8 research outputs found

    Autochthonous sorts of vine

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    Povijest vinograda i uzgoja vinove loze u Hrvatskoj proteže se od davnina, još prije Kristova vremena. S obzirom da se Hrvatska nalazi u zoni s povoljnim uvjetima za uzgoj vinove loze te ima različite klimatske uvjete, velika je raznolikost kultivara, od kojih su neki specifični za naše područje, pa je utvrđeno da su to naše autohtone sorte. U drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, dolaskom američkih bolesti i filoksere, dolazi do propadanja vinograda, a s time i do velikog broja autohtonih sorti. To nestajanje se nastavlja i danas, ali je uzrokovano mnogim drugim razlozima među kojima su nedovoljna briga i nepostojanje nacionalne politike kojom bi se potaknula revitalizacija nekih vrijednih sorti. Najvažniji znanstveni i stručni rezultati pokazali su da se u Hrvatskoj može pronaći veliki broj autohtonih sorti (oko 130), ali su u ovom radu opisane samo neke.The history of vineyards and cultivating of grape wine in Croatia has its roots in ancient times, even B.C. Considering the fact that Croatia is in a zone with favorable conditions for cultivating wine grape, and different climatic conditions, there is a great variety of cultivars, some of which are specific for our area and they have been determined to be our autochthonous sorts. In the second part of the 19th century, with the appearance of the American diseases and phylloxera, vineyards were deteriorating and by that a large number of autochthonous sorts as well. That disappearance continues today, but it is caused by many other reasons, as an insufficient care and the inexistence of a national politics which would encourage revitalization of some valuable sorts. The most important scientific and expert results have shown that a large number of autochthonous sorts (around 130) can be found in Croatia, but this paper describes only some of them

    Diseases and faults of wine

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    Bolesti i mane vina izazivaju brojni mikroorganizmi- kvasci, plijesni ili bakterije, koji svojom životnom aktivnošću mijenjaju sastojke vina tako da kvare njihova organoleptička svojstva. Nisu svi mikroorganizmi krivi jer među njima ima i onih koji su neophodni za nastanak i normalan razvoj vina. Nepoželjnima nazivamo uzročnike bolesti i samo njima onemogućavamo prisutnost, aktivnost i opstanak u vinu. Najčešće bolesti vina su vinski cvijet, octikavost, zavrelica, manitno vrenje i sluzavost. Za razliku od bolesti, mane vina mogu biti posebno uzrokovane mikroorganizmima ili su posljedica nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika u doba dozrijevanja i berbe, a nerijetko posljedica nepažnje i neznanja. Najčešće mane vina su miris na sumporovodik, posmeđenje, crni, sivi i bijeli lom, okus po drvetu, bačvi,čepu, plijesni, peteljci ili neki drugi vinu strani okus ili miris. Prvi uvijet kvalitetne prizvodnje je zrelo i zdravo grožđe. Jednako je važna čistoća podruma, suđa i naprava, pravilna vinifikacija, promišljena upotreba sumpornog dioksida, stručna dorada i njega. Nekada bolesti i mane nije moguće liječiti; ponekad izliječena vina više ili manje izgube od svoje kakvoće pa je najbitnije da do pojave bolesti ili mane uopće ni ne dođe.Diseases and faults of wine are caused by many microorganisms – yeasts, molds or bacteria. They change the characteristics of wine by their activity in the way to spoil its organoleptic characteristics. Not all microorganisms are to be blamed for this because some of them are necessary for the production and normal development of wine. The unwanted ones are called so because they cause wine diseases, so we prevent their presence, activity and survival in wine. The most frequent wine diseases are flowers of wine, acetification, malolactic fermentation, mannite and slimy wine disease. As opposed to the diseases, faults of wine can be especially caused by microorganisms or unfavorable weather conditions at the time of maturing and grape harvesting. They also often appear as the consequence of negligence and lack of knowledge. The most frequent faults of wine are hydrogen sulfide smell, oxidative browning, black, grey and white diffraction, taste of wood, barrel, cork, mold, stalk or any other untypical taste or smell. The first condition of production of a good quality is ripe grapes. Clean basement, dishes and devices, proper vinification, cautious usage of sulphur dioxide, professional final processing and attendance are equally important. Diseases and faults sometimes can not be cured; it happens sometimes that cured wines lose somewhat of their quality, so it is most important that diseases or faults don’t happen at all