1 research outputs found

    Increasing access to sanitation and hygiene through the community hygiene clubs approach in Rwanda

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    The national averages for access to safe water supply, improved sanitation and hygiene practice in Rwanda are 74.2%, 74.5% and 34% respectively. The government of Rwanda has established a roadmap, known as the “Community Based Environmental Health Promotion Program”, CBEHPP, which is a model followed by the communities to find solutions to their own problems in the area of safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The results obtained by World Vision after one year of implementing CBEHPP, reveal full potential of communities to solve their problems with limited assistance. Because of this important progress, World Vision Rwanda (WVR) is investing a lot of efforts in strengthening the Community Hygiene Clubs (CHCs) as well as increasing their skills to respond efficiently to sanitation problems in their villages