6 research outputs found

    Un cédérom pour Scheme: Chacun son entraineur, un entraineur pour tous

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    Les actes peuvent ĂȘtre commandĂ©s Ă  l'adresse suivante : http://tice2002.insa-lyon.fr/fr/sommaire.htmlNational audienceWe describe a teaching experiment where an introductory course to Computer Science is accompanied by a computerized training engine. This whole engine relies on the existence of an interpreter of the taught programming language that allows us to offer quizzes as well as exercises with some automatic marking facility. Students may then perform their homework with an immediate feedback without being connected to the Internet. However students' answers are eventually gathered in a central database where they may be analyzed thus providing the means for “personal coaching”.Cet article relate une expĂ©rimentation pĂ©dagogique dans laquelle nous avons conçu un cĂ©dĂ©rom pour accompagner un cours d'initiation Ă  l'informatique. Ce cĂ©dĂ©rom procure un environnement de dĂ©veloppement enrichi d'exercices et d'auto-Ă©valuations. De façon autonome c'est-Ă -dire non connectĂ©s Ă  Internet, les Ă©tudiants peuvent Ă©tudier leur cours, Ă©crire des programmes et les soumettre pour obtenir une apprĂ©ciation immĂ©diate de leur travail. Les rĂ©ponses sont accumulĂ©es puis transmises dans une base de donnĂ©es centrale oĂč elles peuvent ĂȘtre analysĂ©es et assurer ainsi un suivi personnalisĂ©

    Experiment around a training engine

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    International audienceWe describe a teaching experiment where an introductory course to computer science is accompanied by use of a computerised training engine. This whole engine relies on the existence of an interpreter of the taught programming language that allows us to offer quizzes as well as exercises with some automatic marking facility. Students may then perform their homework with immediate feedback, without being connected to the intemet. However, students’ answers are eventually gathered in a central data base where they may be analysed, thus providing the means for ‘personal coaching’


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    We describe a teaching experiment where an introductory course to Computer Science is accompanied by a computerized training engine. This whole engine relies on the existence of an interpreter of the taught programming language that allows us to offer quizzes as well as exercises with some automatic marking facility. Students may then perform their homework with an immediate feedback without being connected to the Internet. However students' answers are eventually gathered in a central database where they may be analyzed thus providing the means for "personal coaching"