĂč sofisticate per la sua ricerca. Le haschich est un stupĂ©fiant psychotrope dĂ©rivĂ© d’une plante de la famille des Cannabaceae de l’espĂšce Cannabis sativa. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s pharmacologiques du Cannabis sativa sont dues Ă  son composĂ© principal, le delta-9-tĂ©trahydrocannabinol (THC) qui agit sur les neurones dopaminergiques et provoque des effets psychoactifs. Le haschich est fait Ă  partir de l’extraction d’une rĂ©sine prĂ©sente dans les feuilles de la plante et contient le THC (6-15 %). Les Ă©chantillons de stupĂ©fiant positifs au haschich analysĂ©s par le laboratoire de l’Agence RĂ©gionale de la Protection de l’Environnement du Latium (ARPALazio), entre 2007 et 2009, ont Ă©tĂ© de 54,1 % sur toute l’activitĂ© d’analyse de stupĂ©fiants faite par l’Agence. La quantitĂ© de principe actif dĂ©tectĂ©e, dans la mĂȘme pĂ©riode, a Ă©tĂ© de 6-8 %. Les cas dans lesquels le seuil de 500 mg a Ă©tĂ© franchi ont Ă©tĂ© de 5,81% (ce seuil a Ă©tĂ© fixĂ© par le DĂ©cret du PrĂ©sident de la RĂ©publique du 9 octobre 1990, n°309, relatif Ă  la possession pour l’usage personnel dĂ©pĂ©nalisĂ©). Ce pourcentage ne confirme pas l’existence de grands trafics internationaux, mais plutĂŽt la prĂ©sence de « petits dealers et/ou consommateurs ». Cette situation peut ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e considĂ©rant que, si le volume de THC est bas, les cas au-delĂ  du seuil permis seront peu nombreux. En outre, si la quantitĂ© de THC dans l’échantillon est de 6-8 %, le reste du mĂ©lange est constituĂ© d’autres substances comme les contaminants, les produits de coupage et autres substances altĂ©rantes. Ces derniers altĂšrent les rĂ©sultats des tests de laboratoire car ils cachent le THC et obligeant Ă  l’utilisation de techniques plus sofistiquĂ©es pour le dĂ©tecter. The pharmacological properties of cannabis sativa are due to its main ingredient, delta9tetrahydrocannabiol (THC) which affects dopaminergic neurons thus causing psychoactive effects. Hashish is derived from the resin extracted from the leaves of the plant and contains THC in a percentage from 6 to 15%. The drug samples analyzed at the Laboratorio della Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Lazio (ARPALazio) in a three year time 2007-2009 were hashish for 54,10% out of the whole analyze drug sampling. The amount of the main active ingredient is between 6 and 8% for the three year time analysis 2007-2009. The cases exceeding the threshold amount of 500 mg as established by the Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica of 9th October 1990 n.309 relating to the unpunishable possession for private personal use were 5,81%. This percentage does not confirm the existence of big international drug trafficking but of “small drug dealers and/or consumers”. This can be explained by considering that if the amount of THC is always low, also the cases exceeding the allowed threshold quantity will be few. Furthermore, if the amount of THC in the sample is between 6-8%, the rest of the substance is made up of other elements such as contaminants, cutting agents and adulterants which alter the laboratory test drug results by hiding the THC contents that will be traced only through more sophisticated techniques

    Hashish e principio attivo: considerazioni medico-legali su una casistica / Haschich et principe actif : considĂ©rations mĂ©dico-lĂ©gales Ă  partir d’une liste de cas / Hashish and its active ingredient: forensic-medical considerations from a case-record

