9 research outputs found

    The Writers, Readers, and Erasers in Redox Regulation of GAPDH.

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    Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a key glycolytic enzyme, which is crucial for the breakdown of glucose to provide cellular energy. Over the past decade, GAPDH has been reported to be one of the most prominent cellular targets of post-translational modifications (PTMs), which divert GAPDH toward different non-glycolytic functions. Hence, it is termed a moonlighting protein. During metabolic and oxidative stress, GAPDH is a target of different oxidative PTMs (oxPTM), e.g., sulfenylation, S-thiolation, nitrosylation, and sulfhydration. These modifications alter the enzyme's conformation, subcellular localization, and regulatory interactions with downstream partners, which impact its glycolytic and non-glycolytic functions. In this review, we discuss the redox regulation of GAPDH by different redox writers, which introduce the oxPTM code on GAPDH to instruct a redox response; the GAPDH readers, which decipher the oxPTM code through regulatory interactions and coordinate cellular response via the formation of multi-enzyme signaling complexes; and the redox erasers, which are the reducing systems that regenerate the GAPDH catalytic activity. Human pathologies associated with the oxidation-induced dysregulation of GAPDH are also discussed, featuring the importance of the redox regulation of GAPDH in neurodegeneration and metabolic disorders

    Methionine sulfoxide reductase B from Corynebacterium diphtheriae catalyzes sulfoxide reduction via an intramolecular disulfide cascade

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    Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a human pathogen that causes diphtheria. In response to immune system–induced oxidative stress, C. diphtheriae expresses antioxidant enzymes, among which are methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) enzymes, which are critical for bacterial survival in the face of oxidative stress. Although some aspects of the catalytic mechanism of the Msr enzymes have been reported, several details still await full elucidation. Here, we solved the solution structure of C. diphtheriae MsrB (Cd-MsrB) and unraveled its catalytic and oxidation-protection mechanisms. Cd-MsrB catalyzes methionine sulfoxide reduction involving three redox-active cysteines. Using NMR heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra, kinetics, biochemical assays, and MS analyses, we show that the conserved nucleophilic residue Cys122 is S-sulfenylated after substrate reduction, which is then resolved by a conserved cysteine, Cys66, or by the non-conserved residue Cys127. We noted that the overall structural changes during the disulfide cascade expose the Cys122–Cys66 disulfide to recycling through thioredoxin (Trx). In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, Cd-MsrB formed reversible intra- and intermolecular disulfides without losing its Cys-coordinated Zn2+, and only the non-conserved Cys127 reacted with the low-molecular-weight (LMW) thiol mycothiol, protecting it from overoxidation. In summary, our structure–function analyses reveal critical details of the Cd-MsrB catalytic mechanism, including a major structural rearrangement that primes the Cys122–Cys66 disulfide for Trx reduction and a reversible protection against excessive oxidation of the catalytic cysteines in Cd-MsrB through intra- and intermolecular disulfide formation and S-mycothiolation

    Regulation of the CoA Biosynthetic Complex Assembly in Mammalian Cells

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    Coenzyme A (CoA) is an essential cofactor present in all living cells. Under physiological conditions, CoA mainly functions to generate metabolically active CoA thioesters, which are indispensable for cellular metabolism, the regulation of gene expression, and the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters. When cells are exposed to oxidative or metabolic stress, CoA acts as an important cellular antioxidant that protects protein thiols from overoxidation, and this function is mediated by protein CoAlation. CoA and its derivatives are strictly maintained at levels controlled by nutrients, hormones, metabolites, and cellular stresses. Dysregulation of their biosynthesis and homeostasis has deleterious consequences and has been noted in a range of pathological conditions, including cancer, diabetes, Reye’s syndrome, cardiac hypertrophy, and neurodegeneration. The biochemistry of CoA biosynthesis, which involves five enzymatic steps, has been extensively studied. However, the existence of a CoA biosynthetic complex and the mode of its regulation in mammalian cells are unknown. In this study, we report the assembly of all five enzymes that drive CoA biosynthesis, in HEK293/Pank1β and A549 cells, using the in situ proximity ligation assay. Furthermore, we show that the association of CoA biosynthetic enzymes is strongly upregulated in response to serum starvation and oxidative stress, whereas insulin and growth factor signaling downregulate their assembly

    Extensive Anti-CoA Immunostaining in Alzheimer’s Disease and Covalent Modification of Tau by a Key Cellular Metabolite Coenzyme A

