5 research outputs found

    Requirements for competence modelling in professional learning : experience from the water sector

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    Competence Models are proved as critical instruments for human resources management and development, and of determined for both the labour market (employers) for the selection of the employees and training providers for the enhancement of the vocational training opportunities. The concept of competence modeling is still under development and considerable efforts are focused on the creation of new Competence Models and their application to a broad range of professional learning sectors. The scope of this inquiry is to contribute to this research field by setting the basis for the design and development of a Competence Model for the Water Sector.</jats:p

    Online Web portal of competence-based training opportunities for Organic Agriculture

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    A number of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools such as web portals, learning portals and course management platforms have been developed and used in order to support EU-funded research and training projects in the area of Organic Agriculture (OA). This tools transfer the technological infrastructure needed in order to facilitate specific tasks, such as the organization of educational, research and information content, like the competences, learning opportunities, certificates and vocational opportunities. This paper presents the case of the CerOrganic Web portal (http://portal.cerorganic.eu), which is used for providing access to resources related to vocational education and training in the context of OA

    Pedagogické využití ICT na vysoké škole technické v terciárním vzdělávání

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    Intenzivní rozvoj a zavádění nových informačních a komunikačních technologií (ICT) ve všech oblastech moderního života vyžaduje jejich zavedení do vzdělávání. Integrace nových ICT a identifikace jejich pedagogického využití v environmentální výchově závisí na cílech a cílech. učitelů v terciárním vzdělávání. Tato studie si klade za cíl prozkoumat novou roli, kterou vytvořili učitelé Univerzity v Patrasu ve využívání informačních a komunikačních technologií (ICT) ve vzdělávacím zákoně. Na základě kvantitativní studie se tento výzkum snaží identifikovat svou novou roli prostřednictvím využití nových technologií. Zdá se, že lepší komunikace mezi všemi aktéry v oblasti vzdělávání, jakož i nové vzdělávací postupy a nové role, které by mohly přispět k tomu, aby se učitelé cítili efektivnější a pozitivnější při využívání IKT v každodenní vzdělávací praxi


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    The intense development and introduction of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in every field of modern life makes it necessary to introduce them to education. The introduction of new technologies into education raises the demand for a more general redistribution of the role of the teacher, the key element of which is the transition from its function as a provider of knowledge and, at the same time, the facilitator of the process of acquiring knowledge, application is directly related to how it is used. The integration of new ICTs and the identification of their pedagogical use in environmental education depends on the objectives and the teaching approach adopted by teachers in tertiary education. This study aims at researching the new role developed by the teachers of the University of Patras in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational act. Based on a quantitative study, this research attempts to identify their new role through the use of new technologies. The traditional form of teaching tends to disappear, and teachers now question their traditional role as the only source of knowledge. For most sample teachers, ICT is a research tool as well as an important pedagogical tool for interpreting basic concepts but also for promoting the learning environment. Their existence seems to change the role of teachers and the dynamics of the amphitheater. Better communication among all actors in education, as well as new educational practices and new emerging roles seem to make teachers feel more effective and positive in using ICT in day-to-day educational practice

    Understanding and Adaptation of the Concept of Competences in the Water Sector

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    Competence models are proved as the most sufficient tool in order to support organizations and companies to achieve their main goals (e.g. selection of the most competent employees) and to enhance the offering training opportunities and help individuals with their personal performance. This article focuses on the identification of the main issues that will support the development of a successful and adaptable competence model in the water sector. An introductory overview of competence, competence model and competence modeling process is following by the investigation of the usefulness of the competence model in all the water sector domains. The scope of this study is the analysis of the water sector requirements for competence modeling, based on the initial results of a European survey that takes place in the context of EU project WACOM (www.wacom-project.eu)