3,349 research outputs found

    Fracturing Jazz, Freeing Fusion: Miles Davis’s Role in Counterculture Rock

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    The paper details Miles Davis\u27s influence in the counterculture rock and roll movement through his development of jazz fusion and his personal connections with rock musicians of the period, as well the overlap in musical ideology that occurred when both rock and jazz began to incorporate elements of each others\u27 styles

    The Survivor Ratio Method for Estimating Numbers at High Ages

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    Only a few countries have official population statistics which are sufficiently accurate to produce reliable estimates of death rates at high ages. For other countries, there are several methods which can be used to produce improved estimates. The choice is important for research on old age mortality. In 1999 the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research undertook a research project to compare the performance of the three leading methods, using data for nine countries over 35 years. This paper describes the research and the results, which were unexpectedly simple. It also gives an authoritative account of the most successful method.estimation techniques, high ages, population estimates, survivor ratio

    Why are neoliberal ideas so resilient in Europe’s political economy?

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    Despite the economic crisis that hit full force in 2008 in the US and Europe, political leaders have made little attempt to rethink the neoliberal ideas that are in large part responsible for the boom and bust, let alone to come to terms with how immoderate the ‘Great Moderation’ really was. Much the contrary, neoliberal ideas seem to continue to constitute the ruling ideas. In the financial markets, where the crisis began, reregulation remains woefully inadequate, while the only ideas in play are neoliberal, either for more ‘market-enhancing’ regulation or in favor of greater laissez-faire. The biggest puzzle, however, is the response to the crisis by Eurozone countries that have embraced ‘market discipline’ through austerity and, in so doing, have condemned themselves to slow or no growth. This is in contrast to the US, which has posted better economic results, despite being torn between Republican fundamentalists advocating austerity and a more pragmatic leadership focused on growth

    Factors Influencing Adoption And Non-Adoption Of Cyberinfrastructure By The Research Community

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    Technology adoption has received a great deal of research attention in information systems. While the results are quite consistent in workplace settings, only limited attention has been paid to assessing the conditions – e.g., adopters, context – that influence relationships in existing models. Cyberinfrastructure -- integrated computing, storage, and collaborative infrastructure – represents an under explored technology. Likewise, the adopters of this technology, i.e., researchers, represent an under explored audience for technology adoption. In order to understand the factors influencing adoption of this technology by these users, we employ an open-ended interview among members of a scientific research community. The goal of the interview is to elicit researchers’ beliefs in order to understand the reasons they do and do not choose to participate in cyberinfrastructure projects. The focus of this research is one particular cyberinfrastructure known as the iPlant Collaborative. The results of this research-in-progress will contribute to the literature on technology adoption and provide valuable guidance for research institutes and governments that fund large-scale cyberinfrastructure projects to support multi-disciplinary collaborative research

    The compression of deaths above the mode

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    Kannisto (2001) has shown that as the frequency distribution of ages at death has shifted to the right, the age distribution of deaths above the modal age has become more compressed. In order to further investigate this old-age mortality compression, we adopt the simple logistic model with two parameters, which is known to fit data on old-age mortality well (Thatcher 1999). Based on the model, we show that three key measures of old-age mortality (the modal age of adult deaths, the life expectancy at the modal age, and the standard deviation of ages at death above the mode) can be estimated fairly accurately from death rates at only two suitably chosen high ages (70 and 90 in this study). The distribution of deaths above the modal age becomes compressed when the logits of death rates fall more at the lower age than at the higher age. Our analysis of mortality time series in six countries, using the logistic model, endorsed Kannisto’s conclusion. Some possible reasons for the compression are discussed.compression of mortality, lexis model, logistic model, modal age of death, oldest old mortality decline, standard deviation

    Psychopathic Personality as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Atypical Sexuality and Sexual Coercion Proclivity in the General Population

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    Being sexually coerced can have long-lasting psychological impacts on victims; with perpetration strongly predicted by elevated psychopathic traits. Owing to recent legislative developments in the United Kingdom that criminalize coercive control under the Domestic Abuse Act (2021), this study offers a timely investigation into the mechanisms of sexual coercion in domestic abuse across sexual abuse and coercive control. We used moderation analysis (n = 405) to investigate whether sexual coercion proclivity was predicted by facets of atypical sexuality (non-clinical elevated levels of sex drive, sexual sadism, and sexual masochism), and whether this relationship was moderated by psychopathic personality traits specifically the factor one components, which encompasses interpersonal and affective characteristics). Psychopathic personality traits significantly moderated the positive association between sex drive and sexual coercion proclivity, and between sexual sadism and sexual coercion proclivity in males (but not females), but psychopathic personality traits had no such moderating effect in the sexual masochism model. Results are discussed in terms of identifying risk factors of sexual coercion within a general population sample and international application. Open data and a preprint of this paper are available at [https://osf.io/xkcah/?view_only=134ff9c93ad24ba286515b348ce79c0c]