132 research outputs found

    Effect of Estradiol Benzoate on the Size of Follicle and Corpus Luteum of Holstein Cows Treated with D-Cloprostenol.

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    The effect of two treatments, farms, and body  shape on the size of the follicle and  Corpus Luteum  were evaluated. D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) was used in one of the treatments; in the other,  D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) and Estradiol Ben-zoate (1 mg), were used. Two groups of 32 Holstein dairy cows each, from the Nero and Irquis farms in Cuenca, Ec-uador, were set up.  Body condition  (2.75-3.50) was considered. The calving number was 1-6; the farms,  Irquis and Nero; and animal age, 3-10 years. Ultrasound scanning was used on days 0; 3 and 7, in order to measure the  Luteumfirst, then the  dominant ovarian follicle, and finally, the Corpus Luteum.  Factor analysis of variance  was  performed. No significant differences were found for follicle size due to any factors; nor due to interaction.  Concerning luteum, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for the treatments and for the farm. The values were 0.33 cm higher for the treatment with Benzoate, and 0.36 cm,  at  Irquis, in comparison to Nero. The treatment with Benzoate, along with better husbandry at Irquis played a critical role in the appearance and evolution of the luteum

    Influence of Penile Spicules of Covies(Cavia porcellus)on their Sexual Behavior, Fertility and Sperm Quality

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    This research took place in canton Cuenca, province of Azuay, Ecuador, located on UTM 717386 x 9675751, 2 714 meters above sea level, with a mean temperature of 14°C. The study determined the influence of penile spicules on sexual behavior, fertility and sperm quality parameters in cavies (Cavia porcellus), raised on the Ecuadoran highlands. A number of 5 whole males (with penile spicules), and other 5 males with their spicules removedwere included in the study, along with 40 nulliparous females, type A, pelage type 1. The pregnancy percentage of females that copulated with extirpated males decreased 65% in relation to the control group (P<0.05). However, the sexual behavior pattern and sperm quality of the two groups in the study were similar (P>0.05). Therefore, the study concluded that extirpation of the penile spicules has effects on fertility, but not on sexual behavior and sperm quality

    Assessment of two Superovulation Protocols for Embryo Production in Holstein Cows

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    The aim of this paper was to compare the effects of two superovulation protocols (synchronization of the follicular wave (SFW), and natural estrus (NE) induction of embryos produced for transference in Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, with a body condition (BC) of 2.75-3.5; 40-60 months old; 1-2 previous gestation services, and without reproductive problems. Two superovulation protocols were applied: SFW and NE. SFW was not observed to produce more embryos than NE in the blastocysts and morula stages

    Follicle Wave and Natural Estrus Synchronization Superovulation in Holstein Cows.

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    The effects of two superovulation protocols were compared (synchronization of the follicle wave SFW and natural estrus  NE) in embryos collected from Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, body condition of 2.75  -3.5; between 40 and 60 months, with normal cycles and no breeding problems. The cows were randomly assigned to SFW treatment (n=10), and the NE treatment (n=10). The SFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progester-one plus estradiol  benzoate, on day 0, and increasing doses  of FSH for 4 days, twice a day, from  the 4th on. The im-plant was removed on the 6thday, and prostaglandin was applied. On the 8th day, insemination was made at 6 am and 6 pm. The NE group received  increasing doses of FSH twice a day, during 4 days, from the 10th day. On the 12th day prostaglandin was administered, and insemination took place on the 14th day, at 6 am and 6 pm.  The em-bryos were recovered from the two groups without surgery, 7 days after the first artificial insemination. The values of embryos for transference were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) for SFW and NE, respectively

    Fattening Commercial Zebu with Grazing and Low Supplementation on Small Farms.

