72 research outputs found

    GefĂ€ĂŸbiologie maligner Hirntumore

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    Das Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, WHO-Grad IV) ist ein Ă€ußerst aggressiver und stark vaskularisierter Tumor. Trotz multimodaler Therapiekonzepte mit chirurgischer Resektion, Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie haben die betroffenen Patienten eine schlechte Prognose von lediglich 9 bis 15 Monaten Überlebenszeit nach Diagnosestellung. Innovative Therapiekonzepte sind daher dringend erforderlich. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand das abnorme GefĂ€ĂŸsystem maligner Hirntumoren. Aufbauend auf einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der GefĂ€ĂŸbiologie dieser Tumoren wurden potenzielle Strategien fĂŒr Diagnostik und Therapie entwickelt und evaluiert. Progenitorzellen aus dem Knochenmark sind in vielfacher Weise an der Neoangiogenese von TumorgefĂ€ĂŸen beteiligt. Immundefizienten Ratten wurden in dieser Arbeit primĂ€re humane MSC systemisch appliziert, nachdem den Tieren zuvor ein humanes Gliom implantiert worden war. Die Rekrutierung der MSC in den Tumor wurde immunhistochemisch nachgewiesen. Die endotheliale Differenzierung der MSC konnte mit gentechnisch modifizierten MSC-Linien bestĂ€tigt werden. Diese Zellen enthielten einen Vektor mit dem Reportergen RFP (red fluorescent protein), dessen Expression unter der Kontrolle des endothelspezifischen Tie2-Promotor/Enhancer-Konstruktes steht. Darauf aufbauend wurde eine MSC-Linie etabliert, bei der statt des Reportergens RFP das Selbstmordgen HSV-TK unter der Kontrolle des Tie2-Promoters steht. Die Hypothese hierzu ist, dass nach systemischer Verabreichung dieser MSC durch Zugabe von Ganciclovir eine selektive ToxizitĂ€t auf den Tumor bewirkt wird. Zur genaueren Charakterisierung der GefĂ€ĂŸstrukturen in Hirntumoren wurde die Expression LymphgefĂ€ĂŸ-assoziierter MolekĂŒle in Gewebe unterschiedlicher Gliome untersucht. Die lymphangiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren VEGF-C,-D und ihr Rezeptor VEGFR-3 zeigten im GBM hohe Expressionswerte. Die Expression von VEGFR-3 unterschied sich signifikant von der in niedriggradigen Astrozytomen (WHO-Grad II). Podoplanin war in allen Gewebeproben des GBM sehr hoch exprimiert, in einigen Zellen zeigte sich eine Co-Lokalisation mit Prox-1. Die Expression war allerdings nicht gefĂ€ĂŸassoziiert, sondern ausschließlich auf den Tumorzellen zu finden. Eine streng endotheliale Lokalisation zeigte sich dagegen im anaplastischen Oligodendrogliom (WHO-Grad III), in dem Podoplanin mit VEGFR-3 co-exprimiert ist. Durchgehend negativ fĂŒr Podoplanin waren alle untersuchten Astrozytome (WHO-Grad II). FĂŒr weiterfĂŒhrende Untersuchungen zur Funktion von Podoplanin wurden zwei GBM-Zelllinien etabliert, die einen Podoplanin-Überexpressionsvektor stabil exprimieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit unterstreichen die zentrale Bedeutung des GefĂ€ĂŸsystems fĂŒr das GBM. Es wurde gezeigt, dass MSC effektiv aus der Peripherie in den Hirntumor rekrutiert werden und dort aktiv an der Angiogenese beteiligt sind. MSC eignen sich somit, nach genetischer Modifikation, als Vehikel fĂŒr therapeutisch wirksame Gene, mit denen das neu entstehende GefĂ€ĂŸsystem des GBM gezielt angegriffen werden kann. FĂŒr die entsprechenden in vivo-Versuche wurde bereits eine gentechnisch modifizierte MSC-Linie entwickelt und ein Therapieschema entworfen. Obwohl das Gehirn unter normalen Bedingungen kein LymphgefĂ€ĂŸsystem besitzt, wurden im Gewebe der malignen Hirntumoren in dieser Arbeit auch LymphgefĂ€ĂŸ-assoziierte MolekĂŒle nachgewiesen. Die Expression des Rezeptor-Liganden-Systems VEGFR-3/ VEGF-C,-D korreliert dabei mit dem MalignitĂ€tsgrad der Hirntumoren. Das gegensĂ€tzliche Expressionsmuster von Podoplanin könnte ein diagnostisches Kriterium darstellen, um Hirntumore mit unterschiedlichem MalignitĂ€tsgrad histopathologisch voneinander zu unterscheiden oder es könnte eine potenzielle Zielstruktur fĂŒr neue TherapieansĂ€tze darstellen. Mit den etablierten GBM-Zelllinien steht ein Zellmodell zur weiteren Analyse der noch ungeklĂ€rten Funktion des Podoplanins im GBM zur VerfĂŒgung

