7 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Moldova

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    The issue of sustainable development of the agriculture in the Republic of Moldova has become very important lately. Thus, the sustainable development of the agriculture in the Republic of Moldova can be defined as a continuous and consecutive growth of the agricultural activity results. The development of the agricultural sector is of major importance for the Republic of Moldova. The rural population is 58%, whose income comes from agriculture or from other agricultural activities. That’s why, the state should support the rural population, whose income is directly dependent on the agricultural sector. The main objectives of the rural development department are: creating viable rural areas, stimulating economic growth, increasing competition in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors, ensuring a sufficient level of self-sufficiency, rational use of natural resources and tackling climate change, setting favorable conditions for improving the quality of life in rural areas. The Republic of Moldova still has to work on them

    The development of the viticulture and wine sector export in the Republic of Moldova

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    The global viticulture and wine export competition is growing exponentially, manifested by the spread of new advanced technologies. These technologies have resulted in improved control over production processes and in the quality improvement of even cheap wines, in the massive entry of exporters from the "New World", whose sales have tripled since 1992. That’s why, the emergence of new import and export markets requires original and well-targeted strategies and approaches. Today the wine and viticulture sector in the Republic of Moldova depends on exports. Wine is one of the country's main export products. Over 90 percent of the produced wine production is exported. The wine industry has traditionally been the most powerful sector of the national economy of Moldova. In the past, our country was the largest wine exporter on the USSR market, because every second bottle of wine and every third bottle of sparkling wine was produced in our country

    The labor market in the rural area of the Republic of Moldova

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    Any economic activity, under the conditions of a market economy, objectively associates the factor of production capital, with another essential factor, the labor factor, which is obtained through the labor market, thus constituting a market economy subsystem. The labor market is one of the most important elements of the market economy. The functioning of the labor market is influenced both by the economic factors and by the social-institutional nature. Economic factors are especially important for labor demand. Labor supply is modeled at the same time by economic factors (salary level as the price of this factor), but also by factors with a social or institutional coloration

    Fiscal instruments through the impact of macroeconomic and structural factors and parameters of the market economy

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    The existence of a functioning market economy is a prerequisite for the Republic of Moldova to successfully develop its capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the EU. Therefore, at the beginning of the transition period, when the creation and reformation of the public expenditure, taxes, and tax systems was sought in order to ensure their compatibility with the market economy mechanisms along with the changes in the structures of the financial institutions and the national public budget, the functions of the fiscal policy were reasonably focused on the priority role of ensuring the main governmental functions. Over the next few years, after the overall restructuring of the fiscal system, its mechanisms had different effects from what it was expected, in the conditions of a management that proved not to be performing well. This article, in fact, involves dealing with a very complex issue and with numerous and varied interdependencies on the fiscal instruments and the functionality of the national economy

    The impact of fiscal pressure in the viti-vinicultural sector and its role in the development of rural area in The Republic of Moldova

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    The wine sector is one of the strategic branches of the national economy of the Republic of Moldova. In this respect, ensuring a dynamic and balanced development of it, increasing the competitiveness and economic efficiency of the wine products, increasing the export potential of the country - all these need to be regulated by an effective and easily applicable legislative and normative framework. The absence of a coherent strategy at national level in the field of winemaking, in order to penetrate the product and promote it on the EU market, leads to the need to examine the impact of taxes on the financial situation of entities in the wine sector, to study the processes of taxation of entities in correlation with various indicators that characterizes economic and financial activity. All decisions in the field of the entity's economic policy, the modification of the product range, the replacement of the retail market and the deployment of other important measures require the forecasting of possible fiscal aspects. The underestimation of the expected fiscal consequences can lead to unpredictable situations for businesses in the wine sector. However, it is important for the entity not only to know the size of future tax payments, in the event of any changes in the indicators of its economic activity, but also to take measures to obtain economic indicators of the activity that would ensure its optimal taxation

    Trends in the development of the viti-vinicultural sector in the Republic of Moldova

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    The viti-vinicultural sector has always offered hope to the Republic of Moldova. After periods of glory and decline, we now increasingly realise that harnessing the potential of this sector would give a new impetus to the economic development of the country. Moldova has favorable pedo-climate conditions for developing viticulture and winemaking, achieving outstanding results in the postwar period. The viti-vinicultural production is an important source of products for export, while its domestic consumption contributes to the formation of the State budget, and the social effect lies in the fact that the viticulture grants, on a large part of the population, employment, income for maintainance and raising the standard of living. The factors that influenced the wine-growing sector stagnation were the cause of the negative phenomena of the period of transition to a market economy, such as: the ban on alcohol consumtion, imposed during the Soviet era; improper privatisation in the early 1990s; natural disasters; frosts in winter 1996-1997. As a result of the catastrophic reduction areas of vineyards and grape harvest, there was insufficiency of circulating assets for the renovation of the sector, and providing cars and equipment for maintenance of vineyards and the production of planting stock is at a low level at the present stage too

    Aspects of the banking system in the process of money creation in the Republic of Moldova

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    The saying "banks create money" can be often heard nowadays. The issue is particularly relevant at present because the idea that banks can create money from nothing has generated social anger. Without a proper understanding, the misconception that banks create money from nothing will continue to influence business patterns in the financial sector and interventions of the monetary policy. The ability of the banking system to create money is influenced by a number of factors. The banking system of the Republic of Moldova faces numerous problems in the process of money creation, and namely: banks eagerly invest in securities only for a short period of time; a significant share of loans in foreign currency in the total of loans; dollarization of the currency and economies; a large share of cash in the money supply structure; an increased degree of risk associated with loan services of the real sector of the national economy – all these factors determine the amount of money created