11 research outputs found

    Population biology and assessment of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) in coastal waters of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman (Hormozgan Province)

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    Length composition data (fork length) of kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis ), landed between April 2003 to March 2005 in Coastal Waters of Hormozgan province in Iran ( Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman) , were monthly used to estimate the p opulation parameters and for the assessment of the stock. The growth parameters of von Bertalanffy equation were estimated as L∞: 87.66 cm, K: 0.51 per year and t0: -0.23 year. The estimated value of total mortality, natural mortality and fishing mortality were Z: 2.37, M: 0.65, F: 1.72 per year, respectively. Exploitation ratio (E) and Exploitation rate (U) were estimated as 0.72 and 0.65. The Annual total stock at beginning of year was calculated to be 7924 t and Annual average standing stock (S) was equal to 2994 t. By using analyses knife-edge selection method, biological reference points for kawakawa stock was calculated as, Y'/R (relative yield per recruitment) =0.062, B'/R (relative biomass per recruitment) =0.13, F max (Fishing mortality at maximum sustainable yield) =1.6, E max (Exploitation ratio at maximum sustainable yield) = 0.68 Fopt (Precautionary average target ) =0.33 year-1 and Flimit=0.43 year-1. As the exploitation ratio of kawakawa stock in this study was calculated to be over 0.5, it strongly recommended minimizing the fishing activity in this area

    An estimation of growth parameter, mortality rates and yield-per-recruit for beluga (Huso huso) living in Caspian Sea

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    This paper presents the results of study on age, growth, mortality rates and yield-per-recruit of Beluga (Huso huso) living in Caspian Sea. The mean length of successive years, mortality rates and yield-per-recruit studies indicated that at present the resource is under heavy fishing pressure. For the female Beluga growth was regarded as comprising of three stages, and the von Bertalanffy parameters were calculated for juveniles, for middle stanza (24 years). The value of K was the highest (0.065) for the first stanza, lower for the middle (0.029) and the lowest for the third one (0.023). Total mortality of female and male Beluga estimated from the descending limb of the catch curve using the combined data (1990-1994) were: for females, Z=0.48 per year, r=0.982, p<0.01 and for males, Z=0.38 per year, r=0.992, p<0.01. Natural mortality for female and male Beluga was estimated using Richter and Efanovs formula as 0.03 for females and 0.05 for males. Values of fishing mortality (F) were estimated from Z and M, using values of Z from catch curves and M estimated from Richter and Efanovs formula as 0.045 and 0.33 for female and male, respectively. Yield-per-recruit curve was produced for female and male Beluga. It was found that the maximum Y/R (Maximum sustainable yield-per-recruit) were produced at Fs =0.07, for female and Fs=0.16 for male. Inspection of the yield-per-recruit model for the Beluga in the Caspian Sea showed that the fishing mortality should be stopped for this species in the Caspian Sea. This result confirms the over-fishing of the sturgeon in Caspian Sea. Several other authors such as Smith (1990), Birstein (1993), Bemis and Findeis (1994), Dumount (1995) and current catch data, have confirmed the overfishing of the Beluga in the Caspian Sea

    Fishing trend and fisheries potential analyses for the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, 1973-2003

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    Catch data from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman during 1973 to 2001 were used to assess the state of the fishery development in these ecosystems. Also, fishery trends were analyzed to determine catch fluctuations during the period. Catch trend for each species from 1997 to 2003 was analyzed and fishing potential of the species for the following year was predicted. Based on the assessments, we can summarize fishing development in the southern waters of Iran into three periods: undeveloped, rapid development stage and developed stage. The undeveloped stage continued till early 1981, continued by a rapid stage until 1997, reaching to maximum level of at this year and continuing ever since. Catch trend analyses for each species during 1997 to 2003 showed different patterns for each species depending on its economic value. However, the mean catch of all species showed a sustainable trend in the two marine ecosystems. It is concluded that the catch quantity for most of the species have already reached a maximum level. Therefore, in order to keep fisheries sustainable in the region, excess fishing should be avoided

    Estimation of growth parameters and mortality rate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus 1758) population in the southern Caspian Sea

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) represents one of the most economically important fish species in the Caspian Sea. In this study, growth and mortality parameters among population of common carp was investigated. Sampling was carried out weekly, using beach seine in the south of the Caspian Sea from October 2006 to September 2007. As a contribution to elaborating management programs for common carp, the age and growth of this species was calculated via scale, growth parameters and mortality rate by length frequency data obtained from commercial fishing and research beach seines. Ten age groups were recorded from 1+ to 10+ years old, being dominated by 4 and 5 year-old fish. The growth parameters based on scale reading data by length at age analysis were FL∞= 71.52cm and K = 0.16 per year for total population, FL∞= 70.54cm and K = 0.15 per year for males, and FL∞= 72.00 cm and K = 0.16 per year for females, whereas by length frequency analysis, these values were estimated as FL∞ equals 72.0, 69.3 and 73.0cm and K equals 0.18, 0.15 and 0.18 per year for total population, males and females, respectively. The total, natural and fishing mortality rates were 0.71, 0.29 and 0.42 per year, respectively

    Validation of back-calculation methods using otoliths to determine the length of anchovy kilka (Clupeonella engrauliformis)

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    Age structure of the Caspian Sea anchovy kilka, Clupeonella engrauliformis, was estimated for the first time by back-calculation methods. Otolith growth and the rate of increment in anchovy kilka were examined to determine whether otoliths could be used to back calculate body sizes at various life stages. Sampling was carried out on commercial fishing vessels board along the Iranian coast in 2007. The age structure of the samples ranged from 2 to 7 years old which was dominated by the third year class (38.6%). The largest fish measured was 137.2mm fork length. The relationship between fork length (FL) and otolith radius (OR) was described by the following equation: FL=13.77+ 82.78*OR (r^2=0.92). Three proportional back-calculation methods, Fraser-Lee, Whitney & Carlander and Dahl-Lea models, were compared by using data sets of anchovy kilka otoliths, and we validated back calculation by comparing them with observed lengths. Back calculated lengths generally corresponded well with observed lengths in anchovy kilka age classes. Variance of the back calculated length data obtained from three models indicated no significant difference (P>0.05)

