49 research outputs found

    Report on monthly meeting for diabetic patients in Misasa Branch Hospital

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    Increase of S-100 protein-positive stellate cells in the anterior pituitary of chronic alcoholic patients with fatty liver or fatty cirrhosis.

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    Healthy subjects 40 years old were used as controls in a study of stellate cells (S-100 protein-containing cells, or S-100 cells) in subjects with chronic alcoholism and fatty liver or fatty cirrhosis. S-100 cells were sparsely found in the adenohypophysis of control subjects, and these cells sometimes formed small clusters. However, in chronic alcoholics with fatty liver or fatty cirrhosis, the number of stellate cells in the anterior pituitary tended to be 17 times higher than it was in the control group. No increase in the number of S-100 positive cells that constitute the large and small follicles in the intermediate pituitary. The physiological function of the S-100 protein has not yet been identified. The fact that an increase in prolactin-secreting and growth hormone-secreting cells, as well as a decrease in gonadotrophs were observed in the hypophysis of alcoholics suggests that the function of stellate cells may be closely related to these phenomena. Our results also imply that the stellate cells found in the anterior and intermediate pituitary differ in function although they both produce S-100 proteins.</p

    Role of adenohypophyseal mixed cell-follicles in age estimation.

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    In this study we used paraffin-embedded human pituitary obtained from 248 autopsy cases and identified mixed cell follicles by the immunohistochemical method. We examined the number and size of the mixed cell follicles, and the ratio of each component cell of these follicles, in the anterior pituitary at various age groups. The number of follicles increased with age, and the size of the follicles also tended to enlarge with age. Statistical analysis showed that a high correlation existed between age and the number or the size of the mixed cell-follicles formed by various adenohypophyseal cells. In addition, when the proportions of the different cell types that formed the follicles were examined, sex differences were observed with aging for the GH cells, the PRL cells, and the gonadotroph (GTH) cells, while no changes were observed with aging in both men and women for the ACTH cells and TSH cells. These results indicate that the number, size, and ratio of each component cell of follicles in the anterior pituitary are adequately applicable for the purpose of age estimation in routine forensic medicine.</p

    Clinical study on polypoid lesions of the colon

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    1986年4月から1990年2月末までの間に岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院で経験した早期大腸癌を含む大腸ポリープ90例(107病変)を対象に,年齢,臨床症状,便潜血反応,病変存在部位について検討を行い,以下の成績を得た。(1)大腸検査総数の22.4%にポリープが発見された。ポリープの77%は腺腫,5%は腺癌(早期癌)であった。(2)便潜血反応はポリープ例の75.9%に陽性であり,右側大腸ポリープでの陽性率は高かったが,S状結腸および直腸ポリープでは70%程度であった。(3)若年者では右側結腸にポリープが発見されることは稀であるが,50才以上では18%程度に認められた。高齢者では右側結腸も内視鏡で検査することが重要である。(4)免疫学的便潜血検査法の導入により大腸ポリープの発見効率が改善するものと考え られた。This report is concerned with clinical study on 90 patients with polypoid lesions (107 lesions) which we have encountered in Misasa Hospital, Okayama University in the past 4 years. Following results were obtained : (1) Polypoid lesions were detected in 90 (22.4%) and advanced adenocarcinoma (mostly resectable) in 22 (5.5%) of 402 patients who were examined by sigmoidoscopy and barium enema ; (2) Histological examination of the polypoid lesions showed adenoma in 77.2%, hyperplastic polyp in 8.7%, inflammatory polyp in 7.6%, neurinoma in 0.3% and early cancer (adenocarcinoma) in 5.4% ; (3) It was impossible to differentiate benign and malignant polypoid lesions on the basis of endoscopic and X-ray findings alone ; (4) Forty-two percent of the polypoid lesions was detected in the sigmoid colon, 30% in the rectum, 16.8% in the descending colon, 9.3% in the ascending colon, 0.9% in the caecum ; (4) Patients younger than 50 years of age showed only one polypoid lesion in the right hemicolon, whereas elder patients showed as many as 17 polypoid lesions ; (5) Among the 90 patients with polypoid lesions, 40 presented with abdominal pain, 20 with no symptoms (annual health check-up), 17 with irregular bowel habits, and 10 with melena ; (6) Among the 90 patients, occult blood in stool was positive in 75.8% with a lower positive rate in the lesions of the sigmoid and rectum ; (7) Among 5 asymptomatic patients with lesions and with a negative hemoccult test, 3 patients with a polypoid lesion were examined because of the patients' request, 1 patient with a polypoid lesion because of a positive family history, and the remaining 1 patient in a search for the primary lesion of the metastatic liver cancer ; (8) Among patients with a positive hemoccult test, the detection rate of polypoid lesions was 41.9% with use of an immunological method, whereas it was 19.7% with use of a chemical method. In conclusion, (1) detection of colonic polypoid lesions can lead to the detection of early cancer, although only histological examination can confirm the accurate diagnosis ; (2) a hemoccult test in stool with an immunological method is an effective method for screening asymptomatic colonic polypoid lesions, although it must be admitted that negative results may occasionally occur ; (3) macroscopic observation of the stool mass is important before sampling, because lesions of the sigmoid colon or the rectum may show scanty blood only on the limited area of the surface of the stool ; (4) patients elder than 50 years of age should be examined more carefully for the whole colon preferably with an endoscope, because they show a high incidence of small polypoid lesions in the right hemicolon

    Postoperative complications of Okabayashi's operation for carcinoma of the cervix in recent 5 years

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    Okabayashi's radical extensive hysterectomy is one of the excellent operations for carcinoma of the cervix. In this study on the postoperative complications during the recent 5 years, we obtained the following results. 1. In the total of 861 cases studied, the primary mortality amounts to 1.2 per cent, the incidence of the uretero-vaginal fistula 2.7 per cent, the pelvic abscess 16.8 per cent, and the lymphocyst 23.3 per cent. 2. On comparing the results with our previous ones as well as those of other investigators, it is found that satisfactory results have been obtained due to the advent of various antibiotics in recent years and also due to a marked advance made in the technics of blood and fluid administration as well as anesthesia. 3. Since the various complications have not completely been overcome and they still pose an important problem, an effort should be made toward a better postoperative care in order to prevent the complications.</p

    Diabetic complications in the advanced stage of chronic pancreatitis.

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    慢性膵炎が進行すると膵内外分泌不全に対する治療が主体となる。かつては膵疾患に由来する糖尿病(膵性糖尿病)においては糖尿病性合併症の発症が少ないとされていたが,慢性膵炎の長期経過観察例の増加とともにその頻度が一次性糖尿病にくらべて必ずしも低くないことが指摘されるようになった。そこで今回,厚生省難治性膵疾患調査研究班「慢性膵炎の新しい治療法の開発」小委員会の研究活動の一環として膵性糖尿病の治療法を再検討することになったのを機会に,その手始めに野性糖尿病の合併症に関する従来の報告を整理した。その結果,一次性糖尿病の場合にくらべて,細小血管症(網膜症,腎症,神経障害)はほぼ同程度であるが軽症例が多いこと,大血管症(心筋梗塞,脳硬塞,動脈硬化症)は少ないことが示唆された。そのほか,膵性糖尿病の合併症の発症に関与すると考えられる諸因子についても概説した。Exocrine dysfunction (maldigestion) and endocrine dysfunction (diabetes) are malll clinical features in the advanced stage of chronic pancreatitis. Diabetic complications were previously considered to be infrequent in diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis (pancreatic diabetes). However, the recent improvement in life expectancy and closer observation of the clinical course of patients with chronic pancreatitis have revealed that diabetic complications are not infrequent in pancreatic diabetes as compared with primary diabetes mellitus and that diabetes is one of the most important prognostic factors in chronic pancreatitis. We, therefore, reviewed recent articles on the topics before beginning a national survey of diabetic complications in patients with pancreatic diabetes. It has been suggested that : (1) diabetic microangiopathy (retinopathy, nephropathy and peripheral neuropathy) is almost as frequent in secondary diabetes as in primary diabetes, although the severity is less in secodary diabetes : (2) peripheral neuropathy is frequent in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis : (3)macroangiopathy (myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis, atherosclerosis) is less frequent in pancreatic diabetes. We also discussed various factors which may precipitate the diabetic complications

