57 research outputs found


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    The environment estrogen concentration in the rivers flowed into Harimanada Sea in Hyogo Prefect, was measured. 17α- and 17β- estradiol which were hormone discharged from human and domestic animals were measured. In addition, estron which was a decomposition product of these estradiols was also measured. 17α-estradiol is a sex hormone which derives from the cow. Since the pastureland and cattle shed with the cow exists in the upstream in the river, the quantity of 17α-estradiol detected near the downstream of rivers was little by the biodegradation. However, it was confirmed to reach the concentration in which the estrogen concentration affects the fish near the outfall of the sewage-treatment plant in the Senba river


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    In the limnological environments, dissolved organic matter (DOM) consists of various organic molecules that come from allochthonous origin (e.g. riverine humic substances) and autochthonous origin (e.g. carbohydrates and proteins), and more than 90% of DOM has not be identified yet because most of organic molecules in DOM are intermediate compounds of biodegradation. Thus to develop a simple method to qualify the water in regards of dissolved organic matter is needed. In this study, we developed the monitoring method for limnetic waters using C_ solid phase extraction and 3D excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectrometry. The eluent conditions for C_ extraction were examined and the suitable ones were proposed. The coefficient of variation calculated by the fluorescent peak intensities were below 7%, and C_ solid phase extraction was found to be a better way for the pre-treatment of EEM spectrometry


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    In April 2002, it was announced that a substance called acrylamide was produced by heating and manufacturing the foods containing many carbohydrates at high temperature. According to the International Cancer Research Organization (IARC), acrylamide is classified as "The substance which has the possibility of showing carcinogenesis in the person". In this study, we determined quantity of acrylamide contained in commercial food using LC/MS-MS. Moreover, we investigated about generation of the acrylamide in a potato using the machine for cooking. The result showed that acrylamide above 1,OOOμg/kg was detected from potato chips. Additionally, acrylamide above 100μg/kg was detected from fried potato and fried noodle. In the study about the generation of the acrylamide by heating potatos, acrylamide increased from a critical point rapidly. This showed that there was a temperature region in generation. Acrylamide of approximately 10,000μg/kg was detected by using the microwave oven under the highest heating conditions


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    Nonylphenol (NP) having an endocrine disrupter effect is used in the form of a poly(oxy ethylene)nonylphenyl ether (NPnEO) as a non-ion surfactant, ethoxy straight chain is decomposed by the microbial degradation in environment, then NPnEO is converted to NP through the action. Consequently it is concerned about the effect of NP on wildlife. Blue Mussel has the tolerance, which is strong in pollution. In this study, seawater and Blue Mussel were collected in Harimanada and Osaka Bay enclosed coastal seas. We investigated the distribution and seasonal movement of NP concentration. The result of the study showed that the concentrations of NP in seawater were gradually increasing from August. Moreover, the concentrations in Blue Mussel were the highest in almost all points in August. These results indicate that the water environment where Blue Mussel lives influenced them. The water temperature of 25℃ demonstrated most efficient filtration capability in August and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was low in August and September, so the Blue Mussel took in sea water so much. NP concentration in Blue Mussel was varied in the short term. This was suggested that Blue Mussel could become the important indicator of NP concentration in seawater

    Coprecipitation of Manganese with Calcium Carbonate

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