28 research outputs found

    Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of 10-Hydroxy-benzo [h] quinoline and 10-Methoxy-benzo [h] quinoline in various Solvents

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    Article信州大学工学部紀要 73: 39-48 (1993)departmental bulletin pape

    Strategies of community health activities to improve the quality of inhabitants' life

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    ヘルスプロモーションの理念にそって,住民組織,行政,研究グループが協働して,住民の生活の質の向上をめざした地域保健活動の展開を計画した。まず,休眠状態にあった岡山県M町の健康づくり推進協議会(以下M町協議会と略す)を活性化するため,協議会の委員18人を対象に聴き取り調査を行い,次に,M町協議会でのディスカッションを深めた。1.M町協議会構成団体のうち住民組織は9組織で,このうち6組織は居住地域内の住民の推薦や輪番で代表を選出しており,他の3組織は任意であった。8組織の事務局は行政機関内にあり,活動経費の公費補助率は70%以上であった。2.委員の描く理想の町のイメージとして,福祉の充実した町で老後も安心できるという内容を含んだ回答が多かった。それを実現する為に,住民一人一人が自己管理意識を持つと同時に,協議会が支援的な活動を身近なところで展開することの必要性が挙げられた。3.M町協議会活動への委員の期待は大きく,協議会内での委員間の意思疎通も次第に深められた。事前に聴き取り調査を行ったこと等が効果的に影響したと考えられた。Along with the idea of health promotion, we planned the community health activities to improve the quality of inhabitants' life in cooperation with inhabitants, community organizations, local government and health professionals. In order to revitalize an inactive committee for health promotion of M town hearing surveys were conducted on the members of the committee. 1. Leaders of community organizations occupied 9 of 19 members of the committee. Leaders of 6 organizations out of 9 ones were decided by recommendation or rotation. Eight secretariats of those organizations were located in the governmental office. Seventy percent or more of activity costs of these organizations depends on assistance of local government. 2. Members of the committee imaged the town, which was healthy and filled with mind of welfare as an ideal town. They pointed out that it was required for the committee to perform support activities to realize an ideal town as well as for every inhabitant to have the consciousness of self-management. 3. Activities of the committee were much expected by members of the committee. Communications between members deepened gradually by repeating the meetings. Hearing survey on members also seemed to be much effective for those progress

    Salivary Oxytocin Concentration Changes during a Group Drumming Intervention for Maltreated School Children.

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    金沢大学子どものこころの発達研究センターMany emotionally-disturbed children who have been maltreated and are legally separated from their parents or primary caregivers live in group homes and receive compulsory education. Such institutions provide various special intervention programs. Taiko-ensou, a Japanese style of group drumming, is one such program because playing drums in a group may improve children’s emotional well-being. However, evidence for its efficacy has not been well established at the biological level. In this study, we measured salivary levels of oxytocin (OT), a neuropeptide associated with social memory and communication, in three conditions (recital, practice, and free sessions) in four classes of school-aged children. Following the sessions, OT concentrations showed changes in various degrees and directions (no change, increases, or decreases). The mean OT concentration changes after each session increased, ranging from 112% to 165%. Plasma OT concentrations were equally sensitive to drum playing in school-aged boys and girls. However, the difference between practice and free play sessions was only significant among elementary school boys aged 8–12 years. The results suggest that younger boys are most responsive to this type of educational music intervention

    「看護過程」の演習における学習用具の開発(その1) : 着脱式の術後患者胸部モデルの作製

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    本研究は,学習効果をあげるための学習用具として着脱することの出来る胸部モデルを開発することを目的とした。素材は,人体モデルとしてリアルさを出せるように,シリコンを使用した。検討内容はリアルさ,着脱し易さ,安定性であった。完成品を用いて,右肺上葉切除術を受けた患者の看護の演習を行った。その結果,学生は「患者の状態が良くわかった」などと評価しており,臨場感を得る用具として効果を示した。The purpose of this study was to develop a chest model with which students are easily able to practice in wearing on and off a patient\u27s clothes effectively. The material used for making the model is silicone, so that students can feel as smooth a touch as the real human bodies on it. The examination contents emerged from realness, wear, and stability. The completed model was used for the nursing exercise for the patient who had the lobe of the right lung. As a result, the students estimated that the condition of the patient was understood well and they valued for its realistic effect

    コウレイシャ シセツ ニオケル サイガイ タイサク ノ ジッタイ ト サイガイ カイゴ キョウイク ニ カンスル イシキ : A ケンナイ ノ トクベツ ヨウゴ ロウジン ホーム カンリシャ ヘノ チョウサ カラ(ダイ1ポウ)

