10 research outputs found

    Variable-period permanent magnet undulators

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    To change the wavelength of undulator radiation, variation of the undulator magnetic field amplitude is frequently applied. Another option is changing the undulator period. A corresponding scheme is described. Both the period and number of periods can be changed. For a set of undulator sections (as in the x-ray free-electron lasers ), the mechanical motion of the periods allows doing without phase shifters between the undulator sections. Magnetic field calculations for some undulator parameters of interest were performed. Numerous advantages of the new undulators (fixed gap, strong dependence of the undulator radiation wavelength on the period, relatively low field amplitude variation, and variable number of periods) look very attractive. The prospects for this new type of undulators are discussed

    Modeling and designing of variable-period and variable-pole-number undulator

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    The concept of permanent-magnet variable-period undulator (VPU) was proposed several years ago and has found few implementations so far. The VPUs have some advantages as compared with conventional undulators, e.g., a wider range of radiation wavelength tuning and the option to increase the number of poles for shorter periods. Both these advantages will be realized in the VPU under development now at Budker INP. In this paper, we present the results of 2D and 3D magnetic field simulations and discuss some design features of this VPU