2 research outputs found

    SMOW indicates the standard mean ocean water.

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    13. The polished sample was coated with 30 nm of gold film for SIMS analysis to eliminate the electrostatic charge on the sample surface. Oxygen isotope ratios were measured with a modified Cameca ims 1270 SIMS of TiTech with a high mass resolution technique. The primary ion beam was mass filtered positive Cs ions accelerated to 10 keV and the beam spot size was �3 �m in diameter. The primary current was adjusted for each measurement to obtain the count rate of negative 16O ions of �4 � 105 cps. A normal-incident electron gun was utilized for charge compensation of the analysis area. Negative secondary ions from the 16O tail, 16O, 17O, 16OH and 18O were analyzed at a mass resolution power of �6000, sufficient to completely eliminate hydride interference. Secondary ions were detected by an electro