6 research outputs found
“Output Research Supporting Class” Manuscript Writing Training to Avoid Misconduct in an Islamic Perspective
The tridharma point that is most challenging for a lecturer to achieve is research, and currently, the benchmark for the research field is scientific publications. However, in reality, there are still many lecturers who are hampered in fulfilling research outputs in the form of scientific publications, this is because lecturers experience difficulties in compiling manuscripts of research results for publication. There are currently 144 lecturers at the Tasikmalaya Health Engineering Polytechnic and around 50% of the lecturers still have the functional position of expert assistant and do not have a functional position or teaching staff. This PKM aims to improve the ability of Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic lecturers to compile manuscripts, avoid misconduct, and publish the manuscript in the intended journal. PKM methodThis is done using an Asset Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) approach, namely focusing on the assets, potential and strengths of the Health Polytechnic lecturers. Workshop and coaching clinic preparing manuscripts, using reference management, and submitting manuscripts to journals. The research results showed that of the 50 participants who took part in the workshop, 15 lecturers succeeded in compiling manuscripts of research results, avoiding misconduct, and improving the manuscripts according to reviewer input. This shows the need for ongoing training and stimulation activities for lecturers in compiling research output
Halal Critical Point Analysis of <i>Bajakah</i> Wood (<i>Spatholobus littoralis</i> Hassk.) Nano Particle as Anticancer Agent
Bajakah wood contains phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins with anticancer activity. The discovery and development of new drugs require several stages. In the process, there are many possibilities of adding other substances to form new active substances or as solvents that allow drug preparations to be doubtful of halalness. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the critical point of halal ingredients. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the nanoparticles of bajakah wood (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.) and to test the anticancer activity in several cancer cell cultures, as well as to analyze the critical point of halalness of the material. This research method is a composition test using chromatography and anticancer activity test using MTT. Analysis of the critical point of halal materials using hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP). The research was carried out at the Indonesian Engineering Nanotechnology Laboratory South Tangerang and the UGM Integrated Laboratory Sleman in July–December 2020. The results showed that bajakah wood nanoparticles contained pure water as a solvent, viscosity 0.08878 cP, scattering intensity 1.1059 cps, diameter 176.1+/−43.7 (nm). Cytotoxic test results showed IC50 against cell culture MCF7 1,063.28 (±114.98) g/mL, HepG2 53.34 (±0.35) g/mL, T47D 150.63 (±8.44) g/mL, WiDR 114.38 (±7.82) μg/mL, HTB 97.50 (±3.49) μg/mL, HeLa 182.95 (±36.22) μg/mL, and Vero 710.10 (±106.46) μg/mL. This study concludes that bajakah wood nanoparticles are not critical in terms of halal ingredients. At the same time, their anticancer activity is weak against breast cancer and uterine cervical cancer, medium categories against liver cancer and lung cancer, and is not toxic to normal cells.
