27 research outputs found

    2015 Annual Dinner Program

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    Fifteenth in a series of speaker events sponsored by The O\u27Callahan Society at its annual dinner. The keynote speaker is Vice Admiral Bill Moran

    2018 Annual Dinner Program

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    Eighteenth annual dinner sponsored by The O\u27Callahan Society. This year\u27s event departed from the standard format of a keynote speaker in order to give four individuals, whose lives were dramatically impacted by the Vietnam conflict, the opportunity to speak. Medal of Honor Recipient Captain Thomas G. Kelley, USN (ret) HC ‘60; his wife, Commander Joan Kelley, USNR (ret); former POW Commander Timothy B. Sullivan, USN (ret) HC ’65, and Marine veteran Harry Kustigian have agreed to share their experiences and insights. This year is dedicated to remembering the men and women who served in Vietnam a half century ago

    History of the College of the Holy Cross Naval ROTC Unit (most updated revision)

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    This history begins with an overview of the Naval ROTC Unit at the College of the Holy Cross, and includes several appendices that provide data on the Unit’s graduates, those killed on active duty, and awards for combat heroism. It also calls attention to transition points in the Unit’s history: the Vietnam War crisis in 1970 and 1971, the introduction of women to the Unit, the transition from a Holy Cross-only Unit to one based on the Worcester Consortium for Higher Education, the Peace Dividend years of the 1990s, the role of the Marine Officer Instructor, and the value of a liberal arts education. The current document is always the most updated revision available

    2012 Annual Dinner Program

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    Twelfth in a series of speaker events sponsored by the O\u27Callahan Society at its annual dinner. The keynote speaker is Rear Admiral Garry J. Bonelli, Deputy Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command. The evening\u27s program also pays tribute to the Navy SEALS on the fiftieth anniversary of their establishment in 1962

    2016 Annual Dinner Program

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    Sixteenth in a series of speaker events sponsored by The O\u27Callahan Society at its annual dinner. The keynote speaker is Vice Admiral Peter Daly \u2777, USN (Ret.), CEO U.S. Naval Institute. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Naval ROTC program at the College of the Holy Cross.

    2015 O\u27Callahan Society Newsletter

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    This annual newsletter of the O\u27Callahan Society includes articles about the retirement of Commander Jamie Godwin, a recap of the 2014 O\u27Callahan Society dinner and remarks by speaker Admiral Michelle Howard, updates on the HC NROTC Unit and the announcement of a mentoring initiative

    2011 Annual Dinner Program

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    Eleventh in a series of speaker events sponsored by the O\u27Callahan Society at its annual dinner. This year\u27s program honors Rev. John E. Brooks, S.J.and Captain Harry R. Moore, USN, who through their vision and reasoned approach, resisted pressure in the early 1970s to end Navy and Air Force ROTC programs at Holy Cross. This evening\u27s program also celebrates the Holy Cross NROTC Unit\u27s 70 years of unbroken service to the nation and Naval Department

    O\u27Callahan 50th Anniversary Memorial Invitation

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    Invitation for a memorial event honoring Rev. Joseph T. O\u27Callahan, S.J. on the 50th anniversary of his death. Father O\u27Callahan was a professor at the College of the Holy Cross, and also served as a Navy chaplain during World War II. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic actions aboard the USS Franklin when it was attacked during the war. The memorial event was sponsored by The O\u27Callahan Society. It included a memorial Mass, wreath laying ceremony at Father O\u27Callahan\u27s grave in the Jesuit cemetery and a presentation by Dr. John Satterfield

    2013 Annual Dinner Program

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    Thirteenth in a series of speaker events sponsored by the O\u27Callahan Society at its annual dinner. The keynote speaker is Vice Admiral Barry Costello USN (Ret.) \u2773

    2014 Annual Dinner Program

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    Fourteenth in a series of speaker events sponsored by the O’Callahan Society at its annual dinner. The keynote speaker is Admiral Michelle Howard, USN, Vice Chief of Naval Operations