    Age Estimation Using S-100 Protein-Positive Stellate Cells in Anterior Pituitary

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    We examined the embryonic development as well as postnatal development of S-100 protein-positive stellate cells in the anterior lobe of human hypophysis using immunohistochemical method, and investigated the possibility of using the frequency of the stellate cells for age estimation. A definite positive correlation was observed between the proportion of the stellate cell and age, in both males (r = 0.987) and females (r = 0.986). The linear regression equation was y = 0.206x - 1.82 for males and y = 0.239x - 2.22 for females (x: age, y: percentage of 5-100 protein-positive stellate cells). Although the reason for an increase in stellate cells with age remains unknown, the present results indicate that the proportion of stellate cells in the anterior pituitary can be applied reliably to estimate age

    Development of stepping measurement device for evaluation of and training in walking

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    急性膵炎の回復後その発症原因の検索において発見された小膵癌の3例を報告し,膵炎の発症原因の一つとして膵癌を常に念頭におく必要があることを強調した。またスクリーニング検査および精査において小膵癌を診断する手順について考察を加えた。症例1は初回発作の回復後に,症例2および症例3は再発発作の回復後に急性膵炎の発症原因の検索を目的に紹介された。いずれの症例においても血清腫瘍マーカーは正常植を示し,腹部USおよびCTは腫瘍から尾側の膵管の拡張を示したが腫瘍そのものは描出はできなかった。症例1ではERCP像から膵体部癌を強く疑い,症例2と症例3ではERCP像と細胞診陽性所見から膵頭部癌と確診し,手術を行った。腫瘍の最大径は症例1では0.9cm,症例2では1.5cm,症例3では2.0cmであり,いずれも転移を認めず根治切除可能であった。Although gait training equipment such as the bicycle ergometer and treadmill exists for patients whose walking ability is high, there is no appropriate gait training mehtod or training instrument for patients whose walking ability has become impaired, who often use a cane or walker, etc. in the course of daily life. In the case of gait training for persons whose walking ability involves impaired locomotion, there is always the danger of a fall. Consequently, a caregiver is required, and the effect of the training is cut by half because the patient's anxiety about falling is exacerbated. Slow stepping affords strengthening and balance training of the leg muscles for patients whose walking ability has become low, and walking ability is improved. However,whether such training appropriately carries out stepping and the degree of the effect of such training has not been evaluated. Therefore, we have developed a stepping measturement device that monitors stepping for evaluation and training of walking ability. This system consists of two mat switches for stepping, a measuring circuit for stepping detection, and a book-sized personal computer with a PC card-type AD converter. This system can detect a left or right single stance phase and a double stance phase relative to the ON, OFF condition of the mat switch. After measurement, the following items are analyzed and displayed : ・number of steps, ・average time of double stance phase, ・the average time of single stance phase, and so on. Finally, we measured the stepping of subjects whose walking ability is low, and showed the relationship between daily walking conditions and stepping conditions. The effectiveness of this system was considered in light of the results

    Retention rate of physicians in public health administration agencies and their career paths in Japan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physicians who serve as public health specialists at public health centers and health departments in local or central government have significant roles because of their public health expertise. The aim of this study is to analyze the retention and career paths of such specialists in Japan.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>We analyzed the data of seven consecutive surveys, spanning 1994 to 2006. We first analyzed the 2006 survey data by sex, age group, and facility type. We then examined the changes over time in the proportion of physicians working in public health administration agencies. We also examined the distribution of the facility types and specialties in which physicians worked both before beginning and after leaving their jobs. These analyses were performed by using physician registration numbers to cross-link data from two consecutive surveys.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportion of physicians working in public health administration agencies was 0.7% in 2006. The actual numbers for each survey ranged between 1,800 and 1,900. The overall rate remaining in public health administration agencies during the two-year survey interval was 72.8% for 1994-1996. The ratio declined to 67.2% for 2004-2006. Among younger physicians with 1-10 years of experience, the retention rate showed a sharp decline, dropping from 72.6% to 50.0%. Many of these physicians came from or left for a hospital position, with the proportion entering academic hospital institutions increasing in recent years. In many cases, physicians left or entered internal medicine clinical practices.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>At present in Japan, the number of physicians who leave and the number who begin a position are almost the same; thus, some of the problems associated with physicians leaving are yet to become apparent. However, the fact that the retention period is shortening for younger physicians may represent a future problem for ensuring the quality of physicians in public health administration agencies. Possible strategies include: increasing the number of physicians entering positions; reducing the number leaving positions; and creating a system where physicians can easily reenter positions after leaving while also establishing a revolving door type of career development system, involving both public health departments and hospital clinical departments.</p


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