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    Le haschich est un stupĂ©fiant psychotrope dĂ©rivĂ© d’une plante de la famille des Cannabaceae de l’espïżœïżœce Cannabis sativa. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s pharmacologiques du Cannabis sativa sont dues Ă  son composĂ© principal, le delta-9-tĂ©trahydrocannabinol (THC) qui agit sur les neurones dopaminergiques et provoque des effets psychoactifs. Le haschich est fait Ă  partir de l’extraction d’une rĂ©sine prĂ©sente dans les feuilles de la plante et contient le THC (6-15 %).Les Ă©chantillons de stupĂ©fiant positifs au haschich analysĂ©s par le laboratoire de l’Agence RĂ©gionale de la Protection de l’Environnement du Latium (ARPALazio), entre 2007 et 2009, ont Ă©tĂ© de 54,1 % sur toute l’activitĂ© d’analyse de stupĂ©fiants faite par l’Agence. La quantitĂ© de principe actif dĂ©tectĂ©e, dans la mĂȘme pĂ©riode, a Ă©tĂ© de 6-8 %. Les cas dans lesquels le seuil de 500 mg a Ă©tĂ© franchi ont Ă©tĂ© de 5,81% (ce seuil a Ă©tĂ© fixĂ© par le DĂ©cret du PrĂ©sident de la RĂ©publique du 9 octobre 1990, n°309, relatif Ă  la possession pour l’usage personnel dĂ©pĂ©nalisĂ©). Ce pourcentage ne confirme pas l’existence de grands trafics internationaux, mais plutĂŽt la prĂ©sence de « petits dealers et/ou consommateurs ».Cette situation peut ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e considĂ©rant que, si le volume de THC est bas, les cas au-delĂ  du seuil permis seront peu nombreux. En outre, si la quantitĂ© de THC dans l’échantillon est de 6-8 %, le reste du mĂ©lange est constituĂ© d’autres substances comme les contaminants, les produits de coupage et autres substances altĂ©rantes. Ces derniers altĂšrent les rĂ©sultats des tests de laboratoire car ils cachent le THC et obligeant Ă  l’utilisation de techniques plus sofistiquĂ©es pour le dĂ©tecter.The pharmacological properties of cannabis sativa are due to its main ingredient, delta9tetrahydrocannabiol (THC) which affects dopaminergic neurons thus causing psychoactive effects. Hashish is derived from the resin extracted from the leaves of the plant and contains THC in a percentage from 6 to 15%. The drug samples analyzed at the Laboratorio della Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Lazio (ARPALazio) in a three year time 2007-2009 were hashish for 54,10% out of the whole analyze drug sampling.The amount of the main active ingredient is between 6 and 8% for the three year time analysis 2007-2009. The cases exceeding the threshold amount of 500 mg as established by the Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica of 9th October 1990 n.309 relating to the unpunishable possession for private personal use were 5,81%. This percentage does not confirm the existence of big international drug trafficking but of “small drug dealers and/or consumers”.This can be explained by considering that if the amount of THC is always low, also the cases exceeding the allowed threshold quantity will be few. Furthermore, if the amount of THC in the sample is between 6-8%, the rest of the substance is made up of other elements such as contaminants, cutting agents and adulterants which alter the laboratory test drug results by hiding the THC contents that will be traced only through more sophisticated techniques

    Exploring the association of early life physical activity and risk of dementia: a systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: Physical activity has been included in the list of twelve modifiable risk factors for dementia, despite conflicting results from observational and controlled studies. In particular it is not clear whether physical inactivity near the time of dementia diagnosis is a consequence or cause of dementia. We review all available studies reporting the possible association between having engaged in PA before 60 years of age and the risk of dementia. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We performed a systematic review based on the methodology reported in the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews and following the PRISMA statement. Bibliographic searches were carried out on the databases PubMed, ISI Web of Science and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Further references were retrieved from published systematic reviews on the same topic. Included studies were assessed using the Newcastle Ottawa scale. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: The bibliographic search yielded 1381 records. A total of 11 studies were included. Three of the included studies were case control studies, while the remaining 8 were cohort studies The overall quality of included studies was high. However, clinical criteria for the diagnosis of dementia, criteria to define and measure and PA and time-reference of exposure were heterogeneous, with some studies considering specific age range of exposure, and other reports dealing with more generic “adult age.” CONCLUSIONS: This review suggests that there is insufficient evidence to conclude whether PA in early life may affect the incidence of dementia in later life. Studies in this field are very complicated and recognizing the impact of PA in early life given all the confounding factors is very difficult. Further studies are warranted. In these studies, it will be crucial to define the type, quantity and intensity of PA as well as to stratify analysis by sex, cultures and social classes