29 research outputs found

    Effect of pulsed high frequency energy on cutaneous blood flow

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of thermal effect from high frequency energy of three kinds on cutaneous tissue blood flow. Healthy volunteer students (n=19) received continuous and two kinds of pulsed high frequency energy on their thighs. Using a laser Doppler flowmetry, blood flow volume was measured for statistical analysis. No correlation between thickness of subcutaneous fat and rate of change of blood flow with different waveforms was found. Radiation of continuous wave increased blood flow significantly 8 minutes after the start of application. SPW and LPW also increased significantly from the end of application, and this results lasted until 15 minutes. Decrease rate of blood flow after the application with both kind of PW were less than CW. The results indicate that continuous wave increased blood flow faster and greater than pulsed one. However, increased blood flow by pulsed wave lasted longer time than which was obtained by the continuous one. Further research into combinations of pulse width and pulse repetition rates to determine whether specific conditions respond to particular setting is recommended


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    地域リハビリテーション学実習の海外研修としてオーストラリアに17名の学生を引率した。州立病院、地域デイセンター、高齢者介護・福祉施設、クイーンズランド大学エマニュエル校などを訪問見学し、研修を受けながら大学教員や施設職員と意見交換をした。理学療法士や作業療法士の教育は4年制教育に移行し、DT(Diversional Therapy)という新しい職種が興隆するなど新たな傾向を知ることが出来た。帰国後文献考察を加え、オーストラリアの過去と現状について比較・考察したので報告する


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    日本の理学療法士教育は、昭和38年に主としてアメリカ人講師によって専門学校教育として開始された. そのカリキュラムは膨大な時間と内容からなり、卒業後は即戦力として医療の一翼を担うことが求められた. その後、幾度かのカリキュラム改正がなされ、特に平成11年の大綱化によって、単位制が導入され専門学校と大学の単位の互換性が可能となった. 内容的には高齢社会に求められる理学療法に対応したカリキュラムになったと言える. 一方で、養成校の増加とともに教育の質、とりわけ教員や学生の質、臨床実習施設の確保など直面する問題点も表面化するようになった.The education for physical therapist in Japan was started by American RPT at the vocational school in 1963. The curriculum, on that time, was constituted by the huge contents and time, and it was called for that a graduate bears a medical wing as a person who can step in and be effective immediately. Then, the curriculum was revised several times after that. The biggest changed part in it was introduction of the unit system. It made the compatibility of the unit between vocational school and university possible. Also, it became the curriculum correponding to physical therapist required for an aged society in contents. On the other hand, faced problems, such as reservation of the educational quality of students and teachers, and clinical training facilities, also came to surface with the increase in cultivation schools

    Lower In-Hospital Mortality With Beta-Blocker Use at Admission in Patients With Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

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    [Background] It remains unclear whether beta‐blocker use at hospital admission is associated with better in‐hospital outcomes in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. [Methods and Results] We evaluated the factors independently associated with beta‐blocker use at admission, and the effect of beta‐blocker use at admission on in‐hospital mortality in 3817 patients with acute decompensated heart failure enrolled in the Kyoto Congestive Heart Failure registry. There were 1512 patients (39.7%) receiving, and 2305 patients (60.3%) not receiving beta‐blockers at admission for the index acute decompensated heart failure hospitalization. Factors independently associated with beta‐blocker use at admission were previous heart failure hospitalization, history of myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, and estimated glomerular filtration rate <30 mL/min per 1.73 m2. Factors independently associated with no beta‐blocker use were asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower body mass index, dementia, older age, and left ventricular ejection fraction <40%. Patients on beta‐blockers had significantly lower in‐hospital mortality rates (4.4% versus 7.6%, P<0.001). Even after adjusting for confounders, beta‐blocker use at admission remained significantly associated with lower in‐hospital mortality risk (odds ratio, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.27–0.60, P<0.001). Furthermore, beta‐blocker use at admission was significantly associated with both lower cardiovascular mortality risk and lower noncardiovascular mortality risk. The association of beta‐blocker use with lower in‐hospital mortality risk was relatively more prominent in patients receiving high dose beta‐blockers. The magnitude of the effect of beta‐blocker use was greater in patients with previous heart failure hospitalization than in patients without (P for interaction 0.04). [Conclusions] Beta‐blocker use at admission was associated with lower in‐hospital mortality in patients with acute decompensated heart failure


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    2001(平成13)年4月よりリハビリテーション学科の創設に従い、リハビリテーション総合研究所が設立され、15年余活動が続けられた。その後、リハビリテーション総合研究所のあり方について検討が加えられ、新たに2016(平成28)年12月19日にスポーツ活動相談・指導室として改組された。スポーツ活動相談・指導室の目的は、急性スポーツ傷害に対する理解を深めさせ、適切に医療機関等の受診行動を促すこと、またスポーツ傷害発生の予防と再発予防の知識を高め、具体的な対処方法を指導し、実践させること、さらにこれらの介入を継続して経過を追うことである。The purposes of this report are to introduce the foundation of Advisory Institution for Sport Activitiesattached to Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate-gakuen University, and to report over the last 3 years records.This new institution is revised from Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center which was established in 2001,belonging to Shijonawate-gakuen College.The institution is open for high school students and community in order to enable them to enjoy sport activities in safety under consultation by the staff

    高校における部活動内での傷害調査 : 四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション総合研究所の活動報告

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    四條畷学園大学内にあるリハビリテーション総合研究所ではアスリートサポート相談会(athlete support consultation以下、ASC)を実施している。ASCにおける開設当初の調査が可能であった2005年1月から2014年12月までのASCの利用者の実態について調査・検討を行った。その結果、6月と9月に相談件数が多かった。また、陸上部は下腿と足関節の相談でほぼ過半数を占め、バスケットボール部は足関節が54.1%と多かった。これに対し、水泳部は肩関節が56.1%と多い傾向であった。この結果から、春期を迎える前や長期休業に入る前に、セルフコンディショニングやトレーニングの指導を実施すること、競技特性に合わせたフィジカルチェックを実施する必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual situation of Comprehensive Rehabilitation center in Shijonawate Gakuen University. Subjects were total number of users of the center from January 2005 to December 2014. Survey items are the total number of user number, the number of users per day, belonging club, the affected body part and the medical consultation. Number of the user was greater in June and September. In addition, the affected body parts were closely related with features of the belong club. Therefore, the content of guidance for self-conditioning and training are important before spring and the long-term holiday. The physical examination for each club member will lead to the prevention of injury