44 research outputs found

    Unfreeze the pedagogies: introduction of a new innovative measure in Portugal

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    Calibrating the right developmental approach when introducing a new innovative intervention is a complex task for governments, and schools alike. The new Projeto-Piloto de Inovação Pedagógica offers six schools an opportunity to break most ofthe rules in order to unfreeze pedagogical and curricular traditions and open the “black box” classrooms. The paper examines what this intervention means for the Ministry and for the schools involved and reflects on its prospected outcomes.Calibrating the right developmental approach when introducing a new innovative intervention is a complex task for governments, and schools alike. The new Projeto-Piloto de Inovação Pedagógica offers six schools an opportunity to break most ofthe rules in order to unfreeze pedagogical and curricular traditions and open the “black box” classrooms. The paper examines what this intervention means for the Ministry and for the schools involved and reflects on its prospected outcomes

    Formative assessment of teachers in the context of an online learning environment

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    This case study looked at how an assessment strategy designed for an online learning environment can support teachers’ professional development. More specifically, we intended to evaluate how a particular online assessment design can help the participating in-service teachers to recognize the added value of formative assessment, and promote their own use of formative assessment in their professional classroom practices. The presented assessment design consists of a combination of different, non-standard assessment methods in an online environment. We analysed data from 494 questionnaires, the participants’ critical reflections about their learning and the participants’ produced artefacts. The findings illustrate the participants’ recognition of the formative character of the proposed assessment design, reflected not only by the high scores reported in seven of the eight themes explored, but also from the qualitative analysis of the participants’ reflections and artefacts. Suggestions are offered for the improvement of the proposed assessment design, so as to better promote the formative character of assessment. In particular, implications for the development of formative assessment in online professional development are discussed taking into account its potential to promote the participants’ self-regulatory learning processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A utilização das tecnologias digitais nas aulas do século XXI

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    Este artigo pretende caracterizar as concepções e práticas pedagógicas dos professores do Ensino Fundamental e entender o posicionamento da escola em análise face à utilização das tecnologias digitais nas aulas, numa altura em que “o movimento no sentido da personalização já se encontra avançado na medicina e precisamos de avançar rapidamente para este, também no mundo da educação” (ROBINSON, 2019). O estudo empírico enquadra-se numa abordagem qualitativa, mediante a modalidade de estudo de caso, assumindo um cariz interpretativo. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de análise documental, observação e entrevista, tendo-se procedido à análise de conteúdo dos mesmos, com recurso à triangulação. Participaram, neste estudo, 6 professores do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola privada de Lisboa, Portugal. Os resultados apontam para a existência de vontade, confiança e competências por parte dos docentes, embora a utilização das tecnologias pelos alunos, em contexto escolar, não seja expressivainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As implicações do b-learning no sucesso, satisfação e motivação dos alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico: a perspectiva dos professores e a perspectiva dos alunos

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    Trabalho resultante da dissertação de Mestrado em Pedagogia do eLearning, Universidade AbertaEste trabalho tem como objectivo investigar e conhecer as implicações do b-learning para o sucesso, satisfação e motivação dos alunos do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A amostra foi constituída por 276 alunos e 48 professores. Neste trabalho foi feita a análise de conteúdo de duas das questões presentes num questionário aplicado a alunos e professores sobre o tipo de aulas por eles preferido. Os resultados indicam que os alunos consideram importante a combinação das duas modalidades de ensinoaprendizagem, presenciais e online. No entanto, a presença física do professor e reduzida utilização das plataformas de aprendizagem online neste nível de ensino são dois factores a considerar.This work aims to investigate and understand the implications of b-learning for the success, satisfaction and motivation of Middle School students. The sampled population consists of 276 students and 48 teachers. For this paper we focused on the content analysis of two questions in a questionnaire applied to pupils and teachers, about their preferred type of learning environment. The results show that students consider important the combination of the two types of teaching/learning environments, face-to-face classes and online. However, the physical presence of the teacher and the still reduced use of online learning platforms, for this level of education, are two factors to be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Professional development for cultural diversity: the challenges of teacher learning in context

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    This article describes context-based professional development (PD) for cultural diversity in a Portuguese school cluster, and discusses how it supports change for justice and equity. Teachers felt the importance of PD and showed willingness and interest to learn. Several teacher learning opportunities were mapped out such as formal workshops, starting small collaborations and teachers’ self-directed informal learning activities. Yet, a rather fragmented character of PD seemed to emerge in terms of content on cultural diversity and forms of learning. Conflicting agendas, scattered teacher collaboration and commitment, and little student and community involvement in planned PD were found. Furthermore, there seemed to be tensions between current PD and teachers’ needs and circumstances; teachers wished for more specific information and pedagogical solutions, more collaboration and more organisational support in PD. Applying a critical multicultural perspective, it is discussed that although the current constellation of PD is a potential start, it might still contribute to teachers’ conceptual confusion and pedagogical insecurities on the field of cultural diversity. It is suggested that criticality towards PD frames is needed to re-centre cultural diversity on the premises of justice, as well as teacher support, and conscious learning with and from students, families and communities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O trabalho de projeto nas práticas educativas de professores em início de carreira

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    The beginning of a teacher's career is a challenging period for the development of their educational practices. Despite valuing active teaching methods, such as Project-based Learning, the pressure felt at this stage leads teachers at the beginning of their careers to experience difficulties of a diverse nature in its implementation. This study aims to understand how elementary school teachers at the beginning of their career, integrate Project-based Learning in their teaching practices. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to eight teachers and documental analysis of their teaching materials. The results show that beginning teachers value and try to implement Project-Based Learning in their educational practices. The difficulties in its implementation could be mitigated through a more consistent methodological approach in initial teacher education and a redefinition of educational priorities in the schools where they teach, which overloads beginning teachers with too many parallel tasks to the teaching service.El inicio de la carrera de un profesor es un período desafiante para el desarrollo de sus prácticas educativas. A pesar de valorar métodos de enseñanza activa, como la Metodología de Trabajo por Proyectos, la presión que se siente en esta etapa lleva a los profesores al inicio de su carrera a experimentar dificultades de distinta índole en su implementación. Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer cómo los profesores de educación básica, al inicio de su carrera, integran la Metodología del Trabajo por Proyectos en sus prácticas educativas. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis documental del patrimonio de ocho profesores. Los resultados demuestran que los profesores valoran y buscan incluir el Trabajo por Proyectos en sus prácticas educativas. Las dificultades sentidas podrían paliarse mediante un enfoque metodológico más consistente en la formación inicial de los profesores y un análisis de las prioridades educativas en las escuelas donde imparten clases, lo que sobrecarga a los profesores principiantes con demasiadas tareas paralelas al servicio docente.O início de carreira de um professor é um período desafiante para o desenvolvimento das suas práticas educativas. Apesar de valorizarem métodos ativos de ensino, tais como a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto, a pressão sentida nesta fase leva a que os professores em início de carreira experienciem dificuldades de natureza diversa na sua implementação. Este estudo visa conhecer a forma como os professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em início de carreira, integram a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto nas suas práticas educativas. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e da análise documental ao espólio de oito professores. Os resultados demonstram que os professores valorizam e procuram contemplar o Trabalho de Projeto nas suas práticas educativas. As dificuldades sentidas poderiam ser atenuadas através de uma abordagem metodológica mais consistente na formação inicial de professores e de uma análise das prioridades educativas nas escolas onde lecionam, que sobrecarrega os professores iniciantes com demasiadas tarefas paralelas ao serviço docente

    Estratégias de avaliação digital num curso de formação de professores

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    A inclusão das novas de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em Educação a Distância (EaD) tem permitido a introdução de formas diversificadas de interação, assim como a possibilidade do registo e eventual classificação dessas interações, influenciando o processo ensino - aprendizagem e consequentemente a avaliação. Sendo a avaliação um processo contínuo e de natureza muito diversificada, que deve ser ajustada à sua finalidade, dada a multiplicidade de competências e aprendizagens a desenvolver, e dado as caraterísticas que definem os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e que os distinguem dos presenciais, estamos perante um desafio para a construção de propostas pedagógicas e de instrumentos e estratégias de avaliação adequados a este novo contexto. O estudo que serviu de base a este artigo foi guiado pela questão de investigação: Que estratégias de avaliação serão mais adequadas em contexto digital? Para dar resposta a esta questão utilizou-se uma metodologia de estudo de caso, recorreu-se a uma unidade curricular (UC) do Curso de Profissionalização em Serviço para professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário, da Universidade Aberta, que se desenvolveu num contexto 100% online e na qual foram utilizadas 3 estratégias de avaliação digital diferenciadas. Pela análise dos resultados, regista-se que a definição de uma estratégia de avaliação adequada deve ter em conta não só os aspetos quantitativos, mas também os qualitativos, permitir desenvolver o sentido crítico do aluno e dar-lhe a oportunidade de construir o seu próprio conhecimento. Os participantes enfatizaram não só a importância da diversificação dos instrumentos de avaliação como também a relevância do feedback, considerado como um procedimento de avaliação valioso de apoio à aprendizagem. O e-fólio, um dos instrumentos de avaliação utilizados na UC, foi particularmente considerado como um facilitador da aprendizagem na medida em que auxilia a componente formativa da avaliação.The inclusion of new information and communication technologies in distance education has allowed the introduction of diversified forms of interaction, as well as the possibility of registration and classification of these possible interactions, influencing the teaching - learning process and consequently the evaluation. As assessment is an ongoing process and very diverse in nature, which must be adjusted to its purpose, given the multiplicity of skills and learning to develop, and given the characteristics that define the virtual learning environments that differ from face-to-face ones, we face a challenge for the construction of pedagogical and assessment strategies and instruments appropriate to this new context. The study that formed the basis of this article was guided by the research question: What assessment strategies will be most appropriate in a digital context? To address this issue we used a case study methodology, in a course unit (CU) of the Professional Development Program for in-service teachers of Elementary and Secondary Education, at Universidade Aberta, developed in a 100 % online context, and in which we used three different digital assessment strategies. Based on these results, it is noted that the definition of an adequate assessment strategy must take into account not only the quantitative aspects, but also the qualitative ones, help to develop the student’s critical sense and give them the opportunity to build their own knowledge. The participants emphasized not only the importance of diversification of assessment tools as well as the relevance of feedback, regarded as a valuable procedure for assessing learning support. The e-folio, one of the assessment instruments used in the CU, is particularly seen as a learning facilitator which helps the formative component assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educational Potentialities of Student-Curated Exhibitions on Socioscientific Issues: The Students’ Perspective

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    The IRRESISTIBLE Project had the aim of involving teachers, students, and the public in the discussion on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), promoting both the construction of knowledge about cutting-edge (and controversial) research topics (socioscientific issues—SSI) and discussion about the criteria that research/innovation processes should respect to be considered as responsible. This chapter presents qualitative results on the educational potential of IRRESISTIBLE’s student-curated exhibitions about SSI and their RRI dimensions. Student-curated exhibitions took place in different contexts—schools, universities, museums, and public places—and were assumed as an activism strategy through which students informed the community about the SSI they had researched, and triggered discussion about the necessary conditions to ensure RRI practices in those areas. Data were collected through interviews with participating students from 10 countries. Overall results indicate that students improved their perceptions regarding their competences in developing exhibitions as a way of creating awareness about topics relating to science, technology, and society. This activity reinforced students’ perceptions that in science classes they develop socially relevant projects and learn how to influence other citizens’ decisions about social issues related to science, technology, and the environment, with the aim of ensuring a more sustainable future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A avaliação do impacto do projeto “We Act” nas percepções dos alunos acerca das suas competências de ação sociopolítica

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    O principal objetivo do projeto "We Act" é apoiar professores e alunos na tomada de ações informadas e negociadas para resolver problemas sociais e ambientais de base científica e tecnológica. Através de uma abordagem quantitativa, este artigo investiga o impacte do envolvimento dos alunos em ação sociopolítica sobre controvérsias socio-científicas e socioambientais – as iniciativas "We Act" – nas suas percepções sobre as suas competências de cidadania ativa. Os dados foram obtidos através da aplicação de um questionário, sob a forma de pré e pós-teste, e da análise estatística das respostas com o objetivo de detectar eventuais mudanças significativas nas percepções dos alunos. Foram detectadas diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as percepções dos alunos antes e depois das ações implementadas, nomeadamente no que respeita à sua capacidade de realizar iniciativas que contribuam para a resolução de problemas sociais relacionados com a ciência, a tecnologia e o ambiente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design-Based Research in the Educational Field: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The design-based research methodology has been gaining significance, in recent years, in the field of educational research. Several authors have pointed out the potential of this methodology to support the development of research processes with strong practical applicability. Its iterative nature allows researchers to organize their studies into iterative research cycles that allow them to improve products, processes, and test new resources and educational approaches. This study aimed to develop knowledge about how this methodology has been used in K-12 educational settings and in initial and continuing teacher education. Thus, a systematic literature review was carried out based on 163 selected papers, published between 2013 and 2020 and gathered from SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science Databases. The results highlighted the characterization data of DBR studies, the research contexts and settings, the DBR approaches, and the contribution for the educational field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio