38 research outputs found

    Uticaj različitih načina gajenja paprike na debljinu perikarpa ploda

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    It has long been known that the quality of pepper has a big impact variety, environmental conditions and applied agricultural technology. The aim of this study was to determine the influence they have different ways of growing peppers on pericarp thickness, which is the main indicator of quality. To come up with an answer I see the set that included growing peppers from seedlings bare vessels, container seedlings and direct sowing. All these varieties were grown in the open field and in the greenhouse with a plastic film mulching, straw and with the use of Agri. The results of three years of research indicate that in the production of pepper seedlings obtained from the container with the thickest fruits pericarp.Odavno je poznato da na kvalitet paprike veliki uticaj ima sorta, ekološki uslovi i primenjena agrotehnika. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi koliki uticaj imaju različiti načini gajenja paprike na debljinu perikarpa, koji je osnovni pokazatelj kvaliteta. Da bi došli do odgovora postavljen ja ogled koji je uključivao gajenja paprike iz rasada golih žila, kontejnerskog rasada i direktnom setvom. Sve ove varijante gajene su na otvorenom polju i u plasteniku uz nastiranje sa folijom, slamom i uz upotrebu agrila. Rezultati trogodišnjeg istraživanja ukazuju da se pri proizvodnji paprike iz kontejnerskog rasada dobijaju plodovi sa najdebljim perikarpom

    Organska poljoprivredа u funkciji održivog razvoja ruralnih područja Republike Srpske

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    The development of organic agriculture contributes to conservation of natural resources, especially water and soil, directly influences the development of a series of complementary activities in rural areas, and most contributes to the development of rural tourism. The low level of knowledge, small plots, inadequate equipment, lack of funds for seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, poor infrastructure, distance from regional centers, unfavorable age structure and a number of other words are only part of the problem faced by farmersRazvoj organske poljoprivrede doprinosi očuvanju prirodnih resursa, posebno vode i zemljišta, direktno utiče na razvoj niza dopunskih djelatnosti u ruralnim područjima, a najviše doprinosi razvoju ruralnog turizma. Nizak nivo znanja, male parcele, neadekvatna mehanizacija, nedostatak sredstava za sjeme, rasad, mineralna đubriva, loša infrastruktura, udaljenost od regionalnih centara, nepovoljna starosna struktura i niz drugih činjenica samo su dio problema sa kojima se susreću poljoprivrednici

    Suzbijanje korova u organskoj poljoprivredi

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    Organic agriculture as a production system based on ecological production, soil biological activity, biodiversity conservation and use of natural substances and processes is the only certified food production in Serbia. This system provides users of organic products with a guarantee that the end product is the result of consistent farming practices. Since 2010, three laws and a number of regulations underlying the development of this food production system have been adopted. The global organic market has seen a continuous rise in demand for organic products, whereas a relatively slight increase in their supply from organic crop growing areas of Serbia has been recorded. Reasons for the insufficient farmers' interest in organic agriculture include lack of information, lack of intermediate goods, fear of change and, very often, underestimation by conventional producers and professional agrarian circles. An important part of the mosaic-like fear of organic farming among producers is lack of knowledge regarding weed control methods in this production concept. As with other elements of organic farming practices, the basis for weed control rests on preventive action, as well as on direct methods of eliminating undesirable plants from agricultural biotopes.Organska poljoprivreda kao proizvodni sistem baziran ne ekološkoj proizvodnji, biološkoj aktivnosti zemljišta, očuvanju biodiverziteta, uz primenu prirodnih suspstanci i postupaka, jedina je sertifikovana proizvodnja hrane u Srbiji. Korisnicima organskih proizvoda se garantuje da je finalni proizvod rezultat dosledno sprovedene tehnologije gajenja. Od 2010 godine, usvojena su tri zakona i niz pravilnika, koji su osnov za razvoj ovog sistema proizvodnje hrane. Na svetskom tržištu organskih proizvoda, kontinuirano raste potražnja, dok je povećanje ponude ovih proizvoda iz agrosinuzija Srbije, u relativno blagom porastu. Razlozi nedovoljnog interesovanja proizvođača za bavljenje organskom poljoprivredom su neobaveštenost, nedostatak repro materijala, strah od promena i veoma često omalovažavanje od strane konvencionalnih proizvođača i stručne agrarne javnosti. Jedan od važnih elemenata u mozaiku kreiranja straha od organske poljoprivrede među proizvođačima je i nepoznavanje načina suzbijanja korova u ovom proizvodnom konceptu. Kao i u drugim elementima tehnologije gajenja, osnova suzbijanja korova jesu preventivne mere, ali postoje i direktni načini eliminisanja nepoželjnih biljaka iz agrobiotopa

    Značaj leguminoza za organsku poljoprivredu

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    Legume crops are primarily grown for their quality and value-added traits. Apart from their role in human and animal nutrition, they are being increasingly used as medicinal plants in pharmaceutical production. Legumes are of great interest in cultural practices under all farming systems, particularly organic agriculture. They are essential in crop rotations, and are among the most desirable preceding crops that create favourable biophysical conditions within the soil, with high levels of nitrogen naturally accumulating. There are many legumes suitable for companion and cover crops, and in the absence of quality farmyard manure they are sown for green manuring. In organic farming, legumes are environmental corridor components involved in biodiversity protection and restoration, as evidenced through increasing numbers of beneficial species in these isolation belts.Leguminoze su grupa biljaka koje se prvenstveno gaje zbog njihovog kvaliteta i velike upotrebne vrednosti. Osim za ishranu ljudi i domaćih životinja, sve više se koriste i kao lekovite biljke za proizvodnju različitih farmaceutskih preparata. Leguminoze imaju izuzetan agrotehnički značaj u svim sistemima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a posebno u organskoj poljoprivredi. U plodoredu su nezamenjive kao jedan od najpoželjnijih preduseva, koji zemljište ostavlja u povoljnom biofizičkom stanju, sa visokim sadržajem na prirodan način akumuliranog azota. Veliki broj leguminoza je dobar za gajenje u združenim i pokrovnim usevima, a u nedostatku kvalitetnog stajskog đubriva, seju se kao siderati. U organskoj poljoprivredi mahunarke su sastavni deo eko-koridora koji imaju ulogu da zaštite i obnavljaju biodiverzitet, što se manifestije povećanjem broja korisnih vrsta u ovim izolacionim pojasevima

    Palmitoyl transferase ZDHHC20 promotes pancreatic cancer metastasis

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    Metastasis is one of the defining features of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) that contributes to poor prognosis. In this study, the palmitoyl transferase ZDHHC20 was identified in an in vivo shRNA screen as critical for metastatic outgrowth, with no effect on proliferation and migration in vitro, or primary PDAC growth in mice. This phenotype is abrogated in immunocompromised animals, and in animals with depleted natural killer (NK) cells, indicating that ZDHHC20 affects the interaction of tumour cells and the innate immune system. Using a chemical genetics platform for ZDHHC20-specific substrate profiling, a number of novel substrates of this enzyme were identified. These results describe a role for palmitoylation in enabling distant metastasis that could not have been detected using in vitro screening approaches and identify potential effectors through which ZDHHC20 promotes metastasis of PDAC

    A palmitoyl transferase chemical genetic system to map ZDHHC-specific S-acylation

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    The 23 human ZDHHC S-acyltransferases catalyze long-chain S-acylation at cysteine residues across an extensive network of hundreds of proteins important for normal physiology or dysregulated in disease. Here we present a technology platform to directly map the protein substrates of a specific ZDHHC for the first time at the whole proteome level, in intact cells. Structure-guided engineering of paired ZDHHC ‘hole’ mutants and ‘bumped’ chemically tagged fatty acid probes enabled probe transfer to specific protein substrates with excellent selectivity over wild type ZDHHCs. Chemical genetic systems were exemplified for five ZDHHCs (3, 7, 11, 15 and 20), and applied to generate the first de novo ZDHHC substrate profiles, identifying >300 unique and shared substrates across multiple cell lines and Sacylation sites for novel functionally diverse substrates. We expect that this powerful and versatile platform will open a new window on S-acylation biology for a wide range of models and organisms