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    本研究は、高齢者施設における災害対策の実態、災害介護教育に関する意識を把握することを目的とし、A県内の特別養護老人ホーム96ヶ所の管理者96名を対象に無記名の質問紙調査を実施した。58名から回答が得られ、以下のことが明らかになった。1)高齢者施設の被災経験は13.8%と少ない状況であった。また、被災時の対応として最も多かったのは「電気系統の確保」であった。2)防災訓練は全ての施設が実施していた。訓練の種類としては「避難訓練」「消火訓練」「通報訓練」「救護訓練」であり、22.4%の施設がこれらを組み合わせ「総合訓練」として実施していた。また、防災マニュアルについては87.9%の施設で整備されていたが、31.4%は定期的な評価・修正を実施していなかった。災害時の連絡体制としては59.6%が「緊急連絡網」を作成していた。災害備蓄品の種類としては「非常食」「飲料水・生活用水」が多く、合わせて72.2%であった。3)防災対策の今後の課題は、「防災体制の整備」「防災教育」「防災訓練」「防災設備・備品の整備」「防災マニュアルの整備」があげられた。4)管理者の77.6%が介護福祉士養成施設における災害介護教育の必要性を認識していた。同じく管理者の77.6%が高齢者施設における災害介護研修の必要性を認識していたが、災害に備えた研修を実施していた施設は37.9%であった。This study aimed to highlight awareness concerning countermeasures and education of nursing caretakers at elderly facilities in the event of a disaster. We administered an anonymous survey with questionnaires directed at administrators from 96 nursing homes in A Prefecture. We received 58 responses, which showed the following: 1)13.8% of the facilities surveyed showed a low ratio of disaster occurrence. "Securement of electrical systems" is the most frequently provided measure at the time of such disasters. 2)All facilities had already conducted disaster drills. There are four distinct drills: "an evacuation drill," " firefighting drill," "A reporting drill," and "a first‑aid drill." 22.4% of the facilities combined these drills into "A comprehensive drill" when actually conducting such drills. 87.9% of the facilities have prepared disaster prevention manuals, but 31.4% did not execute evaluations and or corrections. In regards to a "communications system" in place in case of a disaster, 59.6% had prepared "an emergency network." Emergency rations of food, drinking water, and clothes were stockpiled, which accounted for 72.2% of stockpile provisions. 3)Provisions for countermeasures against possible disasters included, "development of disaster prevention systems," "education for disaster prevention," "disasters drills," "maintenance of facilities and equipment," and "preparation of a disaster prevention manual." 4)77.6% of administrators acknowledged the necessity for training of nursing caretakers in the event of a disaster within the training facilities itself. 77.6% of the administrators acknowledged the necessity of training nursing caretakers in the event of a disaster within the elderly facilities, yet only 37.9% of these facilities have conducted such training in the event of a disaster


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    IT学習に多くの時間を割けない看護系学生が、基礎的なIT学習のみで実用的なhtml文書を作成できるシステムを開発した。html文書による情報表現はOSや特定のアプリケーションによらない、簡便で優れた手段である。しかし看護学生が自ら実用的なhtml文書を作成することは簡単ではない。そこで我々は、使用者が僅か8種類のタグを覚えるだけで実用的なホームページを作成できるシステムを開発した。それは文字色、サイズ、表作成、メール、リンク、正式タグの埋め込みなどである。学生はhtml文書の作成に多くの時間を割く必要がないので、本来の看護学の学習や研究のための情報収集に専念することができる。このシステムの実行プログムのサイズは僅か300キロバイト程度で小さく、新旧PCで無償で利用できる。本システムを利用した、学習ノートとして利用できるhtml文書、研究成果の発表のためのhtml文書などの作成方法について述べる。We developed a homepage creating system that requires only fundamental Information Technology learning to use. This system is designed for nursing students who can not spare much time to learn information technology. Information description by HTML document is a good expression means that is independent from any specific OS and application. However, it is not so easy for nursing students by themselves to create a practical HTML document. We developed a system by which students can make practical web-pages by learning about eight tags. The tags are related to font color, font size, table creation, mail, link, and embedding of standard tags. Students do not need consume much time in learning HTML documentation, and therefore they can dedicate themselves to their essential study and research of nursing theory and practice. Size of this system is as small as approximately 300KB and can run in old and new PCs at free. Here we will explain about (1) HTML documents that can be used as studying notes, (2) HTML documents for presenting research achievement, (3) methods to create these HTML documents by the system

    ホンガク ガクセイ ノ タイカイ サポーター トシテノ カツドウ ホウコク : ヘイセイ 19ネンド ゼンコク ショウガイシャ スポーツ タイカイ ニ サンカ シテ

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    平成19年度秋田県において開催された全国障害者スポーツ大会(秋田わか杉大会)に、本学介護福祉学科、看護学科の学生が大会サポーターとして参加した。大会参加へ向けての取り組みの概要及び参加後実施した調査内容から、学生の活動の実態が明らかとなったので報告する。1.学生達は、これまでの学内外の学びを活用し、担当した方々の障害種別に応じた対応ができていた。2.選手とのふれあいを通して、多くの感動、学びを得、障害に応じた知識・技術の修得の必要性について認識していた。3.赤十字マークの活用については、6割の学生が本学学生としての自覚ある行動に結びついたと回答した。A national handicapped person athletic meet was held in Akita in 2007. Both students from the department of nursing and the department of care and welfare participated in the meet to supporter the athletic. Actual conditions developed students acting in support of the athletes at the conclusion of participation in the meet, yielded the following investigation.1. The students made use of conventional learning skill were better able to cope with a handicapped person\u27s specific classification. 2. Through direct contact with a handicapped athlete, the students gained better knowledge and lasting impressions. Students also recognized that it was necessary to acquire greater knowledge and skill according to a person\u27s disabilities. 3. The inflection of Red Cross symbol mark as connected to their action, gave the junior college student better awareness