6 research outputs found

    Pulpal Response to Direct Pulp Capping with Collagen Bioresorbable Membrane

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    Ispitivalo se je djelovanje kolagena na zubnu pulpu i njegova moguća uporaba u dentalnoj patologiji. Pokusi su izvedeni na psima mjeÅ”ancima. Oni su bili anestezirani, a zubi izolirani gumenom plahticom. S bukalne su strane na dva gornja i donja sjekutića svih životinja izrađeni klasični kaviteti petoga razreda i trepanirana je pulpna komorica. U jednoj je skupini zuba na pulpnu ranu stavljena bioresorbirajuća kolagena membrana, u drugoj sterilni teflonski disk, a u trećoj su kaviteti zatvoreni samo Ketac-Silver cementom. Kaviteti su u prvim dvjema skupinama trajno zatvoreni Ketac-Silver cementom. Nakon Å”est tjedana zubi su izvađeni i priređeni za histoloÅ”ku obradbu. HistoloÅ”ka slika pripravka tretiranih samim Ketac Silver cementom pokazala je potpunu nekrozu tkiva, a građa pulpe histoloÅ”ki se nije dala razaznati. Od osam pripravaka tretiranih teflonskim diskovima dva su pokazala potpunu nekrozu, a na Å”est se vidio djelomičan gubitak morfoloÅ”ke građe. Na pripravcima tretiranim kolagenim bioresorbirajućim membranama pulpno je tkivo u većoj mjeri sačuvalo vitalitet i morfologiju. Opažena je pojačana prokrvljenost i porast broja krvožilnih elemenata. Ni na jednom se pripravku nije opazilo stvaranje dentinskoga reparatornog mosta.The study evaluates the effect of collagen bioresorbable membrane as a pulp capping material. Experiments were carried out on mongrel dogs. The dogs were anesthetized and teeth were isolated by rubber dum. In all animals, along the buccal side, class V cavities were prepared on two maxillary and mandibular incisors. The pulp chambers were exposed and bioresorbable collagen membrane Bio Gide was placed on the pulp wound in the first group of the teeth. In the second group the pulp wound was covered with a sterile Teflon disk and in the third group the cavities were closed by Ketac-Silver cementum only. The cavities in the first two groups of teeth were permanently closed by Ketac-Silver cementum. After six weeks the specimen teeth were extracted and prepared for histological examination. The histological findings of the specimens treated only with Ketac-Silver cementum showed complete necrosis of the pulp tissue. Two samples treated with Teflon disks showed complete necrosis of the pulp, while on six samples partial loss of morphologic structure could be seen. On the specimens treated with collagen bioresorbable membranes the pulp tissue preserved its vitality to a much greater extent. Particularly noticeable was a better blood supply in the pulp, with an increased number of blood vessels. The creation of a reparatory bridge was not noticed in any of the tested samples

    Endodontic Morphology of Permanent Teeth

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    UspjeÅ”nost liječenja zubne pulpe uvjetovana je dobrim poznavanjem endodontskoga prostora i njegovih raznolikosti. NajčeŔći uzrok neuspjeha jest Å”to se ne nađu korijenski kanali, jedan ili viÅ”e njih, ili pak njihove anatomske osobitosti. Premda svi zubi imaju viÅ”e-manje određenu građu endodonta, ipak terapeut mora biti spreman i na moguće varijacije. Najrjeđe varijabilnosti u građi endodontskoga prostora pokazuju gornji sjekutići i očnjak. Oni gotovo u 100% slučajeva imaju jedan korijen i korijenski kanal, a u praksi je zabilježeno tek nekoliko slučajeva gornjih sjekutića sa dva korijena ili korijenska kanala. Donji sjekutići i očnjaci najčeŔće imaju korijen i korijenski kanal, no moguće ih je naći dva, pa čak i tri. Pretkutnjaci i kutnjaci često variraju u građi endodontskoga prostora. Stomatolog mora biti spreman na postojanje dvaju ili triju korijenskih kanala kod pretkutnjaka, te čak četiriju, pet ili viÅ”e korijenskih kanala kod kutnjaka. Raspored kanala također može biti vrlo raznolik, pa tako u bilo kojem od korijena tih zuba može postojati viÅ”e korijenskih kanala. Osobitost u građi gornjih i donjih kutnjaka jest da je moguć i tzv. C- -oblik endodonta, a nastaje kao posljedica sraÅ”tanja korijena tih zuba. Primjeri iz prakse danomice potvrđuju vrlo složenu morfologiju endodontskoga prostora zuba i zato stomatolog mora biti spreman na te raznolikosti kako bi postigao Å”to bolji uspjeh u endodontskoj terapiji.The prerequisite for successful treatment of dental pulp is a good knowledge of endodontic space and its diversities. The most common reason of not succeeding is failing to notice one or more root canals or their anatomic particularities. Maxillary incisors and canines show least variability in the structure of endodontic morphology. In almost 100% of cases they have one root and one root canal, and in practice only a few cases of maxillary incisors with two roots or root canals have been noted. In mandibular incisors and canine, along with the most often incidence of one, the incidence of two and even three roots and root canals is possible. Premolars and molars often vary in the structure of their endodontic morphology. The stomatologist must be prepared for the existence of two or even three root canals in the premolar and even four, five or more roots canals in the molar. The configuration of canals can also vary a lot and there may exist more roots canals in any of the root of these teeth. The particularity in the structure of maxillary and mandibular molars is the possible occurrence of the socalled C-shaped canals which result as a consequence of the growing into one of the roots in these teeth. Examples from daily practice demonstrate the very complex endodontic morphology of teeth and, therefore, the stomatologist must be prepared for these diversities, in order to achieve the best possible endodontic treatment

    Leakage of Root-End Filling Materials

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    U radu je in vitro ispitano brtvljenje materijala za retrogradno punjenje korijenskih kanala: amalgama, Super EBA-cementa i IRM-a. Korijenski kanali trideset i četiriju jednokorijenskih zuba obrađeni su ā€œstep-backā€ tehnikom i punjeni tehnikom hladne lateralne kondenzacije. VrÅ”ci su korijena resecirani i izrađeni su retrogradni kaviteti I razreda dubine 2 mm. Skupine po 10 zuba punjene su jednim od navedenih materijala. Nakon sedam dana u boji uzorci su podvrgnuti procesu bistrenja. Prozirnost zuba postignuta je demineralizacijom u duÅ”ičnoj kiselini, dehidracijom u etilnom aloholu i uranjanjem zuba u metilsalicilat. Prodor boje očitan je stereomikroskopom. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata najbolje retrogradno brtvljenje postignuto je EBA-cementom, a amalgam i IRM pokazali su slabiju sposobnost brtvljenja.The in vitro quality o f the sealing ability of materials for retrograde root fillings: amalgam, Super EBA-seal and IRM has been examined. The root canals of thirty four single rooted teeth were treated by conventional ā€œstep-backā€ technique and obturated by gutta-percha and Diaket sealer using cold lateral condensation technique. The apex of the roots were resected and retrograde cavities o f Class I, 2 mm deep, were made. Three groups of 10 samples each were obturated by one o f the mentioned materials. After seven days in ink the samples underwent the ā€œclearing ā€ process. The transparency of teeth was achieved by demineralization in nitric acid, dehidration in ethyl alcohol and by submerging the teeth in methyl-salicilat. The linear day penetration was measured by means o f a stereomicroscope. On the basis of the obtained results, in this study, the best retrograde sealing was achieved by using EBA-cement while amalgam and IRM showed poorer sealing ability

    Endodontic Retreatment with Eucalyptol and Chloroform Solvent

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    Kloroform je bio najčeŔće rabljena otopina za otapanje gutaperke u korijenskom kanalu. Rasprave o sigurnosti njegove uporabe potakle su uporabu novih tekućina za otapanje gutaperke. Svrha rada bila je usporediti djelotvornost i vrijeme potrebno za otapanje gutaperke eukaliptolom i kloroformom. Trideset jednokorijenskih zuba sterilizirano je, obrađeno i ispunjeno gutaperkom, te pohranjeno u 0,9% otopini Na- Cl sedam dana. Uzorci su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Jedna je tretirana eukaliptolom, a druga kloroformom. Revizija se smatrala zavrÅ”enom kad viÅ”e nije bilo vidljivih tragova gutaperke na metalnim instrumentima i papirnim Å”tapićima. Zubi su uzdužno rascijepljeni i fotografirani. PovrÅ”ine zaostatne gutaperke i punila izmjerene su računalnim programom. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni Student t-testom i pokazali su da nema značajne razlike u otapanju gutaperke između dviju skupina.Chloroform has been the most widely used solvent in endodontic retreatment, but due to concerns about its safety, alternatives have been sought. The purpose o f this study was to compare the effectiveness of gutta-percha removal and time of retreatment between eucalyptol and chloroform used as solvents. Thirty single root teeth were sterilized, prepared, obturated, and stored in 0.9 % physiological solution (Na- Cl) for seven days, after which they were randomly divided into two groups for retreatment. The teeth were retreated using either eucalyptol or chloroform as the solvent. Retreatment was deemed complete when there was no evidence o f gutta-percha on the files or paper points. Teeth were split longitudinally and photographed. The surfaces of remaining gutta-percha and sealer were measured using computer software. The results showed no significant difference in gutta-percha removal between the two groups

    Antibacterial Activity of Halothane, Eucalyptol and Orange Oil

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    Za pokus su rabljeni sojevi Staphylococcus aureus i Enterococcus faecalis. Bakterijski inokulum od 0,5 Mc Farlanda razrijeđen je fizioloÅ”kom otopinom u omjerima 1:10, 1:10 2, 1:10 3, 1:10 4, 1:10 5 i 1:10 6. Otapalo količine 0,2 ml pomijeÅ”ano je s istom količinom bakterijske suspenzije. Za svaku bakterijsku vrstu učinjeno je 60 uzoraka tj. po 10 uzoraka za pojedino razrjeđenje. Uzorci su hermetički zatvoreni i ostavljeni 10 i 30 minuta. Količina od 0,1 ml pojedinog uzorka nasađena je na krvnu ploču i pohranjena u termostat 24 h na temperaturi od 37ĖšC. Postupak je ponovljen dva puta. Halotan je pokazao najveću antibakterijsku aktivnost. UniÅ”tio je sve koncentracije sojeva Staphylococcus aureus i Enterococcus faecalis. Eukaliptol je djelovao na sojeve Staphylococcus aureus, a narančino ulje nije pokazalo antibakterijski učinak na ispitivane sojeve.Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis species were used for the experiment. 0,5 McFarland bacterial inoculum was diluted using saline in proportions 1:10, 1:10 2, 1:10 3, 1:10 4, 1:10 5 and 1:10 6. 0.2 millilitre of solving agent was mixed with an equal quantity of bacterial suspension. Sixty specimens, 10 for each proportion, were prepared. Specimens were hermetically closed and left for 10 and 30 minutes. 0.1 millilitre of each specimen was planted to the blood agar and put in the thermostat at 37Ā°C for 24 hours. The procedure was repeated twice. Halothane exhibited greatest antibacterial activity, destroying all concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. Eucalyptol showed activity towards Staphylococcus aureus, while orange oil did not show any antibacterial effect on the examined bacteria