8 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Prospects, Successes and Implementation Challenges of Performance Management System at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho Ghana

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    This research work was to assess the prospects, successes and implementation challenges of performance management system at University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) in the Volta Region of Ghana. The study employed qualitative research design for the study. In-depth Interview method was the chosen research instrument to aid in data collection process. The study employed twenty-five (25) respondents who doubles as employees of the university and serving under various sections and units, like the office of the Vice Chancellor and registrar, human resource, finance, admissions office and staff of various schools or colleges as its unit of analysis. The research found that, performance management at the university has brighter prospects and thus is managed through a system of employee assessment which has resulted in some successes of the system being achieved in relation to human resource management in the areas of accountability, employee needs’ identification, effective human resource management, promotions and efficient service delivery. Again, results showed the absence of feedback, annual system and performance management system conducted for promotional purposes as part of various challenges impeding the effectiveness of the system. As a result, the research recommended the design and implementation of a feedback system, regular employee assessment system and implementation of effective and efficient performance assessment system instead of mere annual appraisal system in the university. Keywords: Performance Management System, Employee Assessment, Human Resource Management, In-depth Interview, Prospects, Implementation Challenges. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-4-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

    The Impact of Hand Washing Initiative on Young People in the Eastern Region of Ghana

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    Hand washing has been a lifelong practice because of its many health benefits, social and moral obligations. It is perceived to be one of the most important and cost-effective methods of preventing infectious and diarrhoeal diseases like the Coronavirus disease 2019, (COVID-19). (Ghana Health Survey, 2020). Promoting hand washing as an intervention for hand hygiene and behaviour change activity for continuous practice have been rolled out among young people so that they learn proper hand washing and maintain personal hygiene. This study assesses the impact of hand washing initiative among young people in the Eastern Region of Ghana.This is an exploratory and qualitative study that combines a Focus Group Discussions (FGD) of young people and In-Depth Interviews of key stakeholders such as parents, teachers, community leaders, health workers and NGO’s in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The data derived from the study was analyse using a qualitative technique such as thematic analysis to extract the key findings. During the study, ethical considerations were observed to protect respondents.Key findings from the study indicates that there is a general awareness of hand washing and its importance among young people. However, they find it difficult to adhere to the practice because of non-availability of basic items such as soap, water and knowledge of proper hand washing techniques. The study also revealed that key stakeholders contribute to promote hand washing initiative in diverse ways at home, in schools, health facilities and in the community. However, some stakeholders are predisposed to resources that enable them to achieve hand washing initiative. The least of those not predisposed to basic resources to support the practice are teachers, schools and community leaders because of shortage basic resources such as soap and water to support the practice of hand washing. This study concludes that despite all the efforts by young people to adhere to practice and key stakeholders’ effort to promote hand washing, they are confronted with basic challenges. Hence, the need to have basic resources such as water and soap in schools and communal areas, to advocate for young people to engage in global hand washing day and using young people as ambassadors to advocate for proper hand washing practices especially among their peers. Keywords: Infectious Diseases, Hand Washing Initiative, Non-Governmental organizations, Focus Group Discussion, Thematic Analysis, Behavioural Changes DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-4-01 Publication date:May 31st 2021

    Knowledge and Use of Insecticide-Treated Net Among Mothers with Children under Five Years at Atua, Ghana: A Community and Health Facility Based Study

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    Treated Nets (ITNs) have been identified as one of the most effective tools for malaria prevention. Yet only three percent (3%) of African children are currently sleeping under an ITN, and about twenty percent (20%) are sleeping under any kind of net. The study sought to access the knowledge and use of ITNs among mothers with children under-five as well as identify the approaches to promote and sustain the use of ITNs. This study was conducted at Atua in the Manya Krobo Municipality among mothers with children under five through in-depth interviews and a Focus Group of Discussion with community volunteers and members. The research identified three (3) significant issues/problems relating to the knowledge and use of Insecticide-Treated Nets among the mothers in the community. The findings show that ownership of ITNs among mothers with children under -five was high and this was due to the free ITN distribution of the product, whereas knowledge of its usage was low since most mothers were ignorant about ITN fixing or hanging, consistency in usage, retreatment of ITNs and have different perception and misconceptions about ITNs. Secondly, the finding identified factors such as age, type of household arrangements, low knowledge, finance, perception, beliefs, and misconception as causes for low usage of ITN. Thirdly, although sensitization on ITN use had taken place within the municipality, it had not been effective enough to promote and sustain the use of ITNs.This study ranked the following negative impact factors and concluded that low know-how, financial problems, household dynamics, negative perceptions, and misconceptions of ITNs, impact negatively on effective utilization of ITNs among mothers with children under five years. The study, therefore, recommends that the public-private partnership should be adapted to ensure accessibility, affordability, and sensitization on ITN’s, their retreatment, and consistent usage. Also, there should be strategic education on behavior change to transform mothers’ perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes on the use of ITN in the community. Keywords: Acute Febrile Illness, Insecticide-Treated Nets ITNs, Plasmodium Parasites, In-depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, Roll Back Malaria, Thematic Analysis, Non-Governmental Organizations DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/102-03 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Ricardian Model of Comparative Cost Advantage in Operating Intercity State Transport Corporation (ISTC) and Opoku-Agyemang (O.A) Travel and Tour

