46 research outputs found

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 prevents neuronal cell death and paraplegia in the rabbit model of spinal cord ischemia

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    AbstractObjective: Insulin-like growth factor 1 has been shown to be cytoprotective against ischemia-reperfusion injury in various organs. However, spinal cord protection by insulin-like growth factor 1 has not been tested. We have therefore examined the effect of insulin-like growth factor 1 on neuronal cell death and motor function after spinal cord ischemia. Methods: Japanese white rabbits were subjected to spinal cord ischemia by clamping the abdominal aorta for 15 minutes. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (0.3 mg/kg) at a dose equipotent to insulin (0.3 IU/kg) in lowering blood glucose level or the control (phosphate-buffered saline solution as a vehicle) was administered intravenously 30 minutes before the aortic clamp. Results: Hind-limb motor function had recovered normally 48 hours after the operation in all the rabbits (n = 8) treated with insulin-like growth factor 1. In contrast, all the control-treated (n = 8) and all but one of the insulin-treated (n = 6) rabbits had deteriorated to paraplegia by 48 hours after the operation. Histopathologic sections in the involved spinal cord segment showed that a significantly (P <.0001) greater number of motor neuron cells were preserved in the rabbits treated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (17.9 ± 4.8 per section) than in those treated with the control (8.0 ± 2.1). Although insulin was equipotent to insulin-like growth factor 1 in preserving the number of motor neuron cells (18.5 ± 2.7), the percentage of motor neuron cells positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase–mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick-end labeling were significantly (P <.01) smaller in the rabbits treated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (6.0 ± 4.6) compared with those treated with the control (54.6 ± 33.8) and insulin (26.2 ± 11.7). Immunohistochemical studies revealed that insulin-like growth factor 1 increased expression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-xL protein and inhibited expression of the proapoptotic Bax protein in motor neuron cells 24 and 48 hours after the operation. In contrast, expression of only Bax was increased after the operation in other groups of rabbits subjected to spinal cord ischemia. Conclusions: These results suggest that insulin-like growth factor 1, but not insulin with a conventional dose, protects motor neuron cells from ischemic spinal cord injury associated with differential regulation of Bcl-xL and Bax protein.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122:136-4

    A New Framework of Technology and Engineering Education Proposed by the Japan Society of Technology Education

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    The Japan Society of Technology Education (JSTE), an academic society for leading technology education research in Japan, has proposed a new framework of technology and engineering education in 2021 to impact the next revision of the Japan's national curriculum. The proposal includes a triple-loop model of the engineering design process and a model of the problem-solving process in line with learners' developmental stages. It also proposes to incorporate the connections between physical and cyber technologies, and between technology and other disciplines in the scope of technology education. However, this proposal was written in Japanese only, is not translated in other language. In this report, we will report of the result of survey conducted in this project, and introduce the contents of the proposal with some practical examples

    ユウキセイ ハイキブツ ノ コンゴウ タイヒカ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ トク ニ ナマゴミ オ チュウシン ト シテ

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    有機性廃棄物のリサイクル方法としては,今日,堆肥化が一般的である。筆者らは,リサイクルに"地産地消"の観点を加味し,本学農学部厚木キャンパス内で排出される各種有機性廃棄物の混合による混合堆肥化に関する一連の試験研究を行っている。本報は,従来の牛糞の堆肥化における(生牛糞+籾殻)を対照区とし,これに生ごみを加えた実験区(生牛糞+籾殻+生ごみ)の他,各種有機性廃棄物を加えた実験区を設け,混合堆肥化試験を行ったところ,1,2の知見を得たので,その結果につき報告する。すなわち,1)実験区(生牛糞+籾殻+生ごみ)では,対照区(生牛糞+籾殻)に比べ,堆肥化における初期温度が高温で推移したこと,2)これに米糠,戻し堆肥を添加した区(生牛糞+籾殻+生ごみ+米糠ないし戻し堆肥)は,さらに初期温度が高温かつ安定的に推移したこと,等を確認した。There is a general method of composting organic wastes for the recycling of resources. We are conducting an experiment in mixing composting of several different organic wastes discharged in this university faculty of Agriculture Atsugi campus. Recycling of resources contains the viewpoint, "within product and consumption". This paper reports on the experiment of mixed composting of different organic manure mixes. That is, where fresh cattle manure, garbage, rice husks, sawdust, rice bran and return compost were used. The result of this experiments ; 1) when garbage as mixed into fresh cattle manure, the temperature of the first stage for composting was high, 2) and also when rice bran or return compost were added into the mixed materials, the temperature of the first stage for composting remained high and stable

    モンゴルコク ユウボクミン ノ ソウゲン リヨウ ト カチク セイサン

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    本調査は,1998年から2000年にわたる3年間において,ウランバートル郊外とこれより約400km先の北部,東部などの地域における草地の生育状態と家畜の飼育状況について調査し,近年のモンゴル遊牧民の放牧方法と家畜生産を探った。その結果,社会主義体制時代までの遊牧民は放牧家畜の扱い方において,経験的調節と優れた視力などによる伝統的放牧方法で継承し,安定した家畜生産を行っていたと思われるが,市場経済体制の転換により,自由な放牧利用の過放牧が草原の牧養力を低下させ,冬季6~7カ月間で飼育家畜の体重が激減し,さらに旱魃,雪害が加わるとこれまでにない多くの家畜を斃死させていることが判明した。したがって今後は小麦の麦稈サイレージの調製,備蓄草地の適正利用方法とこれらの運搬に伴う道路整備,通信方法などのインフラの開発を行い,モンゴル全地域における冬季の飼料確保を検討する必要があると思われた。The site of investigation is the northern region and an area in the eastern part 400km from Ulaanbaatar. Grassland growth, livestock productivity and the way of grazing of Mongolian nomads in recent years were researched. It was found that former nomads acceded in the traditional way in empirical control of the grazing livestock. Excellent eyesight and treatment enabled continuing stable livestock production without overgrazing because of the free grazing use. However, the conversion to a market economic structure caused grazing capacity to decline. Also, the winter season of 6 months to 7 months caused reduced weight of breeding livestock and death of a lot of livestock with a lot of damage from drought and snow. Therefore, silage preparation by wheat straw, the proper use of reserve grassland by hay making together with the development of infrastructure road service and communications seem to be necessary in order to secure feed in the winter season

    ニュウ ヨウ メンヨウ フライスランド シュ ノ ニュウ リョウ ト ニュウ セイブン

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    わが国で飼育されている乳用緬羊の飼育頭数は少なく,その乳量と乳成分については詳しく知られていない。そこで,わが国で唯一北海道で飼育されている乳用緬羊フライスランド種の乳量とその成分を調査した。緬羊の泌乳量は少なかったが,乳脂肪,乳タンパク質及び無脂固形分含量は乳牛より著しく多かった。分後1ケ月時の1日最高乳量は2.5kgであり,1日平均では2.0kgであったが,分後2ケ月群では最高が1.7kgであり,平均1.4kgであった。乳脂肪率は,分後1ケ月時の朝乳で4.5%,夕乳で6.0%であり,2ケ月時では朝乳が5.8%で,夕乳が7.0%で,牛乳の約2倍の高脂肪率であった。また,2回搾乳における夕乳の乳量と乳脂肪率との間に1%水準で有意な負の相関(r=-0.544)が認められた。このように,乳用緬羊フライスランド種の乳成分は牛乳と比べて著しく高いことを確認した。There are few heads of dairy sheep which are bred in Japan. Little information has been found on the yields and components of milk from dairy sheep. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate the milk quality and producibility of the Friesland sheep. The gross compositions and yields of milk from Friesland sheep were determined during the 2^ and 3^ month postpartum period at 7^ to 22-June, 2004. The milk yields of sheep were small compared to the cow, but ewe\u27s milk contained the more concentrated constituents, such as fats, protein and nonfat solids, than that contents in cow\u27s milk. The average milk yield was 2.0kg/day with the highest milk yield of 2.5kg/day during the 2^ month postpartum period and 1.4kg/day with the highest milk yield of 1.7kg/day during 3^ month postpartum period. The intervals between milking affected both fat contents as well as the yield of milk. Fat contents varied from the lowest value of 4.5% for the morning milk to the highest value of 6.0% for the evening milk during the 2^ month postpartum period. During the 3^ month postpartum period, fat contents varied from the lowest value of 5.8% for the morning milk to the highest value of 7.0% for the evening milk. The significant negative correlation (r=-0.544) was found between the yield of evening milk and the fat content by the twice milking procedure. In this way, milk ingredient of the friesland were confirmed to remarkably high in nutrients compared with cow\u27s milk

    リードカナリーグラス PHALARISARUNDINACEA L. ニ オケル テイ アルカロイド ヒンシュ ノ セイイク トクセイ ト カンブツ セイサン ト ノ カンケイ

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    リードカナリーグラスの低アルカロイド品種である「パラトン」および「ヴェンチャー」の生育特性を明らかにして,そこから両品種の品質特性を知るために,各単播草地の1番草,再生草を用いて調査を行った。その結果,両品種とも既存分げつの草丈,節間長,茎葉比の3形質は相互に密接な対応関係を示した。主な特徴として,茎数密度の推移は1番草の生育開始直後で500~1,000本/m^2あったが,節間の伸長開始後は急減して約300本に収斂した。再生草では刈取り直後に新分げつが多発して,各刈取り時を上回り,最大で1,600本(3回刈り後)の茎数密度を示した。全乾物重と草丈の間にはr=0.963の高い正の相関がみられ,また,茎葉比と全乾物重の間にも類似の関係が認められたが,茎葉比1.5以下の範囲での収量増加が大きいのに対して,1.5以上では,収量増加の割合は低減した。To examine the growth and qualitative characteristics of the recently introduced low-alkaloid cultivars \u27Palaton\u27 and \u27Venture\u27 of reed canarygrass. a study was conducted using the first crop and aftermath community of the pure stand of \u27Palaton\u27 and \u27Venture\u27. In both of the cultivars, a close mutual relation was observed among the following four characteristics : plant length of existing tillers, internodes, culm-foliage ratio (C/F). In addition, the number of tillers was 500 to 1,000 stems per square meter immediately after the first crop began to grow but decreased sharply after the internode\u27s elongation period. In the case of the aftermath, a large number of new tillers began to grow just after the grass was harvested ; these new tillers were more than the tiller number at each harvest and reached a peak of 1,600 stems after three times of harvesting. A positive correlation (r=0.963**) was recognized between dry matter accumulation and plant length, and a similar correlation was also found between C/F and yield. While the increase in yield was great when C/F was 1.5 or less, the increase ratio fell when the C/F was more than 1.5

    カチク フンニョウ オ ゲンリョウ ト シタ バイオガスプラント カラ ハイシュツ サレル ハイキブツ ノ タイヒカ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ

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    家畜糞尿からメタンガスを回収するバイオガスプラントは,すべての処理が密閉槽内で行われるため臭気対策の点においても有効な処理方式である。しかし,発酵前後に排出される大量の搾汁分離かすや汚泥の処理問題が残る。本研究は,これらの廃棄物の堆肥化を図るにあたり,まず,それぞれの廃棄物の特性を明らかにする目的で,総量10kg規模程度の基礎的試験を実施した。その結果,1)搾汁分離かすのみの調製では,調製後の温度上昇は大きいが乾燥しやすい特性を持つこと。2)搾汁分離かすに汚泥を混合することによって水分含有率が維持されること。3)汚泥の混合比率が高い場合は稲藁ないし米糠を加えることによって温度上昇が大きくなること,特に,4)稲藁を加えた場合は混合量が少量でも温度上昇は大きくなることを明らかにした。Bio-gasplant collects a methane gas from livestock excreta. This is a useful way of dealing with the bad smell because all treatment is carried out in closed tanks. But the treatment of digested sludge and other sludge discharged from the system becomes an issue. This study is an experiment in mixed composting of the digested sludge and other sludge. The purpose of this experiment is to grasp the essentials of the sludge for composting on a small scale ; 10kg approximately in total. The results show clearly 1) Only in digested sludge, the temperature of manure is high and it dries quickly;2) In case of other sludge mixed with digested sludge, the moisture of manure maintains a certain level ; 3) In case of higher portion digested sludge, the degree of temperature of the manure is raised by the addition of rice straw or rice bran and ; 4) even a small addition of rice straw on manure raises the degree of temperature of the manure