Kayu bajakah mengandung senyawa fenolik, flavonoid, tanin, dan saponin yang memiliki aktivitas antikanker. Penemuan dan pengembangan obat baru memerlukan beberapa tahapan. Dalam prosesnya terdapat banyak kemungkinan penambahan zat lain untuk membentuk zat aktif baru atau sebagai pelarut yang memungkinkan sediaan obat diragukan kehalalannya. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan analisis titik kritis kehalalan bahan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui karakteristik sediaan nanopartikel kayu bajakah (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.) dan menguji aktivitas antikanker pada beberapa kultur sel kanker, serta menganalisis titik kritis kehalalan bahan. Metode penelitian ini adalah uji komposisi menggunakan kromatografi dan uji aktivitas antikanker menggunakan MTT. Analisis titik kritis kehalalan bahan menggunakan hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP). Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Nanovasi Rekayasa Indonesia Tangerang Selatan dan Laboratorium Terpadu UGM Sleman pada Juli–Desember 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sediaan nanopartikel kayu bajakah mengandung pelarut air murni, viskositas 0,08878 cP, scattering intensity 1,1059 cps, berdiameter 176,1+/−43,7 (nm). Hasil uji sitotoksik menunjukkan IC50 terhadap kultur sel MCF7 1.063,28 (±114,98) μg/mL, HepG2 53,34 (±0,35) μg/mL, T47D 150,63 (±8,44) μg/mL, WiDR 114,38 (±7,82) μg/mL, HTB 97,50 (±3,49) μg/mL, HeLa 182,95 (±36,22) μg/mL, dan Vero 710,10 (±106,46) μg/mL. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa nanopartikel kayu bajakah bersifat tidak kritis dalam kehalalan bahan. Selain itu, aktivitas antikankernya lemah terhadap kanker payudara dan kanker serviks uteri, sedang terhadap kanker hati dan kanker paru, serta tidak toksik pada sel normal
Death Receptor Fas as Molecular Target of Soursop Leaves Novel Isolate in Liver Cancer Targeted Therapy
In the past few decades, no effective systemic therapeutic modalities established in the unresectable liver cancer stage, so the prognosis remains poor. Apoptotic dysregulation of cancer cells through Fas gene expression linked to tumor development, progression, and resistance to treatment. Soursop plants believed to have potent anticancer activity. It hypothesized that active compounds in the soursop leaves would induce apoptosis by interfering with Fas gene expression in liver cancer cells. The study objective was to explore the role of an isolated from soursop leaves against Fas gene expression in liver cancer cells. This study used the HepG2 cell line culture, and treatment groups were given novel isolate (SF-1603) from soursop leaves with three different doses which conducted in Bandung in 2017. Observations assessed in hours 0, 24, 48, and 72. Measurement of gene expression was done with real-time PCR and apoptosis detection by the TUNEL method. The results showed that the novel isolate (SF-1603) from soursop leaves stimulate Fas optimum expressions to initiate apoptosis with 0.5×inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) dosage at observation hour 48. There was a strong correlation between Fas gene expression with the apoptosis level. It concluded that the novel isolate (SF-1603) from soursop leaves is a potent anticancer that affects Fas gene expression in apoptosis induction on the liver cancer cell. It can be used as a candidate for a new therapeutic agent for liver cancer treatment.
Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, tidak ada modalitas terapi sistemik yang efektif untuk pengobatan kanker hati tahap lanjut sehingga prognosisnya buruk. Disregulasi apoptosis sel kanker melalui ekspresi gen Fas terkait dengan perkembangan, perkembangan tumor, dan resistensi terhadap pengobatan. Tanaman sirsak dipercaya memiliki aktivitas antikanker yang kuat. Senyawa aktif dalam daun sirsak secara hipotesis dapat menginduksi apoptosis dengan memengaruhi ekspresi gen Fas pada sel kanker hati. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi peran isolat daun sirsak terhadap ekspresi gen Fas pada sel kanker hati. Penelitian ini menggunakan kultur sel kanker HepG2 dan kelompok perlakuan diberi isolat baru (SF-1603) daun sirsak dengan 3 dosis berbeda. Pengamatan dinilai pada jam ke-0, 24, 48, dan 72. Pengukuran ekspresi gen dilakukan dengan PCR real-time dan deteksi apoptosis dengan metode TUNEL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa novel isolat (SF-1603) daun sirsak menstimulasi ekspresi optimal Fas untuk inisiasi apoptosis dengan dosis 0,5×inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) pada pengamatan 48 jam. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara ekspresi gen Fas dan tingkat apoptosis. Disimpulkan bahwa isolat baru (SF-1603) daun sirsak adalah antikanker kuat yang memengaruhi ekspresi gen Fas dalam induksi apoptosis pada sel kanker hati sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai kandidat agen terapi baru untuk pengobatan kanker hati
The Relation of Acid Fast Bacilli with Ziehl Neelsen Staining and Histopathologic Examination of Biopsy Specimens in Extrapulmonary TB Suspected Patients
Case finding and diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) infection are difficult to enforce in the field because not all primary services can do it. The 2016 TB Health Guidelines, the diagnosis of EPTB, is made by clinical, bacteriological, and or histopathological examination from the biopsy. This study analyzed tissue biopsy histopathologically and bacterial of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) slide stained (by Ziehl Neelsen method) associated with histopathological features in patients diagnosed with EPTB. The study conducted in the laboratory of Al Islam Hospital Bandung from November to December 2017. Histopathological diagnosis collected from 1,304 patients, with 760 noninfectious disease patients (58%), 461 infectious disease patients (35%), and 83 (7%) infectious and non-infectious patients. EPTB found in 10% of infectious disease patients. EPTB was mostly originating in neck lymph nodes (18 of 37 patients). The histopathological diagnosis of EPTB infection found that 36 of 37 patients showed granulomas (+), but AFB stained (+) found only in 6 of 37 slides. It is possible because of granulomas is a collection of several inflammatory cells. The lesions develop granulomatous defined by necrosis. There are fewer organisms that usually exist on the periphery both inside and outside the site of infection. This important immune reaction provides the body with protection from antigen recognition, very important in the case of mycobacterial infections. In conclusion, there is no relation between AFB and histopathological examination in patients with EPTB.
