249 research outputs found

    The motivation for flexible star-formation histories from spatially resolved scales within galaxies

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    The estimation of galaxy stellar masses depends on the assumed prior of the star-formation history (SFH) and spatial scale of the analysis (spatially resolved versus integrated scales). In this paper, we connect the prescription of the SFH in the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting to spatially resolved scales (kpc\sim\mathrm{kpc}) to shed light on the systematics involved when estimating stellar masses. Specifically, we fit the integrated photometry of 970\sim970 massive (log (M_{\star}/M)=9.811.6_{\odot}) = 9.8-11.6), intermediate redshift (z=0.52.0z=0.5-2.0) galaxies with Prospector\texttt{Prospector}, assuming both exponentially declining tau model and flexible SFHs. We complement these fits with the results of spatially resolved SFH estimates obtained by pixel-by-pixel SED fitting, which assume tau models for individual pixels. These spatially resolved SFHs show a large diversity in shapes, which can largely be accounted for by the flexible SFHs with Prospector\texttt{Prospector}. The differences in the stellar masses from those two approaches are overall in good agreement (average difference of 0.07\sim 0.07 dex). Contrarily, the simpler tau model SFHs typically miss the oldest episode of star formation, leading to an underestimation of the stellar mass by 0.3\sim 0.3 dex. We further compare the derived global specific star-formation rate (sSFR), the mass-weighted stellar age (t50_{50}), and the star-formation timescale (τSF\tau_{\mathrm{SF}}) obtained from the different SFH approaches. We conclude that the spatially resolved scales within galaxies motivate a flexible SFH on global scales to account for the diversity of SFHs and counteract the effects of outshining of older stellar populations by younger ones

    Photometric properties of reionization-epoch galaxies in the Simba simulations

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    We study the photometric properties and sizes of the reionization-epoch galaxies in high-resolution Simba cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with box sizes of [25,50] h1[25,50]~h^{-1}Mpc. Assuming various attenuation laws, we compute photometry by extincting each star particle's spectrum using the line-of-sight gas metal column density. The predicted ultraviolet luminosity function (UVLF) generally agrees with observations at z=6z=6, owing to a partial cancellation between the high metallicities of the simulated galaxies and lower dust-to-metal ratios. The simulated z=8z=8 UVLF is low compared to observations, likely owing to excessive dust extinction. Simba predicts UV continuum slopes (β\beta) in agreement with the z=6z=6 observations, with the best agreement obtained using a Calzetti extinction law. Interestingly, the gas-phase mass-metallicity relation in Simba is higher at z6z\sim 6 than at z2z\sim 2, suggesting that rapid early enrichment (and dust growth) might be necessary to match the observed β\beta. We find that β\beta is more sensitive to the dust extinction law than the UVLF. By generating mock James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images and analysing in a manner similar to observations, we show that Simba's galaxy size-luminosity relation well reproduces the current z=6z=6 Hubble observations. Unlike observations at lower redshifts, Simba predicts similar rest-UV and rest-optical sizes of z=6z=6 galaxies, owing to weak age gradients and dust extinction in star-forming regions counteract each other to weaken the color gradients within galaxies. These predictions will be testable with JWST.Comment: 15 pages, first revisio

    Unravelling the Dust Attenuation Scaling Relations and their Evolution

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    We explore the dependence of dust attenuation, as traced by the Hα/Hβ\rm H_{\alpha}/\rm H_{\beta} Balmer decrement, on galactic properties by using a large sample of SDSS spectra. We use both Partial Correlation Coefficients (PCC) and Random Forest (RF) analysis to distinguish those galactic parameters that directly and primarily drive dust attenuation in galaxies, from parameters that are only indirectly correlated through secondary dependencies. We find that, once galactic inclination is controlled for, dust attenuation depends primarily on stellar mass, followed by metallicity and velocity dispersion. Once the dependence on these quantities is taken into account, there is no dependence on star formation rate. While the dependence on stellar mass and metallicity was expected based on simple analytical equations for the interstellar medium, the dependence on velocity dispersion was not predicted and we discuss possible scenarios to explain it. We identify a projection of this multi-dimensional parameters space which minimises the dispersion in terms of the Balmer decrement and which encapsulates the primary and secondary dependences of the Balmer decrement into a single parameter defined as the reduced mass μ=logM+3.67[O/H]+2.96log(σv/100 km s1)\mu = \log {\rm M}_{\star} +3.67 [{\rm O/H}] + 2.96 \log (\sigma_v/100~km~s^{-1}). We show that the dependence of the Balmer decrement on this single parameter also holds at high redshift, suggesting that the processes regulating dust production and distribution do not change significantly through cosmic epochs at least out to z\sim2.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures (+ Appendix 6 pages, 7 figures), submitted to MNRAS, comments welcom

    Reproducing the UVJ Color Distribution of Star-forming Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2.5 with a Geometric Model of Dust Attenuation

