13 research outputs found

    Whitman Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Murphy Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Webb Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Afro-Brazilian Religious Suppression in 1920s and 1930s Rio de Janeiro

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    This paper shows how academics and the Brazilian government suppressed Afro-Brazilian religions in Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s. Both United States and French anthropologists had a role in developing attitudes toward Afro-Brazilian religions. They corresponded with race attitudes about whitening the Brazilian population. Whereas prominent United States anthropologists often evidenced negative attitudes toward these religions, the French presented a much more positive perspective. These new attitudes created an environment for greater tolerance to religions formerly persecuted

    Ground Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Lucas Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Haley Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Hutchinson Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    Davidson Family Biographies

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    The following family biographical information was compiled by graduate student intern Brittney Teal-Cribbs using sources from Western Oregon University Archives

    The Negotiation Between Ethnicity and Language in German-Immigrant Hip-Hop

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    Throughout Europe, hybrid youth cultures continue to form and morph as global migration creates minority enclaves in urban areas. Music plays a large part in the transformation of this culture for Germany\u27s large Turkish population. Participation by both sides in the German hip-hop scene has created a type of transculturation in which aspects of both cultures are preserved. Hip-hop was first transformed in Germany by white artists whose lyrics more closely resembled traditional soft rock. Today, the immigrant populations have appropriated this uniquely German form of hip-hop to discuss deeper issues of race, poverty and violence that transcend racial stereotypes