139 research outputs found

    Natural Occurrence of Neoplastic Lesions in Young Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    It is important for the assessment of toxicological effects of chemicals to know what kinds of neoplasms naturally occur in the early life of experimental animals. In the present study, we demonstrated spontaneous neoplasms in Sprague-Dawley rats used in 4-, 13- and 26-week toxicity studies conducted at Bozo Research Center in the last decade. The tumors, which were first observed in 19-week-old animals, included anterior adenoma of the pituitary, follicular cell adenocarcinoma and C cell adenoma of the thyroids, nephroblastoma of the kidneys, basal cell tumor of the skin and malignant lymphoma. Thereafter, hemangiosarcoma of the tongue, adenocarcinoma of the submandibular glands, histiocytic sarcoma of the spleen, oligodendroglioma of the brain and adenocarcinoma and fibroadenoma of the mammary glands were detected in 32-week-old animals. The incidences of mammary adenocarcinoma and pituitary anterior adenoma were higher than those of other tumors. The present results showed that the same tumors as reported in aged rats could also develop in younger rats

    Model for the Architecture of Claudin-Based Paracellular Ion Channels through Tight Junctions

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    AbstractClaudins are main cell–cell adhesion molecules of tight junctions (TJs) between cells in epithelial sheets that form tight barriers that separate the apical from the basolateral space but also contain paracellular channels that regulate the flow of ions and solutes in between these intercellular spaces. Recently, the first crystal structure of a claudin was determined, that of claudin-15, which indicated the parts of the large extracellular domains that likely form the pore-lining surfaces of the paracellular channels. However, the crystal structure did not show how claudin molecules are arranged in the cell membrane to form the backbone of TJ strands and to mediate interactions between adjacent cells, information that is essential to understand how the paracellular channels in TJs function. Here, we propose that TJ strands consist of claudin protomers that assemble into antiparallel double rows. This model is based on cysteine crosslinking experiments that show claudin-15 to dimerize face to face through interactions between the edges of the extracellular β-sheets. Strands observed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy of TJs also show that their width is consistent with the dimensions of a claudin dimer. Furthermore, we propose that extracellular variable regions are responsible for head-to-head interactions of TJ strands in adjoining cells, thus resulting in the formation of paracellular channels. Our model of the TJ architecture provides a basis to discuss structural mechanisms underlying the selective ion permeability and barrier properties of TJs

    Highly Metastatic Ovarian Yolk Sac Carcinoma in a Rat

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    We investigated a highly metastatic ovarian yolk sac carcinoma in a 52-week-old female Crl:CD(SD) rat. Macroscopically, the present case had severe ascites, bilateral ovarian masses and numerous nodules in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Histopathologically, these masses and nodules were generally composed of two types of cells mimicking a parietal and visceral yolk sac. The parietal cells were round to polygonal, contained eosinophilic droplets and were arranged in nests and cords in the eosinophilic matrix. Both the intracytoplasmic droplets and the matrix were stained positively with PAS. The visceral cells were cylindriform, and proliferated in papillary and tubular patterns and occasionally formed Shiller-Duval body-like structures. In the dissemination sites, the neoplastic cells proliferated on the surface of the various tissues and often infiltrated into deeper parts of the tissues. Immunohistochemically, both neoplastic cells were positive for α-fetoprotein and keratin, and the eosinophilic matrix was positive for laminin. Ultrastructurally, the parietal cells had dilated rough endoplasmic reticulums, which were filled with electron-lucent laminated structures. The visceral cells had poorly to moderately developed intracytoplasmic organelles and were interconnected with desmosomes. Taken together, the present tumor was diagnosed as yolk sac carcinoma arising from the ovary and was characterized by not only high metastasis but also invasive infiltration with biphasic proliferation of the parietal and visceral cells

    Spontaneous Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma in the Stomach of an Aged F344 Rat

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    Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is a very rare tumor in humans and animals including rats. This paper describes a case of extraskeletal osteosarcoma observed in the glandular stomach of an aged female Fischer 344 rat. Grossly, a whitish solid mass was observed at the greater curvature of the glandular stomach. Histologically, the tumor consisted of both atypical polygonal and pleomorphic spindle-shaped cells, with pleomorphic nuclei, and it contained variable amounts of osteoids and small clumps of mature bone tissue. In addition, mitotic figures were frequently observed. Neither invasion of the muscle layer or vessels in the stomach nor metastasis to distant organs was detected. There were no skeletal tumors in the body. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for osteocalcin, osteonectin, vimentin and S-100 protein. Judging from these results, the present tumor was diagnosed as extraskeletal osteosarcoma. This is the first report of spontaneous extraskeletal osteosarcoma arising from the stomach in a rat

    N,N’-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (BCNU)-induced Apoptosis of Neural Progenitor Cells in the Developing Fetal Rat Brain

