4,404 research outputs found

    Deployable Arches Based on Regular Polygon Geometry

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    This paper discusses a deployable-arch-structure design that is built using articulated bars, commonly called a scissor-system, and is based on the regular polygon geometry. The deployed-arch shape can be determined by inscribing regular polygon geometry in a circle. It is defined by the: a. number of bars required, b. position of the pivots, c. pivot-point distances, d. bar length, and e. open-geometry angle of the arches. The goal is a deployable half dome made up of semi-arches. Traditional arch construction depends on external structures to provide stability until the keystone is set, which then allows the supports to removed. Deployable structures avoid the need for these external supports greatly simplifying the assembly process and deployment time.Postprint (published version

    Particle Trajectories in Shallow Water Models

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    In this paper we will study particle trajectories under shallow water waves. We will examine equations such as the Korteweg-de Vries and systems dealing with Boussinesq and Euler\u27s Equations to find relationships between particles irrotational velocities. Their solutions and behavior when modeling interacting surface waves will be explored. An attempt to find approximate solutions with different parameters, such as small amplitude and long-crested waves, that will lead to new information and study will be discussed

    Two-Stage Multi-Objective Meta-Heuristics for Environmental and Cost-Optimal Energy Refurbishment at District Level

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    Energy efficiency and environmental performance optimization at the district level are following an upward trend mostly triggered by minimizing the Global Warming Potential (GWP) to 20% by 2020 and 40% by 2030 settled by the European Union (EU) compared with 1990 levels. This paper advances over the state of the art by proposing two novel multi-objective algorithms, named Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) and Multi-Objective Harmony Search (MOHS), aimed at achieving cost-effective energy refurbishment scenarios and allowing at district level the decision-making procedure. This challenge is not trivial since the optimisation process must provide feasible solutions for a simultaneous environmental and economic assessment at district scale taking into consideration highly demanding real-based constraints regarding district and buildings’ specific requirements. Consequently, in this paper, a two-stage optimization methodology is proposed in order to reduce the energy demand and fossil fuel consumption with an affordable investment cost at building level and minimize the total payback time while minimizing the GWP at district level. Aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed two-stage multi-objective approaches, this work presents simulation results at two real district case studies in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain) for which up to a 30% of reduction of GWP at district level is obtained for a Payback Time (PT) of 2–3 years.Part of this work has been developed from results obtained during the H2020 “Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for Refurbishment at District Level” (OptEEmAL) project, Grant No. 680676

    3D soft tissue effects of rapid palatal expansion

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    This retrospective cohort study investigated the effects of rapid maxillary expansion on the soft tissues using CBCTs. The sample consisted of 60 subjects: experimental group (n=30, treated with rapid maxillary expansion (RME), age:10.93 ± 2.20) and control group (n=30, age 11.43 ± 2.8). Soft tissue measurements were made using soft tissue landmarks. Paired t-test was used to compare the changes after expansion, and student t-test was used to compare the experimental and the control group. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to evaluate intra-examiner reliability. Statistically significant differences were noted when comparing the experimental to the control group in transverse and anterior posterior dimensions. Increase was noted at the bialar distance (0.90mm, p=0.0363), nostril medium left to midsagittal plane (0.75mm, p=0.0423), the angle of pronasale to nostril base right and left (1.640, p<.001), columella width (0.56mm, p=0.0272), nostril base left to midsagittal plane, (1.03mm, p=0.0207), chelion right to endocanthus right (1.57mm, p=0.0086), chelion left to endocanthus left (1.96mm, p=0.0015). Anteroposteriorly, the tip of the nose moved forward (pronasale to coronal plane (1.97mm, p=0.0018), nostril medium right to coronal plane (1.07mm, p=0.0486), alare right to coronal plane (1.67mm, p=0.0117), pronasale to nostril base left (2.24mm, p<0.001) and right (2.12mm, p<0.001). Finally comparing genders, all the measurements were significantly greater in males compared to females except for columella width. In conclusion, RME influences soft tissue changes of the face, specifically in the nasal area. The base of the nose, bialar distance and columella widened while the tip of the nose moved forward

    Bias Crime Legislation: A Constitutional Rebuttal to Sticks and Stones . . .