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    The aim of this paper was to describe and group grazing commercial Zebu bulls, with low supplementation. Forty-four beef-producing farms from several cooperatives of credits and services were studied. Their members are private farmers from Sibanicu, Camaguey, Cuba. The farms were visited for three years,  and official records were made of each farmer for these variables: resources, animals, management, production, and economy. The main statigraph for the variables were calculated. The  average  initial weight, final weight, weight gain, and production per ha were, 202.6; 371.6; 501; and 326.2 kg, during 339.7 fattening days, respectively. The principal component  analysis (PCA) showed  a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient higher than 0.66, and a significant Bartlett  sphericity  coefficient (P < 0.01), with self-values above 1. The two groups were made using a BIETAPIC cluster analysis

    Efecto del Benzoato de Estradiol en el tamaño del folículo y cuerpo lúteo en vacas Holstein sincronizadas con D-Cloroprostenol.

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    Se evaluó el efecto de dos tratamientos,  las granjas y la condición corporal en el tamaño del folículo y cuerpo lúteo. En uno de los tratamientos se aplicó D-Cloroprostenol (150 ug) y en el otro, D-Cloroprostenol (150 ug) y Ben-zoato de Estradiol (1mg). Se formaron dos grupos de 32 vacas Holstein cada uno, pertenecientes a las granjas Nero e Irquis, en Cuenca, Ecuador. Se tomó en cuenta la condición corporal (2,75-3,50), el número de partos fue de 1-6, las granjas (Irquis y Nero) y edad de los animales (3-10 años). Se usó ecografía a 0;  3 y 7 días, así para en el primer momento medir el cuerpo lúteo, luego el folículo dominante y la última el cuerpo  lúteo. Se realizó un análisis de va-rianza factorial. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para el tamaño del folículo por efecto de ninguno de los factores ni la interacción, no así en el tamaño del cuerpo lúteo, donde se registraron diferencias s ignificativas (P < 0,05) para los tratamientos y para la granja. El valor fue superior en 0,33 cm en el tratamiento con Benzoato y de 0,36 cm en la granja Irquis respecto a Nero. La aplicación del tratamiento con Benzoato y el mejor manejo de la granja Irquis tuvieron influencia importante en la formación y desarrollo del cuerpo lúteo.Effect of Estradiol Benzoate on the Size of Follicle and Corpus Luteum of Holstein Cows, Treated with D-Cloprostenol.ABSTRACTThe effect of two treatments, farms, and body shape on the size of the follicle and Corpus Luteum, were evaluated. D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) was used in one of the treatments; in the other, D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) and Estradiol Ben-zoate (1mg), were used.  Two groups of 32 Holstein cows each,  from Nero and  Irquis farms in Cuenca, Ecuador, were set up.  Body condition  (2.75-3.50) was considered. The calving number was 1-6, the farms (Irquis and Nero), and animal age (3-10 years). Ultrasound scanning was used on days 0; 3 and 7, in order to measure the Luteum  first, then the dominating follicle, and finally, the Corpus Luteum. Factor variance analysis was performed. No significant differences were found for follicle size due to any factors; nor due to interaction. Concerning luteum, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for the treatments and for  the farm. The values were 0.33 cm higher for the treat-ment with Benzoate, and 0.36 cm, on Irquis Farm, in comparison to Nero. The treat ment with Benzoate, along with better husbandry on Irquis played a critical role in the appearance and evolution of the luteum

    Analysis of fluid velocity inside an agricultural sprayer using generalized linear mixed models

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    The fluid velocity inside the tank of agricultural sprayers is an indicator of the quality of the mixture. This study aims to formulate the best generalized linear mixed model to infer the fluid velocity inside a tank under specific operational parameters of the agitation system, such as liquid level, circuit pressures, and number of active nozzles. A complex model was developed that included operational parameters as fixed eects (FE) and the section of the tank as the random eect. The goodness of fit of the model was evaluated by considering the lowest values of Akaike''s information criteria and Bayesian information criterion, and by estimating the residual variance. The gamma distribution and log-link function enhanced the goodness of fit of the best model. The Toeplitz structure was chosen as the structure of the covariance matrix. SPSS and SAS software were used to compute the model. The analysis showed that the greatest influence on the fluid velocity was exerted by the liquid level in the tank, followed by the circuit pressure and, finally, the number of active nozzles. The development presented here could serve as a guide for formulating models to evaluate the eciency of the agitation system of agricultural sprayers