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    We analyze the distribution of rest-frame U - V and V - J colors for star-forming galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2.5. Using stellar population synthesis, stochastic star formation histories, and a simple prescription for the dust attenuation that accounts for the shape and inclination of galaxies, we construct a model for the distribution of galaxy colors. With only two free parameters, this model is able to reproduce the observed galaxy colors as a function of redshift and stellar mass remarkably well. Our analysis suggests that the wide range of dust attenuation values measured for star-forming galaxies at a given redshift and stellar mass is almost entirely due to the effect of inclination; if all galaxies at a given stellar mass were observed edge-on, they would show very similar dust attenuation. This result has important implications for the interpretation of dust attenuation measurements, the treatment of UV and IR luminosity, and the comparison between numerical simulations and observations

    ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}}-M* Diagram: A Valuable Galaxy Evolution Diagnostic to Complement (s)SFR-M* Diagrams

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    The specific star formation rate (sSFR) is commonly used to describe the level of galaxy star formation (SF) and to select quenched galaxies. However, being a relative measure of the young-to-old population, an ambiguity in its interpretation may arise because a small sSFR can be either because of a substantial previous mass build up, or because SF is low. We show, using large samples spanning 0 < z < 2, that the normalization of SFR by the physical extent over which SF is taking place (i.e., SFR surface density, ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}}) overcomes this ambiguity. ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}} has a strong physical basis, being tied to the molecular gas density and the effectiveness of stellar feedback, so we propose ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}}-M* as an important galaxy evolution diagram to complement (s)SFR-M* diagrams. Using the ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}}-M* diagram we confirm the Schiminovich et al. (2007) result that the level of SF along the main sequence today is only weakly mass dependent - high-mass galaxies, despite their redder colors, are as active as blue, low-mass ones. At higher redshift, the slope of the "ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}} main sequence" steepens, signaling the epoch of bulge build-up in massive galaxies. We also find that ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}} based on the optical isophotal radius more cleanly selects both the starbursting and the spheroid-dominated (early-type) galaxies than sSFR. One implication of our analysis is that the assessment of the inside-out vs. outside-in quenching scenarios should consider both sSFR and ΣSFR\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}} radial profiles, because ample SF may be present in bulges with low sSFR (red color).Comment: 16 pages. Accepted to ApJ. Comments on content or relevant missing references welcom

    Anatomy of an ionized bubble at z=6.6: Which galaxies reionized the Universe?

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    Identifying the sources that drove cosmic reionization is a key goal of observational cosmology. Photons from these sources carved out ionized bubbles in the neutral intergalactic medium, and these bubbles gradually coalesced, resulting in a fully ionized Universe. The luminous z=6.6 'COLA1' galaxy lies in the epoch of reionization and shows a remarkable, double-peaked Lyman-alpha (Lya) line, the only one confirmed by multiple teams with high SNR and resolution. The detection of Lya flux bluewards of the systemic velocity means COLA1 resides in an ionized bubble. The exact velocity at which the blue Lya light is cut-off constrains the bubble size. This bubble provides a unique fortuitous, controlled environment -- since the bubble size is constrained, so is the total ionizing flux required to power it. Did COLA1 produce this ionizing flux all by itself? Or is it surrounded by large numbers of bright galaxies? Is a significant contribution from the faintest galaxies necessary? We propose to blindly identify emission-line galaxies within the ionized bubble and to obtain sensitive spectroscopy of COLA1 itself with slitless grism spectroscopy in the NIRCam F356W filter. The bubble size is well matched to the effective field of view for H-beta and the [OIII] doublet at z=6.6. We will obtain spectroscopic redshifts for all objects brighter than 0.1 L* (SFR&gt;2 Msun/yr) and directly measure their ionizing photon production rate. We will then assess how much contribution from unseen galaxies is required. Through our detailed accounting of ionizing photons we will address the central question to reionization studies: was it bright or faint galaxies that reionized the universe

    AGN Feedback in SDSS-IV MaNGA: AGNs have Suppressed Central Star Formation Rates

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    Despite the importance of feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in models of galaxy evolution, observational constraints on the influence of AGN feedback on star formation remain weak. To this end, we have compared the star formation trends of 279 low-redshift AGN galaxies with 558 inactive control galaxies using integral field unit spectroscopy from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. With a Gaussian process-based methodology, we reconstruct nonparametric star formation histories in spatially resolved spaxels covering the face of each galaxy. Based on galaxy-wide star formation rates (SFRs) alone, we find no obvious signatures of AGN feedback. However, the AGN galaxies have significantly suppressed central (kiloparsec-scale) SFRs, lying up to a factor of 22 below those of the control galaxies, providing direct observational evidence of AGN feedback suppressing star formation. The suppression of central SFRs in the AGN galaxies began in the central regions 6{\sim} 6 Gyr ago (redshift z0.7z {\sim} 0.7), taking place over a few gigayears. A small subset of the AGN galaxies were rapidly driven to quiescence shortly before being observed (in the last 500500 Myr), potentially indicating instances of AGN-driven feedback. More frequently, however, star formation continues in the AGN galaxies, with suppression primarily in the central regions. This is suggestive of a picture in which integrated (Gyr-timescale) AGN feedback can significantly affect central star formation, but may be inefficient in driving galaxy-wide quenching in low-redshift galaxies, instead leaving them in the green valley.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap