121 research outputs found

    Individual Subsistence: On a Principle of Economy and Society

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    With this paper the author tries to clarify the terms of “public“ and “private“ with reference to the ideas of Thomas Hobbes and Johann Heinrich von ThĂŒnen. Both scientists showed that the individual's subsistence is very fundamental for a society and – therefore – the base of “public“. Additionally with reference to Polanyi's “Great Transformation“, it will be shown that the mainstream economic idea of “modern“ market economies acts strictly against the individual's subsistence. In contrast to his explanations, the protection of individual subsistence is an important part of solidarity. From that the question of shifting boundaries between “private“ and “public“ is reformulated against the background of the individual's subsistence! This paper gives reasons to think about the individual's subsistence as a neglected economic principle. Hereby it will also provide another and self-critical view from alternative economic perspective to the real question behind the shifting boundaries: Is a change in economic thinking to be expected? The insights into these problems will be especially useful in the prepartory work to discuss political activities in the light of the current economic crisis worldwide.History of Economic Thoughts; Thomas Hobbes; Johann Heinrich von ThĂŒnen; Karl Polanyi; Subsistence; Viablity; Right of Subsistence

    Economic thinking and ethics: an ethical approach for economical issues

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    The worldwide economic crisis of 2007/2008 popularised the ethical questions within economics. Currently, few mainstream economists tackle these questions and the typical curriculum of economics often lacks input on philosophy, ethics and the history of economic thoughts. However, economists confronted with ethical questions believe themeslves capable of answering them. As a result, the popular discussion about ethics and economics becomes a discussion about regulations. In contrast to that, in the context of the “Economics and Ethics” discussion in Germany, the article shows an alternative approach, which concentrates on the question of why something is to be labelled as “moral”. On the base of Peter Ulrich's integrative economic ethics, the relevance of the right of subsistence on the ethical legitimacy of economic decisions, recommendations etc. is explained. The insights are discussed with respect to labour market theories and the German labour market reforms of 2005. Finally, the question of ethical legitimation is connected to the question of democracy and economics.Peter Ulrich, integrative economic ethics, discourse, ethical legitimation, Karl Polanyi, Subsistence, Viablity, Right of Subsistence

    The Welfare State and Ethical Legitimacy

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    Inwiefern sind die deutschen „Hartz-Reformen“ und die im FrĂŒhjahr 2011 verabschiedeten RegelsĂ€tze des Arbeitslosengeldes II wirtschaftsethisch legitim? Mit Blick auf das Modell der integrativen Wirtschafts­ethik von Peter Ulrich soll dieser Frage auf den Grund gegangen werden. Dabei wird sich außerdem zeigen, weshalb die „Hartz-Reformen“ einen Bruch mit der Stilidee der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft bedeuteten. Dem werden Beispiele aus der ökonomischen Ideengeschichte gegenĂŒber gestellt, die zeigen, dass die Ökonomik keineswegs die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t von ökonomischen Empfehlungen ausschließen muss. Mit kritischem Blick versucht der Artikel allerdings auch, nachzu­zeichnen, welche Bedeutung die Ökonomik der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t beimisst und wie sich das auf an­dere Bereiche der Gesellschaft ĂŒbertrĂ€gt.Hartz IV; ALG II; integrative Wirtschaftsethik; Peter Ulrich; LegitimitĂ€t; Zumutbarkeit; Verantwortung; Soziale Marktwirtschaft; Soziale Irenik; Hartz-Reformen

    Sozialstaatlicher Reformgeist und ethische LegitimitÀt

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die deutschen „Hartz-Reformen“ sowie die Ende 2010 vorgestellten neuen RegelsĂ€tze wirtschaftsethisch legitim sind. Orientierung bietet dabei das Modell der integrativen Wirtschaftsethik von Peter Ulrich. Darauf basierend wird außerdem gezeigt, dass die „Hartz-Reformen“ einen Bruch mit der Stilidee der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft bedeuten. Mit Beispielen aus der ökonomischen Ideengeschichte soll ebenfalls belegt werden, dass das wirtschaftswissenschaft­liche Engagement keineswegs die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t ökonomischer Empfeh­lungen ausschließen muss. Mit kritischem Blick versucht der Artikel nachzu­zeichnen, welche Bedeutung die Ökonomik der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t beimisst und wie sich das auf an­dere Bereiche der Gesellschaft ĂŒbertrĂ€gt. -- This article attempts to answer the question about the ethical legitimation of the German labour “reforms”, called “Hartz IV”, as well as the newly calculated amount of the social transfers (published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the End of September 2010). This survey is based on the idea of the integrative economic ethics by Peter Ulrich. Additionally, the article is engaged in the question about the compatibility of “Hartz IV” with the economic system of the Soziale Marktwirtschaft. Furthermore, it should also be considered that economic thinking may include the thought of the ethical legitimation of economic recommendations. Finally, the relevance of ethical legitimation in economy as well as in other spheres of society is attempted to be clarified.Hartz-Reformen,integrative Wirtschaftsethik,Peter Ulrich,Alfred MĂŒller-Armack,Soziale Irenik,LegitimitĂ€t,Zumutbarkeit,ALG II,Hartz IV,Soziale Marktwirtschaft,Verantwortung,integrative economic ethics

    Subsistence: History, Meaning and Reconstruction of the Subsistence Term

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    This paper analyses the term “subsistence” to utilise it for scientific purposes. In doing so, the term will be reconstructed by an evolutionary view. Afterwards, the term will be discussed and develpoped with respect to the so-called paradox of the poverty line.ViabilitĂ€t; Subsistenz; ViabilitĂ€tsprinzip; Evolutorik; Armut; Gerechtigkeit; Mindestlohn; Niedriglohnsektor; Selbsterhalt; Selbstversorgung; Paradoxie des Existenzminimums; paradox of the poverty line; viability; subsistence; minimum wage; principle of viability; evolutionary economics; ethics

    What happened to heterodox economics after the 1970s

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    In the context of ongoing criticisms of the lack of pluralism in economics, the present article aims to discuss the development of 'heterodox' economics since the 1970s. Following Lakatos's concept of scientific research programs (srp), and concentrating on the situation in Germany, the article will discuss classifications of economics, and will specify the understanding of diversity in the light of 'axiomatic variations' of the economic mainstream. This will form the basis for the subsequent description of the development of heterodoxy in Germany, with special reference to the founding of new universities and the reform movements in the 1970s. It can be shown that the heterodox scene flourished in this period, but that this pluralization remained fragmented and short-lived; by the 1980s at the latest heterodoxy was again on its way to marginalization. The history of heterodoxy in Germany thus presents itself as an unequal 'battle of the paradigms', and can only be told as the story of a failure

    University Governance and Heterodox Economis: Mapping an Academic Field of Power in Germany

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    This article discusses the development of ‘heterodox’ economics at universities in Germany since the 1970s. Based on Lakatos’ concept of scientific research programmes (SRP), the article introduces a classification of economics in order to clarify the understanding of variety within economics, especially in the case of Germany. Based on this classification and taking into account the different kinds of capital (economic, social and symbolic) available to heterodox economists, this article aims to show how heterodox economics in Germany has developed from the early 1970s until the present day. It will be shown that the heterodox schools expanded in the 1970s, but marginalisation took hold again by the 1980s and ultimately left German heterodox economics in a state of near-extinction today. From this, it follows that the history of heterodoxy in Germany is an unequal ‘battle of the paradigms’, and can only be told as the story of a failur

    Development of Heterodox Economics at public universities since the 1970s

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    This article discusses the development of 'heterodox' economics at universities in Germany since the 1970s. Based on Lakatos' concept of scientific research programmes (SRP), the article introduces a classification of economics in order to clarify the understanding of variety within economics, especially in the case of Germany. Based on this classification and taking into account the different kinds of capital (economic, social and symbolic) available to heterodox economists, this article aims to show how heterodox economics in Germany has developed from the early 1970s until the present day. It will be shown that the heterodox schools expanded in the 1970s, but marginalisation took hold again by the 1980s and ultimately left German heterodox economics in a state of near-extinction today. From this, it follows that the history of heterodoxy in Germany is an unequal 'battle of the paradigms', and can only be told as the story of a failure

    University Governance and Heterodox Economis: Mapping an Academic Field of Power in Germany

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    This article discusses the development of ‘heterodox’ economics at universities in Germany since the 1970s. Based on Lakatos’ concept of scientific research programmes (SRP), the article introduces a classification of economics in order to clarify the understanding of variety within economics, especially in the case of Germany. Based on this classification and taking into account the different kinds of capital (economic, social and symbolic) available to heterodox economists, this article aims to show how heterodox economics in Germany has developed from the early 1970s until the present day. It will be shown that the heterodox schools expanded in the 1970s, but marginalisation took hold again by the 1980s and ultimately left German heterodox economics in a state of near-extinction today. From this, it follows that the history of heterodoxy in Germany is an unequal ‘battle of the paradigms’, and can only be told as the story of a failur

    Sozialstaat und ethische LegitimitÀt

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    Inwiefern sind die deutschen „Hartz-Reformen“ und die im FrĂŒhjahr 2011 verabschiedeten RegelsĂ€tze des Arbeitslosengeldes II wirtschaftsethisch legitim? Mit Blick auf das Modell der integrativen Wirtschafts­ethik von Peter Ulrich soll dieser Frage auf den Grund gegangen werden. Dabei wird sich außerdem zeigen, weshalb die „Hartz-Reformen“ einen Bruch mit der Stilidee der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft bedeuteten. Dem werden Beispiele aus der ökonomischen Ideengeschichte gegenĂŒber gestellt, die zeigen, dass die Ökonomik keineswegs die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t von ökonomischen Empfehlungen ausschließen muss. Mit kritischem Blick versucht der Artikel allerdings auch, nachzu­zeichnen, welche Bedeutung die Ökonomik der ethischen LegitimitĂ€t beimisst und wie sich das auf an­dere Bereiche der Gesellschaft ĂŒbertrĂ€gt