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    This study employed the Ricardian Model of Comparative Cost Advantage, the study was able to relate to how much productive or cost efficient one transport corporation is than the other. In this case, the research centered on how much one transport provider is efficient in a particular service than the other and therefore can tell which transport corporation should resort to specializing in human transport and leave parcel transport service and vice versa due to high patronage.  Stratified sampling was used to divide the population into homogeneous subgroups (Bosco training Collage, UDS Navrongo Campus, OA bus terminal and ISTC bus terminal). Structured questionnaire was design and administered to generate precise and accurate information on the effectiveness of Intercity State Transport Coaches ltd (ISTC) and Opoku Agyeman travel and tour (O.A) in terms of human transport and parceling services. The study revealed that O.A, is a private enterprise that is time conscious in terms of delivery. ISTC on the other hand specializes in safety. From the research, the cost of transporting humans from Bolgatanga to Kumasi and vice versa was lower for O.A than ISTC and this allows most customers to prefer O.A to ISTC. However, the affordability of charges of parcels moving from Kumasi to Bolgatanga and vice versa is better in ISTC than O.A. This gives O.A a comparative cost advantage in terms of human transportation than ISTC. ISTC however has a comparative cot advantage over O.A in parceling service. Keywords: Ricardian Model, Comparative Cost Advantage, Opportunity Cost Theory, Productive Possibility Frontier, Transportation. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-4-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Factors Contributing to Low Tuberculosis Case Detection in West Akim Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana: A Community and Health Facility Based Study

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    This research has a keen interest into assessing health and community related factors that contribute and influences low TB case detection rate in the West Akim Municipality of the Eastern region of Ghana. Data was collected from a target group of community members and health workers using a well-structured questionnaire. Data from the field was collected using Epi Info 7 and then, exported to Microsoft Excel and finally transferred to SPSS version 24 for the analysis. Some statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, reliability of scale, t-test of independence, chi-square and analysis of variance was used to obtain results from the data analysis. Community related factors that has been identified as possible contributors to low TB detection rate are as follows, the availability of alternative means of health care (traditional healers, prayer camps, and herbs to manage suspected cases of TB. This turns to keep people away from the health facilities. The long time (2 days) it takes for an individual to get tested and to receive his/her tested results (time of diagnostics). The high levels of experienced stigma associated with psychological distress on suspected people with TB and on friends and relatives living with TB patients. the low knowledge of TB among some reasonable number of community members. The study also identified the possible health related factors influencing low TB case detection rate such as, Low TB trained personals and low TB education during health talks in creating awareness that TB is preventable, curable and treatable and that suspected people with TB (cough for more than two weeks) should seek medical attention. Community health nurses not including TB screening as part of their home visitation program and low level of contact tracing could also contribute to the low case detection rate. The highly inadequate number Gene Xpert machines, DOT centres and laboratories for the diagnostics of TB.  The study also found that, TB stigma even existed among health care providers against suspected patients. This negatively influence the health seeking behavior among suspected patients. This study became necessary to generate information for the Ghana national TB control Programme for appropriate remedial actions to be taken to forestall any catastrophe that may result from undetected and untreated TB cases in the West Akim municipality. Keywords: Gene Xpert machines, DOT Centres, Stigmatization, Psychological Distress, TB screening, Low TB Case Detection. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/72-11 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Time Series Modeling and Forecasting GDP in the Ghanaian Economy

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    In this research, empirical modeling of the Ghanaian GDP was done by using the Box-Jenkins model which is also known as the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA). We followed the 4 steps involved in using this model which include model identification, estimation of parameters, diagnostic checking and finally, model use (or forecasting). The analysis was carried out by using the GDP data of Ghana from 1970-2014. We found an original result by discovering an ARIMA (0; 1; 0) process modeling this GDP data. Next, we made forecast of the GDP of Ghana for the period 2015-2020 and compared the forecast values with that of Ghana Statistical service and other international forecasting organizations. The result from the forecast revealed that the GDP of Ghana is mostly influenced by external factors and may experience an increase for the period 2015-2020. Keywords: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), stationarity, invertibility, Box-Jenkins, auto-regressive

    Vector Autoregressive Models for Multivariate Time Series Analysis; Macroeconomic Indicators in Ghana

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    This study investigated the relationship, the percentage contribution of endogenous shocks and the direction of causality between real gross domestic product, exchange rate, foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Ghana. It employed the multivariate Johansen co-integration test via vector auto-regressive model and the vector error correction model, to examine both long-run and short-run dynamic relationships respectively, between the selected macroeconomic variables for the period 1991-2016. The dynamic interactions between the variables were studied with Granger causality tests, impulse response functions, and forecast error variance decompositions. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test indicated that all the variables were stationary after their first differencing, thus variables are integrated of order one, I (1). The diagnostic tests on the model residuals revealed that the models were adequate, valid and stable. The Trace test statistic of the Johansen cointegration test indicated one cointegrating relationship indicating long run relationship among the variables. Granger Causality analysis indicated a uni–directional causal relationship between real GDP and FDI. It also showed that FDI Granger-causes all of the other variables. The results revealed the positive effect and sensitivity of the FDI variable in determining the activities pertaining to real GDP, exchange rate, and unemployment rate and vice versa in the Ghanaian economy. Keywords: Vector Autoregression Model (VAR), Multivariate Time Series, Macroeconomic Variables, Cointegration, Granger causality, Impulse response function, Forecast error variance decomposition,

    Pricing a Cap under the Affine Term Structure Interest Rate Model

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    is the Pearson-Sun model proposed by Pearson and Sun (1994). This allow company’s (investors, risk managers) to hedge against the risk associated with floating interest rate fluctuations going beyond a certain strike rate(the cap rate). The study obtained an expression for the price of the cap which consists of the price of a zero coupon bond written on the Pearson-Sun model plus a cumulative sum of continuously traded caplets, where each caplet is the price of a European call option with strike price as the cap level ........Keywords : Interest rate modeling, Pearson-Sun Model, Price of a Cap, Term Structure of Interest Rate, Zero-coupon Bond