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    In a recent article, Susan Gellman of the Ohio bar provides perhaps the clearest and most persuasive arguments against these statutes both on constitutional and policy grounds. 5 This paper is, in many respects, a response to her arguments. It will first briefly discuss the need for bias crime legislation. It will then address the various forms of such statutes and respond to the constitutional objections of vagueness, overbreadth and infringement on free speech as set forth in Gellman\u27s article. The paper will analogize the statutes to civil rights and anti-discrimination legislation and the principles behind sentencing discretion. Finally, the paper will conclude that, with proper drafting and tailoring, the statutes can be justified by a compelling state interest

    Challenges and Opportunities in the adoption of international financial reporting standards for SMEs in Colombia

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    La internacionalización de los negocios, la economía mundial, la fuerte demanda de información, los mercados electrónicos y un sin número de factores que se han desarrollado en los últimos años, han generado la necesidad de plantear una forma de comunicación que permita estrechar relaciones comerciales entre diferentes entidades del mundo. En Colombia, el Consejo Técnico de la Contaduría Pública es el organismo encargado de plantear todos los aspectos para la guía de la implementación de la nueva normatividad, mediante la promulgación de la Ley 1314 del 2009 se establece un proceso de adopción de las NIIF (Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera) promulgadas por el Internacional Acounting Standards Board (IASB), normatividad mediante la cual se regulan los principios y normas de contabilidad e información financiera que debe ser aplicada por personas naturales y jurídicas que estén obligadas a llevar contabilidad. Con esto, se propone un nuevo “idioma” utilizado a nivel global que permite plantear un estándar en el mundo de los negocios. Para este proceso de adopción e implementación la ley estableció tres grupos y se asignaron fechas para la entrega de la información bajo la nueva normatividad. En el grupo uno se encuentra los emisores de valores y entidades de interés público, quienes aplicarán NIIF plenas; en el grupo dos están las empresas de tamaño grande y mediano y son aquellas que no cumplen con los requisitos para ser clasficadas en el grupo uno o tres, ellas aplicaran NIIF PYMES y el grupo tres serán las microempresas, quienes aplicaran un régimen simplificado de NIIF conforme al Decreto 2420 de 2015. Así pues, este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis de aspectos que van más allá de lo financiero y establecer cuáles son esos retos a los que se ven enfrentados tanto profesionales de la Contaduría Pública como empresarios, inversionistas y diferentes usuarios de la información de una compañía. Para cumplir dicho objetivo, se pretende realizar una investigación de tipo argumentativa y cualitativa que permita estudiar de forma detallada las dificultades que tienen que sortear las pequeñas y medianas empresas para la adopción de la norma. Durante el desarrollo, el ensayo explora cuatro capítulos: Proceso de implementación de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera a nivel internacional, implementación de las mismas normas para Pequeñas y medianas empresas en Colombia, Retos en la implementación de las NIIF y algunos aspectos finales.The internationalization of business, the world economy, strong demand for information, electronic markets and a number of factors that have developed in recent years, have generated the need to propose a form of communication that allows closer trade relations between different entities of the world. In Colombia, the Technical Council of the Public Accounting is the agency in charge of proposing all aspects to guide the implementation of the new regulations. The enactment of Law 1314 of 2009 establishes a process for the adoption of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) promulgated by the International Acounting Standards Board (IASB), which regulates the principles and standards of accounting and information, which must be applied by natural and legal persons who are obliged to keep accounts. With this, we propose a new "language" used globally that allows us to set a standard in the world of business. For this adoption and implementation process, the law established three groups and dates were assigned for the delivery of the information under the new regulations. In group one are the issuers of securities and public interest entities, who will apply full IFRS; In group two: large and medium-sized companies that do not qualify to belong to group one or three, apply IFRS SMEs, and group three will be small and micro-enterprises, who will also apply full IFRSs. Thus, this work was an analysis of aspects that go beyond the financial and were established through which both public accounting professionals as entrepreneurs, investors and different users of information of a company. To achieve this goal, we intend to carry out an argumentative and qualitative research that allows us to study in detail the difficulties that small and medium enterprises must overcome in order to adopt the standard. During the development, the exploratory study of four chapters: Process of implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards at an international level, implementation of the same standards for small and medium enterprises in Colombia, Challenges in the implementation of IFRS and some final aspects.Pregrad

    Entre el régimen de prima media y ahorro individual en fondo de pensiones: panorama actual del debate en Colombia sobre el reciente crecimiento de traslados y afiliaciones a Colpensiones

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónEl documento pretende generar un análisis sobre las ventajas y desventajas que se generan para el cotizante a pensión en Colombia, el trasladarse del Régimen Solidario de Prima Media con Prestación definida [RPM] al Régimen de Ahorro Individual con Solidaridad [RAIS]. Se considera que no existe un régimen mejor que otro, sino que la conveniencia de traslado depende de las condiciones precisas de cada aportante, siendo por ello que se propone analizar en el desarrollo del actual documento, las condiciones sobre las cuáles se deben fijar dichas condiciones de traslado, de tal manera que su realización permita al lector contar con unas herramientas argumentales más sólidas, en lo que corresponde a la decisión sobre el tipo de régimen que conviene elegir al trabajador colombiano. Esto, sin considerar que allí se cierre el debate, en la medida que las posiciones asumidas pueden ser a su vez objeto de una nueva reflexión y debate.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. LEVANTAMIENTO DE INFORMACIÓN 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoAbogad