20 research outputs found

    Predictors of Postpartum Depression in an Iranian Population, 2006

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    Background: Postpartum depression has serious complications. There are various risk factors for postpartum depression and in some cases these are controversial. Objectives: This study tested the prevalence of postpartum depression and its related factors in Kashan, Iran, in 2006. Patients and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 460 women referred to Kashan’s health centers, during the second and third months after childbirth, were enrolled. The Beck Depression Inventory was used to make a diagnosis of depression. Other variables such as; type of delivery, satisfaction with husband, and demographic features were also assessed. Data were analyzed by chi-square, independent t-test and regression analysis, using SPSS 16 software. Results: The prevalence of severe and moderate depression was 28.9%. Our findings did not reveal any significant relationship between; type of delivery, unwanted pregnancy, gender of neonate, duration of marriage and gravidity with postpartum depression (P > 0.05). The stepwise regression analysis showed that depression made a significant model with; satisfaction with husband, age and education of mother. Conclusions: Satisfaction with husband, age and education of mother are the important risk factors for postpartum depression

    Predictors of happiness among Iranian nurses

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    Abstract Objectives This study aimed to assess happiness and its predictors among a group of Iranian hospital nurses. Methods This cross-sectional study was done in 2016 on 620 hospital nurses who worked in five teaching hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran. Nurses were recruited through the census method. Data collection instruments were a researcher-made demographic and occupational characteristics questionnaire, the Oxford Happiness Inventory, and the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. Data analysis was done through stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. Results Among 620 recruited nurses, 422 returned their questionnaires completely filled. The mean of their happiness was 123.4 ± 18.4 in the possible score range of 29–174. The significant predictors of happiness were satisfaction with mental health, monthly salary, satisfaction with salary, quality of life, current hospital ward, the length of working in the current ward, work shift, age, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with physicians' conduct and performance. These variables explained 50.3% of the total variance of happiness. Satisfaction with mental health had the greatest proportion in explaining the variance of happiness. Conclusion Nurses in teaching hospitals in Kashan, Iran, have moderate happiness. Their happiness is affected by different factors, particularly by satisfaction with their mental health. Health policy-makers and authorities, in developing workforce-related plans and programs, need to pay special attention to nurses' happiness and its contributing factors. Keywords Happiness Iran Job satisfaction Mental health Nurses Personal satisfaction Surveys and questionnaire

    Survey of educational drop-out indexes and its related factors in alumni of paramedical faculty of Kashan Medical University

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Educational dropout is one of the problems of educational system. The educational drop-out prevention and its complications require recognition of the probability risk factors. So, this study is carried out in order to assess the indexes of educational drop-out and its related factors in alunmi of paramedical faculty of Kashan medical University, Iran. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on the entire alunmi from 1990-2003 (n=1439). The questionnaire including probability related factors and the indexes of educational drop-out (probation, unacceptable total average, lesson repeating, major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university, education leaving and delay in graduating) was used. FINDINGS: Prevalence of probation, unacceptable total average and delay in graduating were 9.2 (n=133), 14.5 (n=209), and 14.1 (n=203), respectively. The utmost probation frequency was related to first and then second semester. Delay duration was only one semester in 152 (10.56). 413 (28.7) had repeated lesson that 227 (15.8) had repeated only one lesson. Prevalence of major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university and education leaving were 2 (n=29), 0.9 (n=13), 0.4 (n=6), and 0.6 (n=9), respectively. There was an association between demographic data, prior educational status, and admission criteria with academic drop-out. CONCLUSION: With attention to the considerable prevalence of educational drop-out and its risk factors, diagnosing and supporting of the vulnerable students is a must

    Development and psychometric evaluation of the Hospital Nurse Interpersonal Empathy Questionnaire

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    Objective: This study aimed to develop the Hospital Nurse Interpersonal Empathy Questionnaire (HNIEQ) and evaluate its psychometric properties. Methods: The primary version of HNIEQ was deductively developed through reviewing the literature, and then, its face and content validity were assessed. For construct validity assessment, 250 hospital nurses were randomly selected from hospitals of Kashan, Iran. Their data were used for exploratory factor analysis. Internal consistency was assessed through Cronbach's α coefficient and questionnaire stability was assessed through test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient. Ceiling and floor effects were also assessed. Data analysis was done via the SPSS program (v. 16.0). Results: The final version of HNIEQ contained 45 items. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a six-factor structure (empathetic and ethical attention, perspective adoption, emotional affectability, altruism, emotion identification and responsivity, and reflection forecasting) for the questionnaire which explained 52.7 of the total variance of its total score. The Cronbach's α coefficient and the intraclass correlation coefficient of HNIEQ were 0.953 and 0.972, respectively. Conclusion: HNIEQ is a valid and reliable instrument for empathy assessment among nurses. © 2020 Chinese Nursing Associatio

    Frequency and Predictors of Courses Repetition, Probation, and Delayed Graduation in Kashan Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery

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    Background: Course failing and delayed graduation are important concerns in educational systems. The reasons of these educational failures need to be clarified. Objectives: This study was designed to determine the academic failure rate and its predictors in Nursing and Midwifery Students in Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the records of all the students graduated in Nursing and Midwifery faculty during 18 years (1986 - 2003) were evaluated (1174 graduates). The demographic variables and the educational situation were recorded. The frequency of course repetition, probation, and delayed graduation were determined and the data were analyzed using the chi-square and logistic regression tests. Results: The frequency of course repetition, probation, and delayed graduation was reported to be 19.25%, 3.9% and 19.85%, respectively. Gaining Low grade in high school, transferring from other universities, having special quota, and transferring temporarily to other universities were mentioned as the risk factors of academic failure. The major had a significant relationship with academic failure. Day time students had more course failure and night time students stayed longer in the university. Conclusions: The individual characteristics, educational background and admission criteria had showed relation with academic failure. Vulnerable students should be identified and educational supports should be provided for these students

    Psychometric evaluation of Shah version of modified Barthel index in elderly people residing in Kashan Golabchi nursing home

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    Background: The rehabilitation interventions have an important role in the promotion of elderly health level especially who are residing in nursing homes. This study was designed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Shah version of modified barthel index (MBI) in older people residing in Kashan Golabchi nursing home. Materials and Methods: The Shah version of MBI was translated from English to Persian through forward-backward translation method. Sampling was performed using census method in Kashan Golabchi nursing home during 2006-7 (n=100). The questionnaires were completed through interview, observation and inter-rater agreement coefficient was assessed. Reliability was determined via internal consistency and validity was determined via concurrent validity, exploratory factor analysis and known-groups approach. Results: Inter-rater reliability coefficient (Kappa) for every item was more than 0.6 Inter-rater reliability in the total MBI was 0.998. The questionnaire reliability coefficient (internal consistency) was 0.96-0.99 and item-total correlation confirmed its reliability too. Its concurrent validity with Persian original barthel index was confirmed (r=0.993, P<0.0001) and the known-groups approach revealed its validity (P<0.0001). The results of factor analysis signified its monofactoriality with Eigen value of 8.268 and the mentioned factor could explain the 82.68% of the total variance. Conclusion: The Persian Shah version of MBI for evaluation of disability in elderly people residing in Golabchi nursing home is a valid and reliable tool

    Association between the maternal BMI and infants' growth during the first 4 months

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    Background: Low-weighed mothers’ attitude towards the lack of their milk for breast feeding is one the most important causes of unsuccessful breast feeding. Meanwhile, prior investigators have raised controversies regarding the association between maternal BMI and infant’s growth. Thus, the present study was carried out on low- and moderate- weighed mothers and their infants to determine the association between the maternal BMI and infants’ growth during the first 4 months in Kashan in 1376-77. Materials and methods: This cohort study was conducted on infants of low weighed mothers (BMI<19.8 as the case group) and infants of normal weighed mothers (19.8 Results: The study population included 75 cases and 75 controls with the mean birth weight of 3257.27±421 and 3286.2±455 gr. Their mean age was 5362.8±606.4 and 5497.8±621.27 gr after 2 months and 6793.2±682.4 and 7004±762.4 gr after 4 months, respectively (NS). We have not found any significant association in height, head and arm circumference between the two groups. Conclusion: Low weight of mothers does not have any influence on physical infant’s growth. Further studies with bigger sample size and greater duration (the first 2 years) is strongly recommended

    Effect of aromatherapy with Lavender on sleep quality among patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    Background: Sleep disorders are one of the most common problems in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of aromatherapy on sleep quality in hemodialysis patients. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was performed on 60 hemodialysis patients selected from the dialysis centers of Akhavan hospital in Kashan and Shohadaye Lenjan hospital in Zarrinshahr. Eligible patients were randomly assigned into two equal groups, the experimental and control groups. The experimental group smelled lavender essential oil during the study, while the control group received no intervention. The Persian version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was completed by the participants at the baseline and the end of study. Results: Results showed no significant difference in the mean sleep quality score between the experimental (12.67±3.407) and control groups (13.83±3.940) at baseline, but a significant difference was seen in mean sleep quality score between the experimental (7.93±3.483) and control groups (13.50±4.249) after the end of the study (

    A comparative study on the effect of multiple and/or demand-based breast feeding on the newborn growth

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    History and Objectives: Considering the significance of newborn growth, its prognosis, the absence of enough information and the controversies regarding the effect of feeding intervals on the growth process, this comparative study was carried out to evaluate the effect of demand-based and multiple feeding on the newborn growth in Shabihkhani hospital in Kashan from 1996 to 1997. Materials and Methods: The clinical trial, sequential sampling and quasi-experimental strategy of this research was carried out on 45 newborns in demand-based feeding group (Control) and 40 newborns in multiple-feeding group (Case). The groups were similar regarding age, occupation, education, multiparous state, number of children, kind of pregnancy, interval between labors, father’s age, education and occupation, number of children, home area, home status, monthly income, gender, time of first feeding and birth-time weight, height and head perimeter. Birth-time weight, height and head perimeter and the same parameters at days 14 and 28 postpartum were measured and statistical t-test was used for data analysis. Results: Eight cases of the demand-based group and 14 cases from the multiple-feeding group were excluded from the study for illnesses, incomplete information, supplementary nutrition, not on time refers, inappropriate follow-up and/or mismatch of nutritional style with considered criteria. In total, the research was carried out on 63 cases (Control (n=32) and case (n=31) groups). During the first 14 days, the weight changes were 399.7±113 and 613.9±194.1 in control group and case group respectively. In other words, case group showed a 53% increase in comparison with control group (P<0.001). In addition, changes of head perimeter and height were also greater in case group, but did not reach to significant level. Conclusion: Multiple-feeding method can clearly affect the physical growth of newborns. It is recommended to perform a research study to evaluate the long-term effect of this feeding pattern on growth and other related parameters

    The effects of inhalation aromatherapy on anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction: A randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Anxiety is an important mental health problem in patients with cardiac disease. Anxiety reduces patients' quality of life and increases the risk of different cardiac complications. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of inhalation aromatherapy on anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction. Patients and Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial conduced on 68 patients with myocardial infarction hospitalized in coronary care units of a large-scale teaching hospital affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran in 2013. By using the block randomization technique, patients were randomly assigned to experimental (33 patients receiving inhalation aromatherapy with lavender aroma twice a day for two subsequent days) and control (35 patients receiving routine care of study setting including no aromatherapy) groups. At the beginning of study and twenty minutes after each aromatherapy session, anxiety state of patients was assessed using the Spielberger's State Anxiety Inventory. Data was analyzed using SPSS v. 16.0. We used Chi-square, Fisher's exact, independent-samples T-test and repeated measures analysis of variance to analyze the study data. Results: The study groups did not differ significantly regarding baseline anxiety mean and demographic characteristics. However, after the administration of aromatherapy, anxiety mean in the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group. Conclusions: Inhalation aromatherapy with lavender aroma can reduce anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction. Consequently, healthcare providers, particularly nurses, can use this strategy to improve postmyocardial infarction anxiety management. © 2014, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal; Published by Kowsar Corp