23 research outputs found

    Nano & Arbo 2.0 - Editorial

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    Occupational allergens

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    Allergens are substances that may cause a hypersensitivity (allergy) of the immune system. After acquiring this hypersensitivity, further exposure to the same substance may result in allergic skin disease such as allergic contact dermatitis, or allergic airway disease such as allergic rhinitis or asthma. Occupational allergens are present in many sectors and occupations. Occupational allergens and the products containing them may be identified by means of their classification and labelling as well as by using various existing lists. Prevention should include combinations of measures at source, technical and organisational measures, personal protection and hygiene, and early warning

    Hierarchy of controls applied to dangerous substances

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    Too often, measures to control workers’ exposure to dangerous substances are taken on an ‘ad-hoc’ basis. Existing processes, procedures and routines are taken for granted, and ‘end-of-pipe’ solutions are installed. In many cases, one relies on the use of personal protective equipment. This may lead to sub-optimal levels of control, for example because the controls are poorly integrated in the process, or because they are difficult to use for workers. The hierarchy of controls supports the identification of a range of control options that tackle the problem in a more fundamental manner. A general article on the hierarchy of control measures can be found here Hierary of preventive measures. This article focuses on the application of the hierarchy of control measures for companies using hazardous substances

    Landelijke stoffendag 2012

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    De derde Landelijke Stoffendag, op 2 oktober jongstleden in'de Meervaart'in Amsterdam, werd bezocht door biina driehonderd deelnemers die in het dagelijks leven verantwoordelijk-heid dragen voor stoffenbeleid. De dag kende een gevarieerde opzet, met afwisseling tussen plenaire voordrachten (John Cherrie:'Workplace diseases and cancer'), tijd voor bezoek aan de informatiekramen op de 'Stoffenmarkt'en twee rondes met Workshops, waarbij uit 11 onderwerpen gekozen kon worden. Tussendoor ook nog een interactief cabaret rondom stoffenproblematiek, zodat eenieder verzadigd en verkwikt aan het eind van de dag huiswaarts kon keren

    Verfverwerking : veiligheid, gezondheid en beheersmaatregelen

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    Hazard identification checklist: Occupational safety and health issues associated with green building

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    This checklist accompanies the e-fact on the same topic and aims to help identify the potential hazards to workers’ safety and health associated with the planning and construction of green buildings, their maintenance, renovation (retrofitting), demolition, and on-site waste collection. It also gives examples of preventive measures to address these hazards. Some of these OSH hazards are new compared with traditional construction sites and are associated with new green materials, technologies or design. Other hazards are well-known to the construction sector but they arise in new situations or combinations associated with green buildings and therefore demand particular consideration

    Occupational safety and health management and risk governance

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    The advancement in new technologies, substances and new ways of working make it necessary to look beyond traditional methods of risk management. General drivers to emerging occupational safety and health (OSH) risks are: globalisation; demographic changes; technical innovations; changes in risk perception; and an increase in natural hazards. OSH issues affected by these rapid developments are, for example: physical risks associated with inactivity; psychosocial risks; work intensification and increased job demands; violence and harassment at work; and the use of emerging dangerous or unknown substances (e.g. exposure to Nano-particles and electromagnetic fields)[1]. A new and broader approach to dealing with risk management in the workplace, in particular when the risks concerned are relatively new, is ‘Risk Governance’

    Private grenswaarden voor stoffen: bestaan ze en 'werken' ze?

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    Een evaluatie van het 'nieuwe' Nederlandse grenswaardenstelsel. ln Nederland bestaat sinds 2007 een nieuw stelsel van grenswaarden voor gevaarlijke stoffen. Uitgangspunt hierin is de eigen verantwoordelijkheid van werkgevers- en werknemersorganisaties. Zii moeten zélf grenswaarden voor stoffen vaststellen: de private grenswaarden. De overheid vult deze alleen in specifieke gevallen aan met wettelijke (publieke) grenswaarden. ln opdracht van het ministerie van SZW hebben TNO en RIVM onderzocht hoe dit'nieLtwe'grenswaardenstelsel in de praktijk functioneert. Een vraag die ook veel arboprofessionals bezig houdt. De onderzoeksresultaten komen binnen kort beschikbaar

    Occupational exposure to epoxy resins

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    Products based on epoxy resins as a binder have become popular in various settings, among which the construction industry and in windmill blade production, as a result of their excellent technical properties. However, due to the same properties epoxy products are a notorious cause of allergic skin disease among workers. In addition, constituents of epoxy products may cause airway and eye irritation, and airway allergies or even more serious diseases such as cancers or diseases of the reproductive system. Epoxy products that contain volatile solvents may give rise to neurotoxic effects. This article focuses on the use phase of epoxy products, and describes the various types of epoxy products, areas of application, health hazards, professions at risk, developments in the composition and risks of products, the development of classification systems to assess these risks, and control measures, following the hierarchy of controls