42 research outputs found


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    Tjelesni razvoj podmlatka konja ovisi kako o nasljednim tako i o ekološkim utjecajima. Za pravilan rast podmlatka potrebno je u fazi razvoja osigurati optimalne uvjete držanja i hranidbe. Ova su istraživanja obavljena s ciljem da se utvrdi postoji li razlika u rastu pojedinih dimenzija tijela muške i ženske ždrebadi lipicanske pasmine. Istraživanja su provedena na 274 muške i 240 ženske ždrebadi u ergeli Đakovo u razdoblju od 1957-1987,godine. Mjerenja visine grebena, opsega prsa i opsega cjevanice obavljena su nakon ždrebljenja, te u dobi d 6, 12,24 i 36 mjeseci. Dobivene vrijednosti mjerenja obrađene su statistički pomoću programskog paketa "SPSS/PC" ( N i e i sur. 1 975). U svim razdobljima visina grebena bila je nešto veća kod muške nego kod ženske ždrebadi. Razlike su nešto veće kod mjerenja nakon poroda i u kasnijoj dobi. Opseg prsa nakon poroda bioje veći kod muške ždrebadi, dok je u kasnijim fazama bio nešto veći kod ženske ždrebadi. Opseg cjevanice prema očekivanju bio je veći kod muške ždrebadi u svim fazama rasta ždrebadi. Krupnije kosti bile su za 0,82-2,25% jače izražene kod muške ždrebadi. Prema istraživanjima Rastije i sur. (1993) razlike između muških i ženskih odraslih grla dolaze jače do izražaja. Na ovako ujednačeni razvoj tjelesnih mjera svakako su utjecali pravilna hranidba i način držanja kojima se u ergeli Đakovo pridaje posebna pažnja. Tome pridonosi i slobodni način držanja podmlatka u ispustima i pregonskim pašnjacima.Body growth of a horse off spring depends on hereditary and ecological influences as well. For a proper offspring growth it is necessary to provide optimum conditions of keeping and feeding during the phase of development. These investigations were carried out in order to estimate whether there was any difference in the growth of certain body measurements of male and female foals of the Lipizzaner breed. The investigations including 274 male and 240 female foals were carried out on Đakovo stud-farm from 1957 to 1987. The measurements of the withers height, chest volume and cannons volume were performed after the birth, and at the age of 6,12,24 and 36 months. The obtained values of the measurements were processed statistically by means of the programme panel "SPSS/PC" (Nie et al, 1975). At all ages the withers height was some what larger in male than in female foals. The differences were a little more evident concerning the measuring after the birth and at the older age. The chest volume was larger in male foals after the birth, whereas it was some what larger in female foals in later phases. As expected, the cannons volume was larger in male foals in all phases of foal growth. Male foals were also charchterized by significantly larger bones compared to females. According to Rastija et al (1993) differences between male and female grown-up heads are strongly expressed. Such an equalized development of body measurements is certainly influenced by a proper feeding and keeping which is taken care of on Đakovo stud-fam. This is also supported by keeping offsprings lose on enclosures and rotation pastures


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    Teškoće kod telenja ocijenjene su u tri skupine od 12511 simentalskih, 15282 smeđih i 7924 crno šarenih prvotelki. Prosječni postotak teških telenja iznosio je 3.41% za simentalske, 2.91 za smeđe i 2.08 za crno šarene krave. Ocjena uzgojne vrijednosti bikova, kako očeva teladi (direktni učinak) tako i očeva prvotelkinja (indirektni učinak) prikazan je kao: a) jednostavno odstupanje od srednje vrijednosti pasmine odnosno b) ocjena uzgojne vrijednosti po BLUP metodi gdje su isključeni sljedeći utjecaji kao utjecaji interakcije: spol teladi x godina telenja, sezona telenja i ocjenjivač. Korelacija uzgojne vrijednosti između obje metode ocjene bile su unutar granica 0,75 i 0,84. Metoda b bila je točnija od metode a. Prema LSQ metodi, h² za teškoće kod telenja je nizak i kreće se od 0,01 do 0,02.Three groups of first lactation cows, consisting of 12511 Simmental, 15282 Brown and 7924 Black and White breeds were evaluated for difficult calving. The average percentage of difficult calving was 3.41% in Simmental, 2.91% in Brown, and 2.08 in Black/White breed. The evaluation of the sires, both as fathers of calves (direct effect) and as fathers of cows (indirect effect) is show. a) as a simple deviation from the average of the breed and b) as an evaluation of the breeding value according to the BLUP method, in which the following influences are eliminated as interacting ones: sex of the calves x year of calving x season of calving x evaluator. The correlations of breeding value between the two mentioned ways of evaluation are within limits of 0.75 to 0.84. Method b proved to be more exact than method a. According to method LSQ, h² for difficult calving is low. The values found are between 0.01 and 0.02


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    Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje utjecaja područja na razvijenost hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. lstraživanja su provedena na 301 rasplodnoj kobili u devet lokaliteta sjeverozapadnog i brdskog područja Republike Hrvatske. Kako se ovdje radi o manjem tipu hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka visina grebena se kretala izmedu 139,00 i 144,96 cm. Opseg prsa bio je između 185,52 i 195,29 cm, a opseg cjevanice između 20,28 i 21,64 cm. Individualne razlike su bile znatno veće što ukazuje na nekonsolidirani rasplodni materijal. Razlike između pojedinih grupa bile su signifikantne i visoko signifikantne.The objective of these studies was to determine influence of the locality upon development of Croatian cold-blooded horse. The investigations included 301 breeding mares older than three years at nine localities of lowland and highland area of the Republic of Croatia. Since the investigated Croatian cold-blooded horse belongs to the undersized type, withers, height ranged between 139.00 and 144.84 cm. Chest volume was between 185,52 and 195.29 cm, and cannons circumference between 20,28 and 21,64 cm. Individual differences were considerably higher, which indicates the unconsolidated breeding material. Differences between mean values of highland and lowland area breeding turned out to be highly sigrificant


