752 research outputs found

    Modelling supported driving as an optimal control cycle: Framework and model characteristics

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    Driver assistance systems support drivers in operating vehicles in a safe, comfortable and efficient way, and thus may induce changes in traffic flow characteristics. This paper puts forward a receding horizon control framework to model driver assistance and cooperative systems. The accelerations of automated vehicles are controlled to optimise a cost function, assuming other vehicles driving at stationary conditions over a prediction horizon. The flexibility of the framework is demonstrated with controller design of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Cooperative ACC (C-ACC) systems. The proposed ACC and C-ACC model characteristics are investigated analytically, with focus on equilibrium solutions and stability properties. The proposed ACC model produces plausible human car-following behaviour and is unconditionally locally stable. By careful tuning of parameters, the ACC model generates similar stability characteristics as human driver models. The proposed C-ACC model results in convective downstream and absolute string instability, but not convective upstream string instability observed in human-driven traffic and in the ACC model. The control framework and analytical results provide insights into the influences of ACC and C-ACC systems on traffic flow operations.Comment: Submitted to Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologie

    Memory effects in microscopic traffic models and wide scattering in flow-density data

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    By means of microscopic simulations we show that non-instantaneous adaptation of the driving behaviour to the traffic situation together with the conventional measurement method of flow-density data can explain the observed inverse-λ\lambda shape and the wide scattering of flow-density data in ``synchronized'' congested traffic. We model a memory effect in the response of drivers to the traffic situation for a wide class of car-following models by introducing a new dynamical variable describing the adaptation of drivers to the surrounding traffic situation during the past few minutes (``subjective level of service'') and couple this internal state to parameters of the underlying model that are related to the driving style. % For illustration, we use the intelligent-driver model (IDM) as underlying model, characterize the level of service solely by the velocity and couple the internal variable to the IDM parameter ``netto time gap'', modelling an increase of the time gap in congested traffic (``frustration effect''), that is supported by single-vehicle data. % We simulate open systems with a bottleneck and obtain flow-density data by implementing ``virtual detectors''. Both the shape, relative size and apparent ``stochasticity'' of the region of the scattered data points agree nearly quantitatively with empirical data. Wide scattering is even observed for identical vehicles, although the proposed model is a time-continuous, deterministic, single-lane car-following model with a unique fundamental diagram.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    The statistical properties of the city transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and Random matrix ensembles

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    We analyze statistical properties of the city bus transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and show that the bus arrivals display probability distributions conforming those given by the Unitary Ensemble of random matrices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Calibrating Car-Following Models using Trajectory Data: Methodological Study

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    The car-following behavior of individual drivers in real city traffic is studied on the basis of (publicly available) trajectory datasets recorded by a vehicle equipped with an radar sensor. By means of a nonlinear optimization procedure based on a genetic algorithm, we calibrate the Intelligent Driver Model and the Velocity Difference Model by minimizing the deviations between the observed driving dynamics and the simulated trajectory when following the same leading vehicle. The reliability and robustness of the nonlinear fits are assessed by applying different optimization criteria, i.e., different measures for the deviations between two trajectories. The obtained errors are in the range between~11% and~29% which is consistent with typical error ranges obtained in previous studies. In addition, we found that the calibrated parameter values of the Velocity Difference Model strongly depend on the optimization criterion, while the Intelligent Driver Model is more robust in this respect. By applying an explicit delay to the model input, we investigated the influence of a reaction time. Remarkably, we found a negligible influence of the reaction time indicating that drivers compensate for their reaction time by anticipation. Furthermore, the parameter sets calibrated to a certain trajectory are applied to the other trajectories allowing for model validation. The results indicate that ``intra-driver variability'' rather than ``inter-driver variability'' accounts for a large part of the calibration errors. The results are used to suggest some criteria towards a benchmarking of car-following models

    Interpreting the Wide Scattering of Synchronized Traffic Data by Time Gap Statistics

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    Based on the statistical evaluation of experimental single-vehicle data, we propose a quantitative interpretation of the erratic scattering of flow-density data in synchronized traffic flows. A correlation analysis suggests that the dynamical flow-density data are well compatible with the so-called jam line characterizing fully developed traffic jams, if one takes into account the variation of their propagation speed due to the large variation of the netto time gaps (the inhomogeneity of traffic flow). The form of the time gap distribution depends not only on the density, but also on the measurement cross section: The most probable netto time gap in congested traffic flow upstream of a bottleneck is significantly increased compared to uncongested freeway sections. Moreover, we identify different power-law scaling laws for the relative variance of netto time gaps as a function of the sampling size. While the exponent is -1 in free traffic corresponding to statistically independent time gaps, the exponent is about -2/3 in congested traffic flow because of correlations between queued vehicles.Comment: For related publications see http://www.helbing.or

    Direct observation of twist mode in electroconvection in I52

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    I report on the direct observation of a uniform twist mode of the director field in electroconvection in I52. Recent theoretical work suggests that such a uniform twist mode of the director field is responsible for a number of secondary bifurcations in both electroconvection and thermal convection in nematics. I show here evidence that the proposed mechanisms are consistent with being the source of the previously reported SO2 state of electroconvection in I52. The same mechanisms also contribute to a tertiary Hopf bifurcation that I observe in electroconvection in I52. There are quantitative differences between the experiment and calculations that only include the twist mode. These differences suggest that a complete description must include effects described by the weak-electrolyte model of electroconvection

    Towards a Macroscopic Modelling of the Complexity in Traffic Flow

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    We present a macroscopic traffic flow model that extends existing fluid-like models by an additional term containing the second derivative of the safe velocity. Two qualitatively different shapes of the safe velocity are explored: a conventional Fermi-type function and a function exhibiting a plateau at intermediate densities. The suggested model shows an extremely rich dynamical behaviour and shows many features found in real-world traffic data.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Estimating Acceleration and Lane-Changing Dynamics Based on NGSIM Trajectory Data

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    The NGSIM trajectory data sets provide longitudinal and lateral positional information for all vehicles in certain spatiotemporal regions. Velocity and acceleration information cannot be extracted directly since the noise in the NGSIM positional information is greatly increased by the necessary numerical differentiations. We propose a smoothing algorithm for positions, velocities and accelerations that can also be applied near the boundaries. The smoothing time interval is estimated based on velocity time series and the variance of the processed acceleration time series. The velocity information obtained in this way is then applied to calculate the density function of the two-dimensional distribution of velocity and inverse distance, and the density of the distribution corresponding to the ``microscopic'' fundamental diagram. Furthermore, it is used to calculate the distributions of time gaps and times-to-collision, conditioned to several ranges of velocities and velocity differences. By simulating virtual stationary detectors we show that the probability for critical values of the times-to-collision is greatly underestimated when estimated from single-vehicle data of stationary detectors. Finally, we investigate the lane-changing process and formulate a quantitative criterion for the duration of lane changes that is based on the trajectory density in normalized coordinates. Remarkably, there is a very noisy but significant velocity advantage in favor of the targeted lane that decreases immediately before the change due to anticipatory accelerations

    Autonomous detection and anticipation of jam fronts from messages propagated by inter-vehicle communication

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    In this paper, a minimalist, completely distributed freeway traffic information system is introduced. It involves an autonomous, vehicle-based jam front detection, the information transmission via inter-vehicle communication, and the forecast of the spatial position of jam fronts by reconstructing the spatiotemporal traffic situation based on the transmitted information. The whole system is simulated with an integrated traffic simulator, that is based on a realistic microscopic traffic model for longitudinal movements and lane changes. The function of its communication module has been explicitly validated by comparing the simulation results with analytical calculations. By means of simulations, we show that the algorithms for a congestion-front recognition, message transmission, and processing predict reliably the existence and position of jam fronts for vehicle equipment rates as low as 3%. A reliable mode of operation already for small market penetrations is crucial for the successful introduction of inter-vehicle communication. The short-term prediction of jam fronts is not only useful for the driver, but is essential for enhancing road safety and road capacity by intelligent adaptive cruise control systems.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 200

    Long-lived states in synchronized traffic flow. Empirical prompt and dynamical trap model

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    The present paper proposes a novel interpretation of the widely scattered states (called synchronized traffic) stimulated by Kerner's hypotheses about the existence of a multitude of metastable states in the fundamental diagram. Using single vehicle data collected at the German highway A1, temporal velocity patterns have been analyzed to show a collection of certain fragments with approximately constant velocities and sharp jumps between them. The particular velocity values in these fragments vary in a wide range. In contrast, the flow rate is more or less constant because its fluctuations are mainly due to the discreteness of traffic flow. Subsequently, we develop a model for synchronized traffic that can explain these characteristics. Following previous work (I.A.Lubashevsky, R.Mahnke, Phys. Rev. E v. 62, p. 6082, 2000) the vehicle flow is specified by car density, mean velocity, and additional order parameters hh and aa that are due to the many-particle effects of the vehicle interaction. The parameter hh describes the multilane correlations in the vehicle motion. Together with the car density it determines directly the mean velocity. The parameter aa, in contrast, controls the evolution of hh only. The model assumes that aa fluctuates randomly around the value corresponding to the car configuration optimal for lane changing. When it deviates from this value the lane change is depressed for all cars forming a local cluster. Since exactly the overtaking manoeuvres of these cars cause the order parameter aa to vary, the evolution of the car arrangement becomes frozen for a certain time. In other words, the evolution equations form certain dynamical traps responsible for the long-time correlations in the synchronized mode.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, RevTeX
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