10 research outputs found

    The Effects of Oil Supply and Demand Shocks on Iran's Macroeconomic Variables: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach (DSGE)

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    Increasing oil consumption efficiency in the household and production sectors, as well as improving oil production technology, are among the most important factors that can improve the economic situation of oil-rich countries. Therefore, in this paper, the effects of oil consumption productivity (demand shocks) and technological oil production shocks (supply shocks) on macroeconomic variables are investigated in the form of the Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. Annual data for the years 1352-1396 have been used to estimate the model parameters. The results show that oil consumption efficiency shocks in the household and production sectors have a positive and significant effect on oil exports, oil investment, total employment, and government spending. However, the shocks of oil consumption efficiency in the household sector reduce oil production and household’s oil consumption and increase inflation, while the effect of the shocks of oil consumption efficiency in the production sector on these three variables is inverse. Also, technological oil production shocks have a positive effect on oil investment, oil production and export, non-oil employment, total consumption, government spending, and inflation, and in contrast, slightly reduce employment in the oil sector and oil consumption. Given that the above three shocks have positive effects on oil exports, oil investment, employment, government revenue, and even the level of consumption and non-oil production, appropriate planning and policy-making that stimulates consumer productivity and improves oil production technology should be on the agenda of policymakers

    Response of Global Macroeconomy to Oil Shocks and Comparison of Selected Countries' Vulnerabilities: GVAR Approach

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    The extant study was conducted to examine the economic effects of an oil supply shock, assess the response of Iran's GDP[1] to oil supply shocks specific to the main oil exporting countries, and oil-based Global Vector Autoregression Model (GVAR-Oil) throughout 1976Q2-2016Q4 covering 27 country-region cases. The consequences caused by the positive oil supply shock of the USA included an actual increase in the GDP of oil-importing countries in both developed and emerging markets, an inflation decline in most countries, and rising stock prices worldwide. In particular, Iran-specific oil-supply shock had a minor impact on the global economy because of the increase in the oil production rate of Saudi Arabia. In contrast, a negative shock to the oil supply in Saudi Arabia led to an instant and permanent rise in oil prices. According to countries' vulnerability findings, the economies of Saudi Arabia and Iran were more influenced by negative oil supply shocks compared to Indonesia and Norway. The present study indicated that Saudi Arabia-specific negative oil supply shock had a different effect than other major oil-exporting countries

    Effect of Different Oil Regimes on the Hedging of Oil Transactions by Participating in Gold Market: RS-DCC Approach

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    Oil prices and other oil-products prices are connected to each other and their price volatilities are parallel. Firms which are using crude oil in their products are facing a risk of price volatility which has different reactions in each era and is known under different oil regimes. For example lubricant industry is completely connected to the oil price. With this philosophy when the economy faced volatility the market players faced loss and so to overcome this issue they began to hedge themselves with another commodity. This hedging process in different regimes has different rates. So there is a need to introduce a new model. From the work of Hamiltonian (1989) oil price has its own volatility and regimes so to this attitude there is an effort to calculate an efficient hedging ratio with regime switching dynamic constant correlation. In this article, monthly data of oil and gold prices for about 10 years from 2010 till 2020 is used and the model is programed with MATLAB. The result showed that the efficient hedge ratio for the first regime (first major change in price of two markets) is 66 percent and the second (second major change in price of two markets) one is 26 percent

    Brent Crude Oil Price Forecasting by Combining Grey Theory and Econometrics Techniques

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    The characteristics of crude oil and the factors affecting the price of this energy carrier have made its price forecast always considered by researchers, oil market participants, governments, and policymakers. Because the price of crude oil is affected by many factors, ongoing studies should be done to make more accurate and reliable estimates over time. In this paper, a combination of GM (1,1) and ARIMA models and a hybrid model (GM-ARIMA) for crude oil price forecasting is proposed. The Brent crude oil price data for seasonal (2015Q1-2021Q2), monthly(2020m3-2020m12), and weekly(w12-2020: w16-2021) periods were used to examine this method. The results show that based on the evaluation criteria of mean absolute error percentage (MAPE) and square mean square error (RMSE), the evaluation criteria of MAPE and RMSE in the combined GM-ARIMA model are always lower than the GM and ARIMA models alone. Therefore, the GM-ARIMA hybrid model will be able to predict more accurately than the GM and ARIMA models. Therefore, for more accurate prediction, the GM-ARIMA hybrid model can be used instead of single models

    Extreme Value Theory and Value at Risk: Application to OPEC Market

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    Regarding the role of the energy market, especially oil, on the economy of countries, it is important to identify the future evolution of the market. In this respect, predicting the changeable extreme evolution of the oil price is crucial for decision and policy makers. This study attempts to investigate the maximum changes of OPEC’s oil price by employing the concept of Value at Risk. To this end, GARCH family models based on the normal and extreme distribution were used, and it is expected that the focus on the latter in forecasting Value at Risk, especially in the face of extreme events, may end up in more realistic results. The results of the backtesting of models show that the ARMA-GARCH-EVT model predicts better than the other ones

