124 research outputs found

    Socializing Autonomous Units with the Reflexive Game Theory and Resonate-and-Fire neurons

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    In this study the concept of reflexia is applied to modeling behavior of autonomous units. The relationship between reflexia, on the one hand, and mirror neuron system and perception of emotions, on the other hand, is introduced. The main method of using reflexia in a group of autonomous units is Reflexive Game Theory (RGT). To embody RGT in a group of autonomous agents a communication system is employed. This communication system uses frequency domain multiplexing by means of Izhikevich's resonate-and-fire neural models. The result of socialization of autonomous units by means of RGT and communication system is illustrated in several examples.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Modeling multistage decision processes with Reflexive Game Theory

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    This paper introduces application of Reflexive Game Theory to the matter of multistage decision making processes. The idea behind is that each decision making session has certain parameters like "when the session is taking place", "who are the group members to make decision", "how group members influence on each other", etc. This study illustrates the consecutive or sequential decision making process, which consist of two stages. During the stage 1 decisions about the parameters of the ultimate decision making are made. Then stage 2 is implementation of Ultimate decision making itself. Since during stage 1 there can be multiple decision sessions. In such a case it takes more than two sessions to make ultimate (final) decision. Therefore the overall process of ultimate decision making becomes multistage decision making process consisting of consecutive decision making sessions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    An Application of the EM-algorithm to Approximate Empirical Distributions of Financial Indices with the Gaussian Mixtures

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    In this study I briefly illustrate application of the Gaussian mixtures to approximate empirical distributions of financial indices (DAX, Dow Jones, Nikkei, RTSI, S&P 500). The resulting distributions illustrate very high quality of approximation as evaluated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. This implies further study of application of the Gaussian mixtures to approximate empirical distributions of financial indices.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    The Inverse Task of the Reflexive Game Theory: Theoretical Matters, Practical Applications and Relationship with Other Issues

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    The Reflexive Game Theory (RGT) has been recently proposed by Vladimir Lefebvre to model behavior of individuals in groups. The goal of this study is to introduce the Inverse task. We consider methods of solution together with practical applications. We present a brief overview of the RGT for easy understanding of the problem. We also develop the schematic representation of the RGT inference algorithms to create the basis for soft- and hardware solutions of the RGT tasks. We propose a unified hierarchy of schemas to represent humans and robots. This hierarchy is considered as a unified framework to solve the entire spectrum of the RGT tasks. We conclude by illustrating how this framework can be applied for modeling of mixed groups of humans and robots. All together this provides the exhaustive solution of the Inverse task and clearly illustrates its role and relationships with other issues considered in the RGT.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Sparsifying and Down-scaling Networks to Increase Robustness to Distortions

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    It has been shown that perfectly trained networks exhibit drastic reduction in performance when presented with distorted images. Streaming Network (STNet) is a novel architecture capable of robust classification of the distorted images while been trained on undistorted images. The distortion robustness is enabled by means of sparse input and isolated parallel streams with decoupled weights. Recent results prove STNet is robust to 20 types of noise and distortions. STNet exhibits state-of-the-art performance for classification of low light images, while being of much smaller size when other networks. In this paper, we construct STNets by using scaled versions (number of filters in each layer is reduced by factor of n) of popular networks like VGG16, ResNet50 and MobileNetV2 as parallel streams. These new STNets are tested on several datasets. Our results indicate that more efficient (less FLOPS), new STNets exhibit higher or equal accuracy in comparison with original networks. Considering a diversity of datasets and networks used for tests, we conclude that a new type of STNets is an efficient tool for robust classification of distorted images.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    A General Framework for Development of the Cortex-like Visual Object Recognition System: Waves of Spikes, Predictive Coding and Universal Dictionary of Features

