15 research outputs found


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    application/pdfサスペンションから溶媒キャストにより得た高分子コンポジット試料について,高分子を予め表面に物理吸着させることで,ポリスチレン(PS)中での親水性フュームドシリカの分散性が著しく向上することが判った。また,PSと同種よりも,非相溶なポリ(2-ビニルピリジン)を吸着させた方が,PSマトリックス中でのシリカの分散性が高かった。フュームドシリカが本来有するミクロな凝集構造は高分子中に分散させても変わらなかった。カーボンブラックを粒子として用いた系では,分散媒によるサスペンション状態における安定性が,PSマトリックス中での粒子の分散状態に反映されることが判った。The dispersion of hydrophilic fumed silica in polystyrene (PS) was much improved by polymer pre-adsorption on the silica for the composite specimens produced by solvent-cast from the suspensions. The adsorption of poly (2-vinylpyridine) incompatible with PS rather than PS made the silica well dispersed in PS matrix. The inherent microstructure of fumed silica estimated as mass fractal dimension was not changed much even in the polymer matrix. When carbon black was used as solid particle, dispersion of the carbon black in PS matrix reflects its stability in a suspension state according to the characteristics of the solvents used.2012年度~2014年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書2455025

    Neutrons in soft matter

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    Neutron and synchrotron facilities, which are beyond the scale of the laboratory, and supported on a national level in countries throughout the world.  These tools for probing micro- and nano-structure research and on fast dynamics research of atomic location in materials have been key in the development of new polymer-based materials. Different from several existing professional books on neutron science, this book focuses on theory, instrumentation, an applications. The book is divided into five parts: Part 1 describes the underlying theory of neutron scattering. Part 2 des