    Growth, mortality and spawning season of the spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus Forsskal, 1775) in coastal waters of Hormozgan Province in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

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    The population parameters and spawning season of the Spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) were studied in coastal waters of Hormozgan province. The monthly calculated mean values of gonadosomatic index (GSI) of females were indicate to increase from February, reach the highest in March and decline in June. The spawning season peak of L. nebulosus occurred in March. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters, L∞, K and t0 were estimated as, 67.2cm, 0.16.year^-1 and -1.161 year, respectively. The relationship between weight and length (Fork Length) can be expressed as W=0.051 L^2.722, which indicates that Spangled Emperor has negative allometric growth. Using length converted catch curve, total mortality (Z) was estimated as 1.13 year^-1 and natural mortality was estimated using Pauly's equation, as 0.57 per year. Finally, the fishing mortality (F) was 0.56, which gives an exploitation rate (E) of 0.50

    Growth parameters and mortality rates of Liza klunzingeri in the Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, using Length Frequency Data

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the population dynamics of Liza klunzingeri, in Hormouzgan province waters located in northern coasts of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. This study was carried out from October 2007 to September 2008. Samples were collected from commercial stake traps. The relationship between weight and fork length was found to be W= 0.0214 F.L^2.8233 suggesting that Liza klunzingeri shows isometric growth. Length-based stock assessment using the FiSAT software package showed an asymptotic length (L∞) of 20.3cm FL and growth coefficient of 0.6.yr^-1. These results gave a growth performance index (ø) of 2.39. The total mortality coefficient was estimated to be 2.31, a natural mortality of 1.09 and fishing mortality of 1.22. The estimated total mortality which, in relative terms, is considered average (2.31.yr^-1), coupled with the currently observed exploitation rate of 0.52 for L. klunzingeri, estimated from the mortality rates, suggested that the species is moderately exploited

    Population dynamics of the Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in coastal waters of Oman Sea

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    Length composition data of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede 1800), landed between April 2002 to March 2004, were monthly used to estimate the growth, mortality and exploitation parameters of the stock. Maximum fork length and weight were 170 cm and 38 kg, respectively. Nonlinear least square fitting provided a complete set of von Bertalanffy growth estimates: L¥=178 cm (FL); K=0.28 and to= -0.36 years. The estimated value of total mortality based on length converted catch curve using these growth parameters is Z=0.95 year-I. Natural mortality based on growth parameters and mean environmental temperature (T=26.5°C) is M=0.36 year-1. Furthermore, the annual instantaneous fishing mortality rate of 0.59 year-1 was by far in excess of the precautionary target (Fopt=0.18 year-1) and limit (Flimit=0.24 year-1) biological reference points, indicating that the resource is heavily over-exploited and the management of this species should be implanted rapidly if they are to remain sustainable

    The reproductive biology and feeding habits of yellow fin seabream, Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782), in the northern Persian Gulf

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    Monthly samples of Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782) were used to determine (1) feeding habits and (2) reproduction characteristics of the species in relation to its size, spawning season and sex in the northern part of the Persian Gulf from January to December 2013. The smaller length classes of all samples were dominated by male fish. All gonads examined, were ovotestis during the spawning period from February till May. Male and female ovotestes were dimorphic in structure which represented a transitional stage in a protandrous sex change. Length at first sexual maturity of female A. latus was 24.40 cm. A. latus fed predominantly on bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, stomatopods, fish and decapods which showed changes according to the season and body size. According to our results, it appears that A. latus feeds throughout the year; the highest value of gastrosomatic index (GaSI) for both sexes was recorded in February, which was significantly different from that in other months. The results of this study also indicate that feeding in yellowfin seabream is very intense before reproduction (during January and February). It decreases gradually after February to June during the spawning season

    Status of the tiger tooth croaker, Otolithes ruber (Schneider, 1801) and jinga shrimp, Metapenaeus affinis(H. Milne Edwards, 1837) stocks in Khouzestan coastal waters

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    Population dynamics parameters and exploitation ratio of Jinga Shrimp, Metapenaeus affinis were studied from Sep 2011 to Dec 2011 and data collected from two landing places (Hendijan and Lifee-Bosif). During the project, more than 2200 specimens of jinga shrimp were measured. The mean value of length for the male and female were calculated as 9.8±0.86, 10.24±1.18 and mean value of weight for the male and female was as 6.730±1.64, 8.14±2.90 respectively. The length-weight relation were calculated as TW=0.024TL2.24 (n=1084,R^2=0.71) for males, TW=0.011TL2.80 (n=1081,R^2= 0.81) for females also we found significant different level length-weight relation in P<0.05. The growth parameters of von Bertalanffy equation were as, L_∞: 14.73 and K: 1.1 and t0: -0.02. The estimated valve of total mortality, natural mortality, fishing mortality and exploitation ratio is Z: 4.35, M: 1.68, F: 2.67, E: 0.61 respectively. By using method analyses knife-edge selection, relative yield per recruitment (Y'/R) :0.014, relative biomass per recruitment, (B'/R) :0.085., Exploitation ratio maximum sustainable yield, Emax : 0.38; biological reference points for Jinga Shrimp stock was calculated. MSY and fmsy value was 600T and 46100day respectively. Result in this study showed exploitation ratio Jinga Shrimp stock is over fishing and decreases exploitation ratio proposed