    The Impact of Iran's Economic Sanctions on Iran and OPEC Countries's Crude Oil Trade: Application of the Generalized Gravity Model

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    Economic sanctions in the field of international relations affect the trade pattern of countries. One of the effective channels of sanctions is exports (as the most important source of foreign exchange supply for countries). In this regard, oil exports to OPEC member countries, especially Iran, are among the most important economic revenues and have a high share in the country's budget. In the present study, the effect of sanctions on the pattern of trade in Iranian crude oil and petroleum products and also the effect of these sanctions on OPEC member countries in the framework of the generalized gravity model using panel data econometric models have been investigated. The research model is based on statistical data from 1988 to 2018 in the form of four periods of sanctions, including the first period of US sanctions, EU sanctions, UN sanctions, and the second period of US sanctions. The findings show that US-era sanctions and EU sanctions have had less of an impact on Iran's oil exports, but UN sanctions have had a significant impact on these oil exports and Iran's share of OPEC exports. According to research findings, other OPEC member countries have not had a significant impact on the replacement of the Iranian oil market, and this shortage has been mainly met by countries outside the OPEC

    The Effect of Climate Change on Iran's Natural Gas Consumption; Application of Censored Regression Model (Tobit)

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    Investigating the effects of climate change on different aspects of social life has been the focus of research in recent decades. The importance of energy for development and growth as well as pollution caused by energy carriers has made it necessary to assess the impact of climate change on the consumption of various energy carriers including natural gas. This study designed a model for natural gas demand in which in addition to the conventional economic factors, climate variables are considered. Then, we estimate this model for Iran during the years 2003-2015. In addition, variables of GDP and electricity consumption as well as trend variable had the greatest effect on natural gas consumption in the country

    The Effect of Gas Price on the Resilience of the Gas Distribution System in Iran

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    Gas supply development and the upward trend of Abstract The upward trend of natural gas consumption as a result of gas supply development in recent years necessitates the need to study the resilience of the natural gas distribution system more than ever. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of natural gas price liberalization on the resumption of the gas supply system in Iran. In order to measure the fluctuation of the natural gas distribution system, in the first stage, Lyapunov's view was calculated by using the Rosen-Einstein method, based on the consumption of natural gas in the household sector during the period from 2005 to 2018. In the next step, by using the Johansen-Uuselus Coincidence Method and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), the relationship between the price of natural gas and the volatility of the Iranian gas distribution system has been investigated. According to the results of the model, the price of natural gas after the law enforcement of subsidies has led to a reduction in the resilience of the gas supply system; however, before implementing the targeted subsidy policy, the natural gas price has a positive resilience on gas distribution system fluctuations. This could be resulted from the real fall in natural gas prices due to inflation and a sharp increase in the exchange rate in the years after the targeted subsidy law came into force

    The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Growth and Inflation of OPEC Countries with an Emphasis on OPEC Political Risk Shocks

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    Considering the source of oil shocks, this study aims to investigate the effect of oil price shocks on the key macroeconomic variables of the OPEC countries. Even though oil shocks are originated by various factors, political risks are of great importance. Using structural vector-autoregressive model, we disentangled oil shocks and studied their impacts on OPEC’s GDP growth and inflation, using a Panel-VAR for 1994:1-2016:4. Our results highlight that among oil shocks, the oil price shocks stemming from the political risk of OPEC countries have the most significant impact on the OPEC's economic growth, while not having any significant impact on inflation of the countries. We also learned that oil supply shocks could also boost economic growth and increase inflation rates in OPEC countries, although these increases are not significant. Other oil price shocks will only lead to higher inflation in these countries without affecting OPEC's economic growth

    A Dynamic Network Comparison Analysis of Iran’s Crude Oil International Trade

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    This research conducts a quantitative comparative analysis of the dynamic international crude oil trade network of Iran by using the network connectedness measures of Diebold and Yilmaz (2015) and also the asymmetric short-term and long-term impact of the increasing and decreasing key driving factors and obstacles in the crude oil trade development through the gravityrelation and by using the nonlinear panel auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model during 1980–2017. Results indicated the dynamic spillover flow of the crude oil trade of Iran during the investigated period of time. Moreover, the crude oil trade flow of Iran is a net shock transmitter to Middle East and a net shock receiver from the crude oil trade flow in countries of America, Eastern Europe- Eurasia, Africa, Western Europe, and Asia Pacific, respectively. The focus on the divided regional trade scheme and adopting the biased foreign trade policies by Iran may not lead to the vulnerability reduction of its economy from crude oil trade flow volatilities. Findings also reveal the asymmetric behavior of the crude oil bilateral trade flow in response to the increasing and decreasing of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita variables in both crude oil exporting and importing countries and international crude oil transportation costs in the short-term and long-term period that it can be used in identifying the effective factors on the volatility transmission to adjust the crude oil trade flow. Therefore, concerning the high degree of the integration in the international crude oil trade network of Iran, it seems that it is necessary to prioritize cooperative over competitive behavior in the crude oil trade of Iran and respond appropriately to market shocks and volatilities during the time (risk management) in the economic plan of the country