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, accounting for at least two-thirds of dementia cases. A combination of genetic, epigenetic and environmental triggers is widely accepted to be responsible for the onset and development of AD. Accumulating evidence shows that oxidative stress and dysregulation of energy metabolism play an important role in AD pathogenesis, leading to neuronal dysfunction and death. Redox-induced protein modifications have been reported in the brain of AD patients, indicating excessive oxidative damage. Coenzyme A (CoA) is essential for diverse metabolic pathways, regulation of gene expression and biosynthesis of neurotransmitters. Dysregulation of CoA biosynthesis in animal models and inborn mutations in human genes involved in the CoA biosynthetic pathway have been associated with neurodegeneration. Recent studies have uncovered the antioxidant function of CoA, involving covalent protein modification by this cofactor (CoAlation) in cellular response to oxidative or metabolic stress. Protein CoAlation has been shown to both modulate the activity of modified proteins and protect cysteine residues from irreversible overoxidation. In this study, immunohistochemistry analysis with highly specific anti-CoA monoclonal antibody was used to reveal protein CoAlation across numerous neurodegenerative diseases, which appeared particularly frequent in AD. Furthermore, protein CoAlation consistently co-localized with tau-positive neurofibrillary tangles, underpinning one of the key pathological hallmarks of AD. Double immunihistochemical staining with tau and CoA antibodies in AD brain tissue revealed co-localization of the two immunoreactive signals. Further, recombinant 2N3R and 2N4R tau isoforms were found to be CoAlated in vitro and the site of CoAlation mapped by mass spectrometry to conserved cysteine 322, located in the microtubule binding region. We also report the reversible H_{2}O_{2}-induced dimerization of recombinant 2N3R, which is inhibited by CoAlation. Moreover, CoAlation of transiently expressed 2N4R tau was observed in diamide-treated HEK293/Pank1β cells. Taken together, this study demonstrates for the first time extensive anti-CoA immunoreactivity in AD brain samples, which occurs in structures resembling neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads. Covalent modification of recombinant tau at cysteine 322 suggests that CoAlation may play an important role in protecting redox-sensitive tau cysteine from irreversible overoxidation and may modulate its acetyltransferase activity and functional interactions

    Hypocrates is a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor for (pseudo)hypohalous acids and their derivatives

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    The lack of tools to monitor the dynamics of (pseudo)hypohalous acids in live cells and tissues hinders a better understanding of inflammatory processes. Here we present a fluorescent genetically encoded biosensor, Hypocrates, for the visualization of (pseudo)hypohalous acids and their derivatives. Hypocrates consists of a circularly permuted yellow fluorescent protein integrated into the structure of the transcription repressor NemR from Escherichia coli. We show that Hypocrates is ratiometric, reversible, and responds to its analytes in the 106 M-1s-1 range. Solving the Hypocrates X-ray structure provided insights into its sensing mechanism, allowing determination of the spatial organization in this circularly permuted fluorescent protein-based redox probe. We exemplify its applicability by imaging hypohalous stress in bacteria phagocytosed by primary neutrophils. Finally, we demonstrate that Hypocrates can be utilized in combination with HyPerRed for the simultaneous visualization of (pseudo)hypohalous acids and hydrogen peroxide dynamics in a zebrafish tail fin injury model

    Analysis of disulphide bond linkage between CoA and protein cysteine thiols during sporulation and in spores of Bacillus species

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    Spores of Bacillus species have novel properties which allow them to lie dormant for years and then germinate under favourable conditions. In the current work, the role of a key metabolic integrator, coenzyme A (CoA), in redox regulation of growing cells and during spore formation in Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus subtilis is studied. Exposing these growing cells to oxidising agents or carbon deprivation resulted in extensive covalent protein modification by CoA (termed protein CoAlation), through disulphide bond formation between the CoA thiol group and a protein cysteine. Significant protein CoAlation was observed during sporulation of B. megaterium, and increased largely in parallel with loss of metabolism in spores. Mass spectrometric analysis identified four CoAlated proteins in B. subtilis spores as well as one CoAlated protein in growing B. megaterium cells. All five of these proteins have been identified as moderately abundant in spores. Based on these findings and published studies, protein CoAlation might be involved in facilitating establishment of spores' metabolic dormancy, and/or protecting sensitive sulfhydryl groups of spore enzymes