34 research outputs found

    Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in desert and mountain regions of Kashan, 1989-90

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    History and Objectives: Due to the great influence of intestinal parasites on personal and social health, its variable prevalence in different parts of Iran and lack of information regarding its status in Kashan, the present study was conducted in 1989-90 to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in villages of the desert and mountain regions of Kashan. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, 2399 individuals aged 0-50 years were randomly selected in 12 mountain villages and 8 desert villages. In each case, personal information was recorded in a data sheet and 3 morning stool samples were obtained in three-day intervals and studied using the formalin ether technique. The 95 confidence interval (CI) was estimated in all regions studied. Results: The prevalence of pathogenic intestinal parasites was 37.6 (CI=34.9-40.3) in desert regions and 41 (CI=38.2-43.8) in mountain regions. Intestinal protozoa had 43.2 prevalence in rural areas of Kashan, with a 27.9 prevalence of pathogenic protozoa in desert regions and 23.9 in mountain regions. Prevalence of intestinal helminthes was 17.3 in rural areas of Kashan. Conclusion: Due to the relatively high prevalence of intestinal parasites in mountain regions, we suggest further studies to determine the causes and necessary measures to alleviate this problem and find methods to treat those infected

    Prevalence of Gastrointestinal tract Trichostrogylus in sheep and goatsin slaughterhous of Kashan, 2002

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    History and Objective: Due to the important different prevalence of Gastrointestinal tract parasites in domestic animals and lack of information of Gastrointestinal parasites in ruminant in Kashan, the present study was condcted in 2002 to determined the prevalence of Gastrointestinal Trichostrogylus in sheep and goats in slaughterhouse of Kashan. Materials and Methodes: A descriptive study was carried out on the digestive tract of 158 sheep and goats from of different area of Kashan. Results: The rate of infection in sheep and goats was 87.5 and 83.3. The most small intestinal infection in sheep and goats was Nematodirus oiratianus 73.7 and 64. In the abomasa parasite of sheep and goats was Marshallagia marshalli 80 and 83. In the all cases females were more frequently infected than males . Conclusions: Due to the relatively high prevalence of Trichostrogylus in domestic animals we suggest further studies to determine the causes this problem and find methodes to prevention those infected

    The prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in subjects involved in meat industry and pregnant women in Kashan

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    Background: Toxoplasmosis is a disease with various prevalence among different society groups. The present study was conducted with the aim determining the prevalence of acute and chronic infections as well as toxoplasma gondii antibody in pregnant women and those who are involved in the meat industry in Kashan in 2001. Materials and Methods: The study population included 300 males and 340 females aged 14-70 years selecting through a simple random sampling. Initial data including age, sex, occupation, place of living, previous history of contact with cat, dietary habits, gestational age, previous history of abortion and clinical manifestations were all recorded. 5cc venous blood was obtained and antibodies were determined in dilutions of 1:20 and 1:100 by IFA. Positive samples were evaluated by ELISA at titer of 1:200. Meanwhile, ANA evaluation was conducted for positive samples. Titer of 1:20 was considered as positive, however, titer of 1:400 was valuable. Results: Toxoplasma gondii was found in 54.2% of whom, 15% had IgM antibody and the others the IgG antibody. Subjects aged 60-70 years have shown greater infection (75%). Males’ and females’ infection rate were 46.7% and 61%, respectively. Titer of ?1:200 was reported in 40.2%. Infected males working in the meat industry were 200-fold more susceptible than normal subjects to the usage of non-completely cooked meats (P<0.0001). Conclusion: The prevalence of toxoplasma gondii is high in Kashan. With respect to its complications and the high costs of serologic screening methods, educational programs are highly suggested, especially for those at risk

    Frequency of protozoal and bacterial microorganisms in patients referring due to gastroenteritis in Kashan, 1380-81

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    Background: With respect to the importance of microbial organisms as the cause of gastroenteritis, prompt diagnosis, proper treatment and follow up is of utmost importance. The present study was conducted on patients referring to Kashan Central Lab with the diagnosis of gastroenteritis to determine the frequency of protozoal and bacterial microorganisms. Materials and methods : For this descriptive study, 500 consecutive cases of gastroenteritis were enrolled. Initial data were gathered and 3 separate stool samples (with 3-day interval) were obtained and examined by direct observation and ether-formalin method to detect possible microorganisms. Meanwhile, specific media and cultures were used. Results : Of 500 cases, 50 were excluded due to weak cooperation. Of the remaining, the infection rate of protozoal, bacterial and other microorganisms were 50.9, 13.5, and 35.6, respectively. Among protozoa, giardia was the most common (21.8), however among bacteria, shigella was more frequently cultured (6.4). Most of the infection did occur in summer among 7-11 year-old subjects. Conclusion : Infection with shigella, giardia and salmonella is quite common. Necessary health care activities are strongly recommended

    Prevalence of Iarge intestinal Nematodes of rumenant in Slaughterhouse of Kashan

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    History and Objective: Considring the role to importance economic and helth of large intestinal nematodes in domestic animals and lack of information on its Condition in lran, this study was carried out to determine large intestinal nematodes of domestic animals slaughtered of Kashan. Materials and Methods: The descriptive and randomized strategy of this study was conducted on 195 digestive tract from 80 sheep, 78 goats and 37 caws from different agricultural regions of Iran, Animal's characteristies and microscopic findings were recorded in special form. Data were calssified and statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 195 Iarge intestinal tracts, 80 sheep, 78 goats and 37 caws were examined. A nematodes infection rate was Chabertiidae (54) Ttrichuridae (38.5) and oxyuridae (7.5).Ă‚ The all case in female were more frequently infected than males. The contamination rate of intestinal infection with Trichuris discolor in sheep and goats 95, 18, Chbertia ovina 58.8, 62.8 and in caws Trichuris ovis 1.8, Oesophagostomum venulosum 10.8 respectively. The contamination rate of Skrjabinema ovis in sheep 25, goats 39 and caws 8.2 respectively. Conclusians: Due to the relatively high prevalence of intestinal nematodes in rumenants. We suggest further studies to determine the causes and decrease contamination and the role of different factors

    Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Effectiveness, and Adverse Effects of the Drugs

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    Background: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is a relatively common disease and cannot be completely controlled. Some reports have suggested drug resistance to the disease and adverse effects of the drug are controversial. The aim of this study was to review different methods of medical treatment, evaluate effects and adverse effects of the drug, and present a protocol for treatment of patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.Materials and Method: In a review method, searching keywords on the Internet, a large number of related articles were extracted. Among them, 66 qualified articles were selected and reviewed.Conclusion: Glucantime is considered to have the most effectiveness and the less adverse effect in patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

    The effect of human blood groups on growth of the agent of Leishmaniasis

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    History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence and importance of diagnosis and treatment of Leishmaniasis in Iran and considering the difficulties and the economical burden of providing culture media from rabbit’s blood, this study was carried out to investigate the effects of human’s blood on growth of Leishmania and compare these with the rabbit’s blood culture media in Kashan in 1374. Materials and Methods: An experimental study was performed on promastigote of L.major, L.tropica and L.infantum, approved by World Health Organization, on rabbit’s blood culture media and the 8 human’s blood culture media that 4 of these were repeated. The adaptability time to the medium, the maximal and minimal growth were calculated and statistically analyzed on the basis of the decrease in the number of active parasites from the time of culturing. Results: The adaptability time was one to two days and was equal in both types of culture media, parasites on the human’s blood media achieved maximal growth in a shorter time than their counterparts on rabbit’s blood media and the minimum number of growth was higher on rabbit’s blood culture media. Number of parasites grow on rabbit’s blood were higher than human’s blood in all three types of parasites (P<0.05) and were higher in Rh negative than Rh positive and in blood group type B than the other ones. Conclusion: Due to the importance of growth velocity of the parasite, rabbit’s blood can be replaced by human blood groups. Performing research on human specimens is recommended

    Effect of Glucantime on electrocardiogram of patients suffering from cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence of the cardiovascular diseases and alteration in electrocardiographic pattern and higher prevalence of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the region, the present study was undertaken in order to assess the electrocardiogram change on patients treated with Glucantime as in order to investigate its side effects in light of recent opposing reports on patients infected with the cutaneous Leishmaniasis referred top the Central Laboratory of Aran-Bidghol in 1997. Materials and Methods: A clinical trial with comparison of before and after treatment on patients with cutaneous Leishmaniasis with normal cardiovascular and electrocardiogram performance was carried out. Treatment of other medication which may induce adverse cardiovascular side effects were not used. Glucantime (Specia, France, 20 mg/kg/day) in the form of pentavalent antimony was injected intramuscularly for 20 days and its effect on the T, QRS, P waves, ST segment and PR and QT interval were investigated in 10th and 20th day of treatment. Reduction in T wave voltage (More than 50%) or its inversion (Depression) and QTC more than 0.43 seconds is taken as abnormal pattern. Alternation in wave pattern with respect to age and gender before treatment and at the tenth day, before and at the 20th day of the treatment and 10th and 20th day for treatment was studied. Mc Nemar statistical analysis was carried out. Results: From 50 patients (35 male age interval 25.2±17.3 years and 15 males) 40% displayed abnormal electrocardiographic pattern. Statistically significant alternation in T wave was observed in 13 patients at the 10th day of treatment and 16 patients at the 20th day of treatment compared to before day of treatment (P<0.05). Significant QT interval differences at the 10th and 20th day of treatment compared with day before treatment was observed in 7 and 9 patients respectively (P<0.05). Irrespective of age and gender, these 2 wave patterns showed statistically significant difference for the 10th and 20th day of treatment. Conclusion: Treatment with Glucantime induced abnormal T and QT waves which warrants further study on the long-term cardiovascular effect of Glucantime treatment. With cardiovascular side effects especially arrhythmia, induction diffences and QT more than 0.05 seconds, the drug treatment should be discontinued

    The relationship of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis to ABO blood group

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    It has been hypothesized that leishmania parasites escape the host defence mechanisms by mimicry of human blood group antigen, conflicting reports have been published. The distribution of blood goup types of human infected with cutaneous leishmaniasis was compared with control subjects. For each patient and control the following data were collected: age, sex, ethnic origin frequency of contamination with plant materials. In total number of infected persons 51.7 were males and 48.3 females. The highest rate of leishmaniasis were seen in the group of less than 10 years old and the least rate were in the age group of 40 to 55year. We tested the hypothesis in cutaneous leishmaniasis, due to Leishmania major, by comparing to distribution of blood groups (ABO and Rhesus) among 482 patients in Isfahan central Iran with that among 1032 healthy controls. No association between blood groups and disease was found in this study, but further studies are needed with strains of the Leishmania donovani infantum


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    total of 60 fresh Giardia lamblia cyst present in human fecal specimens isolated in Central Laboratory of shan University of Medical Sciences. Thirty-eight new isolates of G. lamblia was gradually adapted to as in TYI-S-33 medium supplemented with bile. The parasites grew luxuriantly and formed a monolayer the surface of the culture vessels. When G. lamblia was inoculated into to fresh medium, the population of separasites grew from 0.9 x 105 to 1.6 x 105 /ml in six days with a generation time of 12 to 13 hrs at 37°C