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    N,N’-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (BCNU) is one of the major drugs used in chemotherapy against malignant gliomas due to its effects, such as induction of bifunctional alkylation of DNA and formation of interstrand DNA cross-linkages, and induces cortical malformations in the fetal and neonatal rat brain. In this study, pregnant rats were treated with 7.5 mg/kg of BCNU on gestational day 13 (GD 13), and their fetuses were collected from 12 to 72 hours after BCNU treatment in order to examine the timecourses of morphological and immunohistochemical changes in neural progenitor cells in the developing brain. The number of pyknotic cells in the telencephalon peaked at 24 h and then gradually decreased until 72 h. The majority of these pyknotic cells were positive for cleaved caspase-3, a key executioner of apoptosis. The pyknotic cells showed the ultrastructural characteristics of apoptosis. The number of p53-positive cells began to increase prior to the appearance of apoptotic cells and p21-positive cells. The number of phosphorylated-histone H3-positive cells (mitotic cells) decreased from 24 to 36 h. The number of Iba1-positive cells (microglial cells) in the telencephalon increased from 12 to 48 h. These results suggest that BCNU induces p53-dependent apoptosis and reduces proliferative activity, resulting in reduction of the weight of the telencephalon and the thickness of the telencephalic wall in the fetal brain. This study will help to clarify the mechanisms of BCNU-induced fetal brain toxicity

    Molecular cloning of haploid germ cell-specific tektin cDNA and analysis of the protein in mouse testis

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    AbstractTektins are a class of proteins that form filamentous polymers in the walls of ciliary and flagellar microtubules. We report here the molecular cloning of a new member of the tektin family, tektin-t, identified from a mouse haploid germ cell-specific cDNA library. Tektin-t mRNA encodes a protein of 430 deduced amino acids possessing RSNVELCRD, the conserved sequence of tektin family proteins. Western blotting showed a single band having a molecular weight of 86 kDa in the mouse testis. Immunohistochemistry of the testis showed that tektin-t is localized in the flagella of elongating spermatids from developmental step 15 to maturity

    Highly Invasive Intracranial Malignant Schwannoma in a Rat

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    A highly invasive intracranial malignant schwannoma containing several masses was detected in a 28-week-old male Crl:CD(SD) rat. Macroscopically, 3 masses were noted in the cranial cavity; one was present at the bottom of the cranial cavity and involved the trigeminal nerve, and the other two were in the parietal bone. Histologically, each mass consisted of fusiform cells with interlacing fascicular, wavy and nuclear pseudopalisading arrangements and round cells with cystic lesions. The tumor cells invaded not only the brain but also the parietal bone. In the brain, the tumor cells infiltrated diffusely into the leptomeningeal and perivascular spaces and parenchyma, in which the tumor cell morphology and invasive pattern closely resembled those of malignant astrocytoma and malignant reticulosis. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells in the masses showed positive reactions for both S-100 protein and GFAP, while those in the cerebral invasion sites were negative for GFAP and less positive for S-100 protein. Electron microscopically, a single basal lamina layer and short intricate cell processes were confirmed in the tumor cells. From these results, the present tumor was diagnosed as a malignant schwannoma arising in the cranial cavity, probably originating from the trigeminal nerve. The present tumor is considered to be a relatively unique malignant schwannoma based on its growth and invasion patterns

    Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Studies on Uptake and Distribution of FITC-Conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles Administered Intratracheally in Rats

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    Polylactide-glycolide (PLGA) nanoparticles have been developed as pulmonary drug delivery carriers. To investigate their behavior, small- (d50 = 74 nm) and large-sized (d50 = 250 nm) FITC-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles were intratracheally administered to rats and were traced for 5, 30 and 60 minutes and 24 hours after administration (HAT). Immunohistochemically, a, FITC-positive reaction was observed in type-I alveolar epithelial cells (type-I AEC), endothelial cells and alveolar macrophages in the lungs from 5 minutes after treatment (MAT) to 24 HAT in both nanoparticle groups. In the kidneys, a positive reaction was observed in proximal tubular epithelial cells at 30 MAT; the reaction peaked at 60 MAT and was reduced at 24 HAT, while no positive reaction was seen in other sites. Ultrascructurally, the number of membrane-bound vesicles, which were approximately 70 nm in size and hard to distinguish from pinocytic vesicles, apparently increased in type-I AEC and endothelial cells at 5 MAT in the small-sized group, in comparison with the control group receiving physiological saline. The number of vesicles in the large-sized group was almost same as that in the control group. On the other hand, in both nanoparticle groups, lysosomes filled with nanoparticles appeared in alveolar macrophages from 30 MAT to 24 HAT. These results indicate that PLGA nanoparticles might be quickly transferred from the alveolar space to the blood vessel via type-I alveolar epithelial cells and excreted into urine, and that there is a threshold for particle size, less than approximately 70 nm in diameter, with regard to absorption through the alveolar wall
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