    Espículas peneanas del cobayo (Cavia porcellus), influencia sobre el comportamiento sexual, fertilidad y calidad espermática

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    La investigación se realizó en el cantón Cuenca, provincia del Azuay-Ecuador. Coordenadas UTM 717 386 x 967 5751, altura 2 714 m s.n.m., temperatura promedio de 14 °C . El estudio determinó la influencia de las espículas peneanas sobre el comportamiento sexual, la fertilidad y parámetros de calidad espermática en cobayos (Cavia porcellus) criados en el altiplano ecuatoriano. Se utilizaron 5 machos enteros (con espículas peneanas), 5 machos extirpados las espículas y 40 hembras nulíparas, conformación Tipo A y pelaje tipo 1. Se determinó que el por ciento de preñez de las hembras copuladas con machos extirpados las espículas peneanas disminuía en 65 % en relación al grupo control (P < 0,05). Sin embargo, el patrón de comportamiento sexual y la calidad espermática de los dos grupos en estudio fue similar (P > 0,05). Por lo tanto, se concluye que la extirpación de las espículas peneanas influye en la fertilidad, pero no en el comportamiento sexual y calidad espermática.Abstract This research took place in canton Cuenca, province of Azuay, Ecuador, located on UTM 717 386 x 967 5751, 2 714 meters above sea level, with a mean temperature of 14 °C . This study determined the influence of penis spicules on sexual behavior, fertility and sperm quality parameters in cavy (Cavia porcellus), raised on the Ecuadorian highlands. A number of 5 whole males (with penis spicules) were included in the study. Also, included were 5 males with their spicules removed, and 40 multiparous females, conformation type A, pelage type 1. The pregnancy percentage of females that copulated with extirpated males decreased 65 % in relation to the control group (P < 0.05). However, the sexual behavior pattern and sperm quality of the two groups in the study were similar (P > 0.05). Therefore, the study concluded that extirpation of the penis spicule has effects on fertility, but not on sexual behavior and sperm quality

    Removal of Penile Spicules of Covies (Cavia porcellus) and its Effect on Weight Gain and Aggressiveness

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    This research took place on Irquis Farm, University of Cuenca, Victoria del Portete parish, Cuenca canton, prov-ince of Anzuay, Ecuador. The effects of penile spicule extirpation on weight gain and aggressiveness, and damage caused to the carcass at the beginning of growing/fattening were studied. The study consisted of three treatments: whole animals without castration, used as controls (T1); animals with extirpation of the glans´s spicules (T2); and chemically castrated animals, using 0.5 ml of 2% alcohol with iodine, directly injected in each testicle (T3). A total of 90 animals were included, following a randomized block design with six treatments and five replicas. The diet consisted of forage mixture of 33-35% dry matter, and a commercial feed supplement administered ad libitum. A co-variance analysis (ANACOVA) was made using the initial weight as co-variable. The final weight was significantly influenced by the treatment; the Tukey´s test resulted in higher final weight in T2, followed by T1. Their behavior was significantly different from T3 (P < 0.05). In relation to aggressiveness expressed in carcass damage, no signifi-cant differences were observed, according to Chi-square test (P > 0.05)

    Market Study of Meat Processing Industry in Manabí, Ecuador

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    A meat market study was conducted in Bolivar canton, as part of this research. The population included in the study (380 persons) was taken from the total number of inhabitants of the canton (37 262). A number of questions were made about the meat market system in the city of Calceta and other areas in Bolivar canton. Supply analysis made to several other similar products available in the area explained the behavior through time. Also included in the study were national meat processing plants that sell cured meat cuts and other meat products, in general. The chain study concluded that 96 % of meat consumers preferred fresh beef from butcheries and traditional markets, though with an increasing perception to consume safer cuts with less supermarket packing. They were also more prone to buy up to 1.8 kg/week of trademark fresh beef, sausages and smoked meat. It revealed a higher inclination to develop a local university industry offering standard processed and meat products, reducing health risks due to wrong production practices at the local slaughterhouse