34 research outputs found

    The Study of Motivations, on Japanese Language Learning, Targeting on the Students in Sakhalin Oblast (the City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) Focusing on the changing and factors

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    本研究はこれまでの動機研究では顧みられることが少なかった「道具の媒介性・文脈性・関係性」に着目したものである。サハリン州・ユジノサハリンスク市(ロシア)の2大学に通学する(していた)、日本語学習者11名を対象に、回想的インタビューを実施し、動機の変容過程とその要因の分析を試みた。修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて検証した結果、4つのコア・カテゴリーが形成された。またこれらを構成するカテゴリー、概念も抽出された。コア・カテゴリー、カテゴリー、概念の意味解釈、関係性から、従来提唱されてきた動機研究とは若干異なった見解が見受けられた。つまり、動機の解釈は「学習活動が目的的(内発的)か、手段的(外発的)か」だけではなく、「自己の行為が自己決定的なものと認識しているか否か」という点も、より考慮に入れなければならないと思われる。This study focused on the ‘mediating tools, context, and relationship’ of motivation, which esearch in the field has hitherto paid little attention to. Retrospective interviews were conducted with 11 students that used to attend a university in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin, Russia. Through the interviews, we attempted to analyse the changing processes and factors of motivation. We used the Modified Grounded Theory Ap-proach, to abduct four core categories, and categories and codes that comprised these core categories. The relation between the core categories, categories, and codes indicated that the views expressed in previous studies on the motivation are problematic. We believe that motivation should be interpreted not only from the perspective of the objective (intrinsic) and mean-ness (extrinsic) of learning activities but also from the perspective of whether or not the activities are recog-nized by students as self-determination

    The language policies employed by learners of Japanese in a foreign country at the elementary and secondary school level : With a focus on learners in Yuzhno Sakhalinsk

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    本研究は、海外初中等教育機関に通学していた学習者の個人レベルの言語政策を明らかにしたものである。従来、海外初中等教育機関の日本語教育研究は、公的機関の文書などを考察の対象にしたものが多かった。しかし、本稿では日本語を学んでいた学習者当人を対象に調査を実施している。言語政策を、国家や教育機関だけではなく、学習者という個人レベルにも存在するものとして分析を進めた。調査協力者は、ユジノサハリンスク市の初中等教育機関で日本語を選択していた3名で、調査法はライフストーリーを用いている。分析の結果、当時の学習者は、それぞれ家族や教師との関係性を築くことで、相互主体性を培っているのが明らかになった。また、調査協力者の語りの内容だけではなく、その語られ方にも注目することで、調査協力者が設定したカテゴリーの恣意性もあぶりだされた。周囲の言語政策に影響を受けつつも、既にある程度自立した存在である今回の調査協力者は、自身が目指す「日本語を使って人生の目標を達成したい私」に近づくための言語政策を実行していると考えられる。In this article, we explore the language policies adopted by learners of Japanese in a foreign country at the elementary and secondary school level. Previous research on the subject has referred to documents published by public educational institutions. We, however, focused on the learners themselves. We conducted our research based on the assumption that the language policies were formulated at the individual level―in short, by the learners themselves―and not at a nation level or by public institutions. Three university students, who had attended a Japanese language course at elementary and secondary school in Yuzhno Sakhalinsk city, collaborated with us for this study, and we employed the life story method. The results of our investigation revealed that in elementary school, the students cultivated their mutual individuality by building relationships with their families and teachers. We also uncovered the arbitrariness with which we chose the categories, by focusing on how they talked with us, and not only on what they said. They were affected by the language policies implemented in their surroundings. However, we believe that since the students are now independent individuals, they feel that the educational policies they adopted in their childhood have helped them achieve their life goal of being the best they can be in Japanese

    Forming teacher identities of Japanese language teachers in overseas primary and middle education institutions: Narratives of Russian teachers in the oblast of Sakhalin, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

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    これまで海外初中等教育機関に関する研究は,日本語教師がどのように教科や教職を選択したかについての分析が不十分であった。本稿はサハリン州(ロシア)の初中等教育機関に勤務する2名の日本語教師の「天職観」に至る過程を分析している。従来における教職アイデンティティ研究は,主に「自己概念」「自尊感情」を明らかにしたものであるが,本研究においては「ゆらぎ」を統合する過程に重きを置いて分析している。分析に際しては複線径路等至性アプローチを用いることで,それぞれの教員がどのような「教職アイデンティティ」を辿ったかが描写されている。一連の分析から,海外における日本語教師は,国家政策の影響を受けながらも,彼/ 女らが政策によって受動的に影響を受けているだけの存在ではないことが明らかになった。さらに,海外における日本語教育は,今後どのような言語政策が求められているかが併せて提示されている。There is a knowledge gap concerning how Japanese language teachers choose to work in primary and middle education institutions overseas. This paper, focusing on two Japanese language teachers working in primary and middle schools in the oblast of Sakhalin in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in Russia, attempts to analyse the process they used to determine their identities as Russian-born teachers of Japanese. Previous research on teacher identity has mainly concentrated on self-concept or feelings of self-esteem; therefore, this study analyses the identity-forming processes, finding common themes among the identity fluctuations. By using the Trajectory Equifinality Approach to analyse their identities, we found how each teacher formed his/her teacher identity. The analysis further found that overseas Japanese language teachers were passively affected by the regional linguistic policies, as well as by the national policy, while being influenced by individual factors as they formed their identities. In addition, the paper proposes useful language policies that could be used in the future to support Japanese language teachers overseas

    Up-regulation of Na+,K+-ATPase α3-isoform and down-regulation of the α1-isoform in human colorectal cancer

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    AbstractWe investigated expression levels of Na+,K+-ATPase α-isoforms and their ATPase activities in human colorectal cancer tissue and the accompanying normal mucosa. A decrease in expression of the α1-isoform protein was observed in all sampled cancer tissues compared with the normal mucosae. The level of ouabain (5 μM)-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase activity in carcinomas was 81±5% that of in the normal mucosae. The mRNA expression of α2- and α4-isoforms was decreased in almost all the carcinoma samples. Interestingly, the expression level of the α3-isoform protein in the cancer tissue was higher than that of the normal mucosa. These results indicate that a decrease in the α1-isoform expression and an increase in the α3-isoform expression may be associated with colorectal cancer

    The formation of identities by international graduate students majoring in engineering with a focus on early adulthood

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