    Diagnostic workup for endometrioid borderline ovarian tumors (eBOT) requires histopathological evaluation of the uterus

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    BACKGROUND For young borderline ovarian tumor (BOT) patients, preservation of the uterus was incorporated as an accepted option into treatment guidelines. For the endometrioid subtype (eBOT) however, adequate histological evaluation is challenging and might be associated with synchronous endometrial disorders or misinterpreted as spread from uterine primaries. CASE PRESENTATION We report the cases of two young patients with eBOT who underwent treatment according to current guidelines. In both cases, unexpected findings of invasive uterine carcinomas were established in final histopathological evaluation. CONCLUSIONS This constellation highlights the challenging diagnostic workup of BOT and underlines that uterine curettage is indispensable for eBOT to exclude uterine primary tumors when fertility preservation is planned. Accordingly, we suggest to include this procedure into recommendations for diagnostic workup and to state the potential risk in treatment guidelines

    Beyond bevacizumab: an outlook to new anti-angiogenics for the treatment of ovarian cancer

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    In addition to the monoclonal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody bevacizumab, several alternative anti-angiogenic treatment strategies for ovarian cancer patients have been evaluated in clinical trials. Apart from targeting extracellular receptors by the antibody aflibercept or the peptibody trebananib, the multikinase inhibitors pazopanib, nintedanib, cediranib, sunitinib, and sorafenib were developed to interfere with VEGF receptors and multiple additional intracellular pathways. Nintedanib and pazopanib significantly improved progression-free survival in two positive phase III trials for first-line therapy. A reliable effect on overall survival could, however, not be observed for any anti-angiogenic first-line therapies so far. In terms of recurrent disease, two positive phase III trials revealed that trebananib and cediranib are effective anti-angiogenic agents for this indication. Patient selection and biomarker guided prediction of response seems to be a central aspect for future studies. Combining anti-angiogenics with other targeted therapies to possibly spare chemotherapy in certain constellations represents another very interesting future perspective for clinical trials. This short review gives an overview of current clinical trials for anti-angiogenic treatment strategies beyond bevacizumab. In this context, possible future perspectives combining anti-angiogenics with other targeted therapies and the need for specific biomarkers predicting response are elucidated

    Changes in gynecologic and breast cancer diagnoses during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis from a tertiary academic gyneco-oncological center in Germany

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    PURPOSE With the beginning of 2021, the world has been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic for more than 1 year. More and more, we are able to evaluate side effects of the pandemic in the healthcare sector. A negative impact on cancer diagnoses is one of them. Careful observation of trends in an academic gyneco-oncological context appears important to identify potential negative developments. METHODS We analyzed the case number of gynecologic and breast cancer diagnoses in the period from January to June 2020 compared to 2019 and during the period of the first general German lockdown (March 22nd until May 5th 2020). Patients were characterized by age, tumor type, FIGO or TNM stage and presence of symptoms at initial hospital presentation. RESULTS The frequency of newly diagnosed gynecologic and breast cancer cases from beginning of January until end of June changed by - 10% and by - 12% during the lockdown in 2020 compared to 2019. In both periods, reduction of breast cancer cases was relatively larger than decrease of gynecologic cancers. Moreover, median patient age decreased. For the first half of 2020, we found a shift towards higher tumor stages (N+/M1 or FIGO III-IV). During the lockdown period, the appearance of tumor-associated symptoms at diagnosis increased by about 12%. CONCLUSION This analysis illustrates the anticipated general decrease in diagnoses of primary cancers during the lockdown periods in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic for gynecologic and breast cancer cases

    H3K4me3 Is a Potential Mediator for Antiproliferative Effects of Calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3) in Ovarian Cancer Biology

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    Abstract Posttranslational histone modification plays an important role in tumorigenesis. Histone modification is a dynamic response of chromatin to various signals, such as the exposure to calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3). Recent studies suggested that histone modification levels could be used to predict patient outcomes in various cancers. Our study evaluated the expression level of histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) in a cohort of 156 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cases by immunohistochemical staining and analyzed its correlation to patient prognosis. The influence of 1α,25(OH)2D3 on the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells was measured by BrdU proliferation assay in vitro. We could show that higher levels of H3K4me3 were correlated with improved overall survival (median overall survival (OS) not reached vs. 37.0 months, p = 0.047) and identified H3K4me3 as a potential prognostic factor for the present cohort. Ovarian cancer cell 1α,25(OH)2D3 treatment induced H3K4me3 protein expression and exhibited antiproliferative effects. By this, the study suggests a possible impact of H3K4me3 expression on EOC progression as well as its relation to calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3) treatment. These results may serve as an explanation on how 1α,25(OH)2D3 mediates its known antiproliferative effects. In addition, they further underline the potential benefit of 1α,25(OH)2D3 supplementation in context of ovarian cancer care

    AKR1C1/2 inhibition by MPA sensitizes platinum resistant ovarian cancer towards carboplatin

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    In recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) most patients develop platinum-resistance. On molecular level the NRF2 pathway, a cellular defense mechanism against reactive oxygen species, is induced. In this study, we investigate AKR1C1/2, target of NRF2, in a well-established EOC collective by immunohistochemistry and in a panel of ovarian cancer cell lines including platinum-resistant clones. The therapeutic effect of carboplatin and MPA as monotherapy or in combination was assessed by functional assays, using OV90 and OV90cp cells. Molecular mechanisms of action of MPA were investigated by NRF2 silencing and AKR activity measurements. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that AKR1C1/2 is a key player in the development of chemoresistance and an independent indicator for short PFS (23.5 vs. 49.6 months, p = 0.013). Inhibition of AKR1C1/2 by MPA led to a concentration- and time-dependent decline of OV90 viability and to an increased response to CP in vitro. By NRF2 silencing, however, the effects of MPA treatment were reduced. Concludingly, our data suggest that a combination therapy of carboplatin and MPA might be a promising therapeutic approach to increase response rates of EOC patients, which should be explored in clinical context

    The G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER) Regulates Trimethylation of Histone H3 at Lysine 4 and Represses Migration and Proliferation of Ovarian Cancer Cells In Vitro