Penemuan kasus dan diagnosis infeksi tuberkulosis ekstraparu (TBEP) sulit ditegakkan di lapangan karena tidak semua layanan primer dapat melakukannya. Berdasar atas Pedoman Kesehatan TB 2016 untuk Pengendalian TB, diagnosis TBEP dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan klinis, bakteriologis, dan atau histopatologis dari biopsi. Penelitian ini menganalisis semua sediaan histopatologis dari biopsi jaringan dan menganalisis pemeriksaan bakteriologis pewarnaan basil tahan asam (BTA) (dengan metode Ziehl Neelsen) terkait dengan gambaran histopatologis pada pasien yang didiagnosis TBEP. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium RS Al Islam Bandung dari November hingga Desember 2017. Diperoleh 1.304 pasien dengan sediaan histopatologis, diagnosis penyakit noninfeksi 760 pasien (58%), penyakit infeksi 461 pasien (35%), penyakit gabungan (infeksi dan noninfeksi) 83 pasien (7%), serta TBEP 10% dari seluruh penyakit infeksi. Sebagian besar TBEP berasal dari kelenjar getah bening leher (18 dari 37 pasien). Hasil diagnosis infeksi TBEP 36 dari 37 pasien ditemukan gambaran histopatologisnya dengan granuloma (+), tetapi dengan pewarnaan BTA (+) hanya 6 dari 37 sediaan. Hal ini mungkin karena granuloma adalah kumpulan beberapa sel inflamasi yang berkembang menjadi nekrosis sehingga lebih sedikit organisme yang biasanya terdapat di dalam maupun di luar lesi. Pembentukan granuloma merupakan reaksi kekebalan yang memberi perlindungan tubuh dari serangan antigen dalam kasus infeksi mikobakterium. Simpulan, tidak terdapat hubungan hasil pewarnaan BTA dengan pemeriksaan histopatologis pada pasien TBEP
“Output Research Supporting Class” Manuscript Writing Training to Avoid Misconduct in an Islamic Perspective
The tridharma point that is most challenging for a lecturer to achieve is research, and currently, the benchmark for the research field is scientific publications. However, in reality, there are still many lecturers who are hampered in fulfilling research outputs in the form of scientific publications, this is because lecturers experience difficulties in compiling manuscripts of research results for publication. There are currently 144 lecturers at the Tasikmalaya Health Engineering Polytechnic and around 50% of the lecturers still have the functional position of expert assistant and do not have a functional position or teaching staff. This PKM aims to improve the ability of Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic lecturers to compile manuscripts, avoid misconduct, and publish the manuscript in the intended journal. PKM methodThis is done using an Asset Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) approach, namely focusing on the assets, potential and strengths of the Health Polytechnic lecturers. Workshop and coaching clinic preparing manuscripts, using reference management, and submitting manuscripts to journals. The research results showed that of the 50 participants who took part in the workshop, 15 lecturers succeeded in compiling manuscripts of research results, avoiding misconduct, and improving the manuscripts according to reviewer input. This shows the need for ongoing training and stimulation activities for lecturers in compiling research output