7 research outputs found

    The potential of PV installations in SIDS - an example in the island of Barbados

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    Purpose – This paper reviews the current status of photovoltaics on the island of Barbados, including experiences to date, and discusses the future directions with a view to sharing the experience gained with other small island developing states (SIDS). Design/methodology/approach – As with many SIDS Barbados is heavily reliant on fossil fuels to meet their electricity generation needs (currently 98 per cent of total electricity generation). The paper outlines how solar PV sits within the existing energy structure for the island of Barbados and reflects on the experience gained from the success of its solar thermal hot water heating industry. Findings – This paper estimates the installed capacity of photovoltaic solar systems on Barbados was estimated to be around 200?kWp in 2010 (0.18 per cent of the average electricity demand, not including the load factor of the PV systems). Practical implications – With an average daily solar radiation of 5.7?kWh/m2, the potential of the resource is clear to see, with solar PV being capable of substantially contributing to the island's energy mix and saving valuable foreign exchange. Originality/value – Concerning the increasing role of solar PV in the energy mix for Barbados, substantial barriers are still observed. The paper has tried to identify these barriers and has provided a detailed overview of the energy sector and solar thermal success in Barbados

    Manual práctico de Quimiometría

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    La Química Analítica tiene en la Estadística una de sus herramientas fundamentales. Esta imprescindible relación ha dado lugar en los últimos años al desarrollo de la Quimiometría, una disciplina que aplica las técnicas matemáticas de la estadística a los problemas analíticos de la identificación y cuantificación de las sustancias químicas, siendo habitual el uso de la quimiometría en cualquier análisis químico. En la actualidad, esta disciplina ha ganado importancia debido sobre todo por cantidad de información que obtenemos a través de los equipos instrumentales (los cuales generan una gran cantidad de datos numéricos) y por el incremento en la capacidad de cálculo de los ordenadores actuales. La Estadística describe el comportamiento aleatorio de las variables analíticas que usamos en el laboratorio. Así, se puede usar para deducir las leyes de la probabilidad que rigen dichos comportamientos, con el fin de hacer previsiones sobre los mismos, tomar decisiones u obtener conclusiones. Por lo tanto, podemos clasificar a la estadística como descriptiva, la cual nos dará solo información detallada de un conjunto de datos, e inferencial, cuando el objetivo del estudio se centra en derivar las conclusiones obtenidas de nuestro estudio a un conjunto de datos más amplio, es decir, hacer predicciones de los comportamientos de las variables analíticas. Así, el siguiente manual describe conceptos básicos de probabilidad, de estadística descriptiva e inferencial, siempre desde un punto de vista práctico y aplicado al análisis químico. Fruto de ese enfoque práctico, se ofrecen alternativas para el desarrollo de los estudios estadísticos a través de numerosos recursos gratuitos disponibles actualmente en internet. Es importante constar que para una mayor profundización en los conceptos teóricos aquí comentados, se recomienda consultar los textos didácticos referenciados que se han seguido para elaborar este texto, así como las diversas fuentes de información comentadas en el último capítulo de este manual

    Additional file 2: of Activation and polarization of circulating monocytes in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Figure S2. Analysis of CCR2 and CCR5 expression by classical and non-classical monocytes. Classical (a, c, e) and non-classical (b, d, f) monocytes were stained for CCR2 and CCR5 expression. The data are presented for the percentage of CCR2-positive (a, b), CCR5-positive (c, d), and CCR2- and CCR5-double positive (e, f) monocytes. The data are presented as the percentage of total classical or non-classical monocytes for each group. (PDF 13 kb

    Additional file 5: of Activation and polarization of circulating monocytes in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Figure S5. Reduced numbers of CD206 + CCR5+ monocytes in severe COPD. CD206 + CCR5+ classical (a) and CD206 + CCR5+ non-classical (b) monocytes data were expressed as the number of cells per μl. * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01; and *** = p < 0.001 relative to the normal. (PDF 11 kb

    Additional file 3: of Activation and polarization of circulating monocytes in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Figure S3. Altered surface expression density of monocytes in COPD patients. Classical (a-c) and non-classical monocytes (panels d-f) were stained for CCR2 (a, d), CCR5 (b, e), and CD14 (c, f) expression. The degree of expression is reported as the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI). * = p < 0.05 and ** = p < 0.01 relative to the normal. (PDF 13 kb

    Additional file 1: of Activation and polarization of circulating monocytes in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Figure S1. Flow cytometry gating strategy to identify and characterize monocyte subpopulations. PMBCs were stained as described in the Methods section and at least 250,000 events per sample were collected. Singlets (red rectangle, panel a) were gated using the forward side-scatter area (FSC-A) vs height (FSC-H). From the singlets gate, monocytes (red oval, panel b) were gated using the FSC-A vs side-scatter area (SSC-A). The monocytes were further gated using CD14 vs CD16 and are indicated by the red boxes (panel c). The classical monocytes are CD14 + CD16-; the intermediate monocytes are CD14 + CD16+; and the non-classical monocytes are CD14DIMCD16+. From the classical gate, cells stained for CCR2, CCR5, CD163, CD206, and IL-13Ra1 are shown (panels i-m), and from the non-classical gate, the staining for CCR2, CCR5, CD163, CD206, and IL-13Ra1 are shown in panels d-h. The red histograms indicate the isotype control for each marker. The black histograms indicated the expression of each marker. (PDF 311 kb

    Additional file 4: of Activation and polarization of circulating monocytes in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Figure S4. Increased CX3CR1 expression density in CD206 + CCR5+ non-classical monocytes in severe COPD patients. CD206 + CCR5+ co-expressing cells were stained for CX3CR1, and the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) for each patient population was determined. Results represent the mean MFI ± SEM of all subjects in each subject group. * = p < 0.05. (PDF 4 kb