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    This study is focused on the development of the cortex-like visual object recognition system. We propose a general framework, which consists of three hierarchical levels (modules). These modules functionally correspond to the V1, V4 and IT areas. Both bottom-up and top-down connections between the hierarchical levels V4 and IT are employed. The higher the degree of matching between the input and the preferred stimulus, the shorter the response time of the neuron. Therefore information about a single stimulus is distributed in time and is transmitted by the waves of spikes. The reciprocal connections and waves of spikes implement predictive coding: an initial hypothesis is generated on the basis of information delivered by the first wave of spikes and is tested with the information carried by the consecutive waves. The development is considered as extraction and accumulation of features in V4 and objects in IT. Once stored a feature can be disposed, if rarely activated. This cause update of feature repository. Consequently, objects in IT are also updated. This illustrates the growing process and dynamical change of topological structures of V4, IT and connections between these areas

    Streaming Networks: Increase Noise Robustness and Filter Diversity via Hard-wired and Input-induced Sparsity

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    The CNNs have achieved a state-of-the-art performance in many applications. Recent studies illustrate that CNN's recognition accuracy drops drastically if images are noise corrupted. We focus on the problem of robust recognition accuracy of noise-corrupted images. We introduce a novel network architecture called Streaming Networks. Each stream is taking a certain intensity slice of the original image as an input, and stream parameters are trained independently. We use network capacity, hard-wired and input-induced sparsity as the dimensions for experiments. The results indicate that only the presence of both hard-wired and input-induces sparsity enables robust noisy image recognition. Streaming Nets is the only architecture which has both types of sparsity and exhibits higher robustness to noise. Finally, to illustrate increase in filter diversity we illustrate that a distribution of filter weights of the first conv layer gradually approaches uniform distribution as the degree of hard-wired and domain-induced sparsity and capacities increases.Comment: 17 pages, 37 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.1110

    Applications of the Streaming Networks

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    Most recently Streaming Networks (STnets) have been introduced as a mechanism of robust noise-corrupted images classification. STnets is a family of convolutional neural networks, which consists of multiple neural networks (streams), which have different inputs and their outputs are concatenated and fed into a single joint classifier. The original paper has illustrated how STnets can successfully classify images from Cifar10, EuroSat and UCmerced datasets, when images were corrupted with various levels of random zero noise. In this paper, we demonstrate that STnets are capable of high accuracy classification of images corrupted with Gaussian noise, fog, snow, etc. (Cifar10 corrupted dataset) and low light images (subset of Carvana dataset). We also introduce a new type of STnets called Hybrid STnets. Thus, we illustrate that STnets is a universal tool of image classification when original training dataset is corrupted with noise or other transformations, which lead to information loss from original images.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Ultrafast magneto-photocurrents in GaAs: Separation of surface and bulk contributions

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    We induce ultrafast magneto-photocurrents in a GaAs crystal employing interband excitation with femtosecond laser pulses at room temperature and non-invasively separate surface and bulk contributions to the overall current response. The separation between the different symmetry contributions is achieved by measuring the simultaneously emitted terahertz radiation for different sample orientations. Excitation intensity and photon energy dependences of the magneto-photocurrents for linearly and circularly polarized excitations reveal an involvement of different microscopic origins, one of which we believe is the inverse Spin-Hall effect. Our experiments are important for a better understanding of the complex momentum-space carrier dynamics in magnetic fields

    Optical activity in chiral stacks of 2D semiconductors

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    We show that the stacks of two-dimensional semiconductor crystals with the chiral packing exhibit optical activity and circular dichroism. We develop a microscopic theory of these phenomena in the spectral range of exciton transitions which takes into account the spin-dependent hopping of excitons between the layers in the stack and the interlayer coupling of excitons via electromagnetic field. For the stacks of realistic two-dimensional semiconductors such as transition metal dichalcogenides, we calculate the rotation and ellipticity angles of radiation transmitted through such structures. The angles are resonantly enhanced at the frequencies of both bright and dark exciton modes in the stack. We also study the photoluminescence of chiral stacks and show that it is circularly polarized.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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