5 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Product Presentation dalam Training of Trainers Akademisi Pendamping Desa Wisata

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    The knowledge about the development of potential products in the tourism village is considered important for every tourism businessmwoman/man because every tourism village in Indonesia has its own potential that if handled properly will be able to become a flagship product. Training of Trainers aims to enhance the understanding and knowledge of academicians who will be mentors in tourist village.  This activity was held for 3 days at Santika Premium Dyandra Hotel and Covention Center, Medan City, North Sumatera and followed by 12 offline participants and 3 participants online. The participant consists of academicians from various public and private universities in North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Riau, Riau Islands and Aceh. Training results in the form of increased understanding of participants proved by the result of questionnaire given after the training. 100% (15 participants) stated that this material is very useful for anyone who is involved in tourist villages, although 93% of them (14 participants) feel this material is already common (from further interviews, it is known that most of them have taught courses in marketing). A total of 80% of the participants (i.e. 12 people) stated that the materials provided can be implemented in the tourism village, while 20% (3 participants) believe that the implementation still has many challenges due to the limited soft capacity of the people. Although all participants are satisfied with the material provided, there are 60% (9 participants) who believes that the material will need to be adjusted when used tot rain the people in a tourist village, where there is limited education that may cause this marketing material will not be easily understood by business owners in tourism village. Their input is to give some product examples to show which product presentation that is already good and which product still needs to be repaired. Keywords: Tourist Village, Mentoring, Development of Potential Product, Product Presentation, Training of Trainer

    Pelatihan Protokol Kesehatan Bagi Pemandu Wisata Pedesaan di Kabupaten Belitung

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    Menghadapi era adaptasi kebiasaan baru, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Belitung kembali mengadakan pelatihan bagi pramuwisata pedesaan dan pengelola Desa Wisata yang bertujuan menyiapkan pelaku wisata agar mampu memasarkan Desa Wisata dan memberikan jaminan pelayanan prima yang sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Salah satu materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan tersebut adalah materi protokol kesehatan yang meliputi kebersihan, kesehatan, keamanan dan keberlangsungan lingkungan dan praktek penerapannya. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 40 orang. Metode pelatihan adalah tutorial, diskusi dan praktek. Hasil pelatihan,70% (28 peserta) menyatakan bahwa itu adalah pelatihan pertama mereka tentang penerapan protokol kesehatan, 90% (36 peserta) menyatakan teori tersebut dapat diterapkan di destinasi wisata di tempatnya sedangkan 10% (4 peserta) berpendapat fasilitas pendukung masih harus dilengkapi agar kegiatan wisata dapat berjalan sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan yang ada. Sebanyak 60% peserta (24 orang) berpendapat bahwa demi pendalaman materi tersebut maka durasi pelatihan perlu diperpanjang, sementara sebanyak 50% peserta (20 orang) meyakini bahwa akan lebih baik apabila dalam pelatihan serupa, tenaga kesehatan ikut dihadirkan sehingga penyusunan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) bagi Desa Wisata, diantaranya SOP di objek wisata dan homestay, dapat dilakukan sebagai salah satu luaran pelatihan yang dapat menjadi bekal peserta saat hendak menerapkannya di destinasinya masing-masing


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    Wellness tourism has now become a trend in the world community, especially after the Covid 19 pandemic. The main goal of wellness tourism is to achieve fitness and health and gain self-satisfaction. Wellness tourism has the potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially for the senior tourist segment. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach using primary and secondary data. Based on the research results, it can be seen that (1) the readiness of tourism Human Resources (HR) in managing the wellness tourism in the market share of senior tourists is currently not fully ready and the number is fulfilled. Based on survey results at 2 wellnes tourism, the HR used is not HR in the tourism sector. The role of education in improving HR capabilities in the development of wellness tourism as well as knowledge related to senior market share is urgently needed. Services and needs for senior tourists are different from tourists in general. Tourism education is one of the keys in developing tourism potential, especially in the field of wellness tourism business.; (2) Development of Wellness Tourism in Indonesia continues to be encouraged by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, to revive the tourism sector and the creative economy in the country; socialization is needed to stakeholders and the general public regarding this matter in order to get the necessary understanding and support (3) The government needs to make references regarding the definition of senior tourists, from the aspects of their age, physical ability, character and special needs in managing the wellness business


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    The COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted many sectors and travel and tourism sector is one of the top industry been affected. Moving ahead to manage this impact, around the globe many natural and cultural tourism focus countries are currently in the thinking phase on how to reposition its tourism to destination focused tourism. In this repositing initiative to rebuild the tourism industry, Community-Based Tourism (CBT) is observed as one of the promising tourism prospects.  Sharma et al.’s resilience-based framework for reviving the tourism industry in post-COVID-19 established in 2021 is proposed to substantiate the understanding of the current CBT management during the pandemic to facilitate resilience and transformation of the tourism in the country. While shedding light on exploring the possibility of repositioning tourism towards CBT with a focus on sustainability, this study also highlighted the prospect of developing ‘creative economy’ as a contextual approach in CBT.  This repositioning strategy based on the development of contextual approach will facilitate destination recovery and add value to the local community’s resilience. The study concludes with recommendations to strategies on rebuilding CBT from sustainable tourism context as well as redesigning the CBT initiatives from creative economy perspective to tactically mitigate the recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic


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    Tourism is a leading sector that has a positive impact on development on all fronts, both from a socio-cultural perspective, especially in terms of economic growth. At this time, the industrial revolution has reached industry 4.0. In this era, internet users in the world are increasing from year to year. As one of the sectors that plays a very important role in the economy of Cirebon City, namely the tourism sector, it is also necessary to use methods digital marketing in terms of marketing. With digital marketing, tourist attractions, culinary, cultural and everything related to tourism which has its own charm and appeal can be promoted quickly and widely with the help of the internet network. Tourism marketing carried out by the Cirebon City government has actually implemented digital marketing, but this application is only limited to social media and is still less active in marketing tourism in Cirebon City. In this research, the author used descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the tourism digital marketing program, it has been implemented by the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy, but because there are still several obstacles, this program cannot run optimally. This is in accordance with the results of the author's research using implementation theory from Van Meter and Van Horn, for the dimensions of policy size and objectives, characteristics of implementing agents, attitudes/dispositions of implementers, inter-organizational communication and implementing activities are considered to be good, whereas for the dimensions of resources and the economic, social and political environment are still not supportiv