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    Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) is one of the most recognized epigenetic regulators of transcriptional activity representing, an epigenetic modification of Histone H3. Previous reports have suggested that the broad H3K4me3 domain can be considered as an epigenetic signature for tumor-suppressor genes in human cells. G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), a new membrane-bound estrogen receptor, acts as an inhibitor on cell growth via epigenetic regulation in breast and ovarian cancer cells. This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship of GPER and H3K4me3 in ovarian cancer tissue samples as well as in two different cell lines (Caov3 and Caov4). Silencing of GPER by a specific siRNA and two selective regulators with agonistic (G1) and antagonistic (G15) activity were applied for consecutive in vitro studies to investigate their impacts on tumor cell growth and the changes in phosphorylated ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2) and H3K4me3. We found a positive correlation between GPER and H3K4me3 expression in ovarian cancer patients. Patients overexpressing GPER as well as H3K4me3 had significantly improved overall survival. Increased H3K4me3 and p-ERK1/2 levels and attenuated cell proliferation and migration were observed in Caov3 and Caov4 cells via activation of GPER by G1. Conversely, antagonizing GPER activity by G15 resulted in opposite effects in the Caov4 cell line. In conclusion, interaction of GPER and H3K4me3 appears to be of prognostic significance for ovarian cancer patients. The results of the in vitro analyses confirm the biological rationale for their interplay and identify GPER agonists, such as G1, as a potential therapeutic approach for future investigations

    Cytoplasmic versus nuclear THR alpha expression determines survival of ovarian cancer patients

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    PURPOSE Thyroid hormone receptors (THR) have manifold functions and are involved in the carcinogenesis of several tumor types. Within this study, we aimed to investigate the expression pattern (nuclear versus cytoplasmic) of the THR alpha and its impact on patients survival in ovarian cancer (OvCa). METHODS The presence of the thyroid hormone receptors THR\textgreeka, THR\textgreeka1 and -~2 was investigated in 156 ovarian cancer samples using immunohistochemistry (IHC) using semi-quantitative immunoreactivity (IR) scores and correlated with clinical, pathological data, subtype of ovarian cancer, clinical data, staining of 20 already described OvCa marker proteins and overall survival (OS). RESULTS Among all subtypes of OvCa, clear cell carcinomas showed the highest THR\textgreeka expression. Furthermore, nuclear THR\textgreeka was associated with a reduced survival in this subtype. However, nuclear expressed THR\textgreeka1 turned out to be a positive prognosticator for all subtypes of OvCa patients. Nuclear THR\textgreeka2 is a positive prognosticator for OvCa patients of the serous subtype. In contrast, cytoplasmic expression THR\textgreeka2 was associated with a reduced OS in all subtypes of OvCa patients; while, cytoplasmic expression of THR\textgreeka1 is associated with reduced OS in mucinous OvCa patients only. In addition, THR\textgreeka expression correlates with gonadotropin receptors, steroid hormone receptors, TA-MUC1 and glycodelin. CONCLUSION Depending on nuclear or cytoplasmic expression, our study shows that THR\textgreeka and its isoforms 1 and 2 provide different prognostic information for ovarian cancer patients. Further investigations should analyze if THRs may represent new endocrine targets for the treatment of ovarian cancer

    Subcellular distribution of thyroid hormone receptor beta in ovarian cancer

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    Background: Since the most well-known function of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) relies on their ability to act as ligand-activated transcription factors, their subcellular localization has been recognized to be relevant for their biological meaning. The current study aimed to determine the prevalence and subcellular distribution of TR beta and TR beta-1 in ovarian cancer (OC). Methods: Tissue was collected from 153 patients that had undergone surgery due to OC at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Immunohistochemistry detecting TR beta and TR beta-1 was performed. Staining signals were quantified and tested for association with clinico-pathological parameters including overall survival (OS). Results: The subcellular distribution of TR beta and TR beta-1 differed among histologic subtypes, grade and FIGO stage. TR beta positivity was strongly linked to shortened overall survival (p < 0.001). Strikingly, this shortened OS was mainly attributed to those cases showing complete (p = 0.005) or incomplete shift of TR beta to the cytoplasm (p < 0.001). Significance was lost in multivariate testing. Conclusions: Cytoplasmatic localization of TR beta was associated with reduced OS, at least in univariate analysis. Since TRs have long been supposed to mainly function via the regulation of gene transcription in the nucleus, cytoplasmatic shifting might be interpreted as a regulator of their activity
