9 research outputs found

    State school – polyclinic in Petrinja (1925–1945)

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    Na temelju arhivskih dokumenata i literaturnih podataka istraženo je i rekonstruirano djelovanje Državne školske poliklinike u Petrinji u razdoblju od njezina osnutka 1925. do prestanka postojanja 1945. i apostrofirani su ključni nositelji njezine djelatnosti. Osnovana kao jedna od prvih školskih poliklinika u Hrvatskoj, petrinjska Državna školska poliklinika razvila je cjelovitu preventivnu i kurativnu zdravstvenu djelatnost kod petrinjske školske populacije i učenika seoskih škola petrinjskog kotara. Njezino neprekidno dvadesetogodišnje djelovanje na zdravstvenoj zaštiti školske populacije uspjela je sinteza preventivnih i kurativnih zdravstvenih načela utemeljenih na naprednim idejama socijalne medicine Andrije Štampara, promotora i reformatora javnoga zdravstva na našim prostorima. Promičući cjelovitu zdravstvenu skrb, čuvajući i unaprjeđujući tjelesno i duševno zdravlje djece i mladeži petrinjskih i okolnih škola, podignula je ugled petrinjskog zdravstva i pridonijela razvoju hrvatske školske medicine.What has been researched and reconstructed, based on archival documents and data from professional literature, is the activity of the State school-polyclinic in Petrinja, from its foundation in 1925 to its termination in 1945. Key figures taking part in its activity have also been highlighted. Founded as one of the first school-polyclinics in Croatia, the State school-polyclinic in Petrinja developed complete preventive and curative health activities aimed at school population in Petrinja as well as at pupils from the village schools in Petrinja County. These activities were based on carrying out thorough check-ups, giving school children vaccination, and taking other counter-epidemic measures, providing health and sanitary education, exercising sanitary supervision of schools and pupils’ homes, implementing remedial measures in the field, taking extra care of socially handicapped children, providing regular diet and healthy meals for the poorest (who got prescription glasses for free, as well as medicines, fish-liver oil, who got their teeth filled, hair cut and were given the opportunity to recuperate in the youth holiday camps at the seaside and in the mountains.) The activities also encompassed the efficient treatment of the sick, among whom the various infectious and internist diseases (anaemia, undernourishment, struma, rickets) and dental caries were prevalent. Its twenty-year-old continuous activity aimed at providing school population with health care represents a successful synthesis of preventive and curative health principles based on progressive ideas of social medicine promoted by Andrija Štampar, who was a promoter and reformer of public health service in our regions. Due to being well-organized and the professional enthusiasm of its managers and staff, the State school-polyclinic in Petrinja efficiently promoted public hygiene and addressed the specific health needs of the school population. While promoting integral health care, maintaining and improving physical and mental health of children and youth in the schools in Petrinja and the other schools nearby, it raised the reputation of health care in Petrinja and contributed to the development of the Croatian school of medicine

    Implementation of the One Health approach to fight arbovirus infections in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region: Assessing integrated surveillance in Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia

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    Background In the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region, arbovirus infections are emerging infectious diseases. Their surveillance can benefit from one health inter-sectoral collaboration; however, no standardized methodology exists to study One Health surveillance. Methods We designed a situation analysis study to document how integration of laboratory/clinical human, animal and entomological surveillance of arboviruses was being implemented in the Region. We applied a framework designed to assess three levels of integration: policy/institutional, data collection/data analysis and dissemination. We tested the use of Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to graphically present evidence of inter-sectoral integration. Results Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia participated in the study. West Nile Virus surveillance was analysed in Serbia and Tunisia, Crimea-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever surveillance in Georgia. Our framework enabled a standardized analysis of One Health surveillance integration, and BPMN was easily understandable and conducive to detailed discussions among different actors/institutions. In all countries, we observed integration across sectors and levels except in data collection and data analysis. Data collection was interoperable only in Georgia without integrated analysis. In all countries, surveillance was mainly oriented towards outbreak response, triggered by an index human case. Discussion The three surveillance systems we observed prove that integrated surveillance can be operationalized with a diverse spectrum of options. However, in all countries, the integrated use of data for early warning and inter-sectoral priority setting is pioneeristic. We also noted that early warning before human case occurrence is recurrently not operationally prioritized