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    Istraživanja su provedena na PIK-u DP Belje, na stočarskoj farmi Eblin u 1991. godini. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno po 31 janje muškog i ženskog spola cigaje kao kontrolne grupe, te križanaca suffolk x cigaja i dvostrukih križanaca njemačka crnoglava x suffolk - cigaja. U istim uvjetima držanja i hranidbe križanci oba spola imali su 10-13%o veću porodnu masu tijela u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, dok je ta razlika kod dvostrukih križanaca za 11-21% u odnosu na janjad cigaje. Dnevni prirasti križanaca bili su bolji za 11-18%, a dvostrukih križanaca za 12-21% u odnosu na priraste janjadi cigaje. Razlike između srednjih vrijednosti križanaca i janjadi cigaje bile su visoko signifikantne (P<0,01). Dobivene vrijednosti naših istraživanja pokazuju veće tjelesne mase i bolje dnevne priraste kod križacana u odnosu na janjad cigaje, a time i veću proizvodnju janjećeg mesa po ovci.Die Untersuchungen sind auf der Viehfarm DP Belje PIK Eblin 1991. durchgeführt. ln die Untersuchungen werden 31 Zigaja - Lämmer weiblichen und männlichen Geschlechtes als Kontrollgruppe, dann Mischlinge Suffolk x Zigaja und deutsche schwarzköpfige x Suffolk – Zigaja eingeschlossen. Unter gleichen Haltungsbedingungen und Fütterung haten die Mischlinge beider Geschlechter grössere Körpermasse um 10-13% als die Kontrollgruppe. Dieser Unterschied war bei den doppelten Mischlingen um 15-17% grosser. Die Körpermasse der Mischlinge war im Alter von 2-4 Monaten um 10-18% grösser und bei den doppelten Mischlingen um 11-21% als bei den Zigaja- Lammern. Der Tägeszuwachs der Mischlinge war um 11-18% und der doppelten Mischlinge um 12-21% besser als bei den Zigaja - Lämmern. Die Unterschiede der Durchschnittswerte der Mischlinge und Zigaja - Lammer waren sehr signifikant (P<0,01). Die bekommenen Werte unserer Untersuchungen weisen auf grossere Korpermasse und besseren Tageszuwachs bei den Mischlingen hin und damit auch auf grössere Erzeugung von Lämmerfleisch


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    Za ova istraživanja korištene su krave- simentalske pasmine i križanke simentalske i crvene holštajn frizijske pasmine goveda. Krave križanke ostvarile su veću proizvodnju mlijeka i količinu mliječne masti, dok razlike u sadržaju mliječne masti nisu utvrđene. Nisu utvrđene ni razlike za dob kod prvog telenja, trajanje steonosti i servis perioda. Veću visinu do grebena i dubinu prsa imale su križanke. Za širinu prsa i bokova takve razlike, međutim , nisu utvrđene. Ove životinje postigle su bolju ocjenu vimena, ali ne i i ocjenu za tip i oblik.Cows of Simmental breed and Crossbreeds between the Simmental and Red Holstein- Friesian breed were used in these experiments. The Crossbreeds have achieved higher milk production, quantity of butter-fat, while the differences in butter-fat contents have not been found. The differences of the age at the first calving, gestation period and the service period have not been found, either. The Crossbreeds had larger withers height and chest depth unlike the chest and flunk width where such differences have not been found\u27 These animals achieved a better under mark, but not a better mark for the type and shape


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    Istraživanja su provedena na DP PIK Belje, na stočarskoj farmi Eblin u 1988. godini. Pokusom je obuhvaćeno 54 janjadi pasmine crgaja, 18 janjadi pasmine suffolk i 54 janjadi križanaca suffolk X cligaja. Pratile su se prirodne težine te težine janjadi od 2 i 4 mjeseca kao i dnevni prirasti po grupama. U istim uvjetima držanja križanci su postizavali veće težine i dnevne priraste 14,69-19,03%, a janad pasmine suffolk za 15,47-30,12% u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Dobivene razlike između srednjih vrijednosti kontrotne i pokusnih grupa janjadi su vrlo signifikantne (P<0,01). Rezultati naših istraživanja pokazuju da primjena industrijskog križanja ranozrelih ovnova s domaćim pasminama ovaca utječe kako na povećanje tjelesne težine, tako i na dnevne priraste, a time i na veću proizvodnju janjećeg mesa po ovci.The research was carried out on the stock farm "Eblin", Belje, in 1988. The experiment included the total of 126 lambs, 54 lambs of the cigaja breed,18 lambs of the suffolk breed and 54 lambs, hybrids of the suffoolk x cigaja. Daily growth, birth weight ,weight at 2 and 4 months, were followed. In the same keeping conditions the hybrid and suffolk lambs bigger weight and daily growth of 14,69-19,03% and 15,47-30,12%, respectively, compared to the lambs of the control group. Differences between the medium value of the control and the experimental groups are highly significant (p<0,01), The experiment results show that application of industrial crossing of earlymature rams and domestic sheep influences the increase of the body weight as well as the daily growth and the results is higher production of lamb meat