1 research outputs found

    Sacred vocal music by Ignacio Jerusalem found in the archives of the National Cathedral in Mexico City

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    This thesis analyzes and transcribes into a modern performing edition eight sacred works for solo voice and instrumental accompaniment by Ignacio Jerusalem, the chapelmaster of the National Cathedral in Mexico City from 1749 to 1769. It also places these works in historical context by examining Jerusalem's position within the evolution of Western musical style in New Spain. The following works are transcribed and analized: Responsorio Segundo del Patrocinio de Santo San Jose, Responsorio Quinto de la Concepcion de Nuestra Senora, Responsorio Segundo Para Los Matines de Santo Ildefonso, Motete I del II Nocturno, Responsorio Tercero de Segundo Nocturno, Benigne Fac, Amplius lavame in Bb, and Amplius lavame in G