155 research outputs found

    Superconducting fluctuation current in a space with the Kerr metric

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    We study a fluctuation current through a superconducting ring placed in a space with the Kerr metric. This attempt aims at exploring conceptual problem; namely, we are concerned with the question about the condensed state in an extreme space-time. The superconducting ring is supposed to be placed in the space surrounding the Kerr black hole (KBH) such that the rotating axis of the KBH penetrates the center of the ring. The formulation is based on the Landau-Ginzburg free energy functional of linear form. The resultant fluctuation current shows several peculiar features that reflect characteristic aspects of the KBH; that is, the effect of the Kerr metric gives rise to the shift of superconducting transition temperature as well as the scale change of absolute temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures

    Activin in the Brain Modulates Anxiety-Related Behavior and Adult Neurogenesis

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    Activin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is an endocrine hormone that regulates differentiation and proliferation of a wide variety of cells. In the brain, activin protects neurons from ischemic damage. In this study, we demonstrate that activin modulates anxiety-related behavior by analyzing ACM4 and FSM transgenic mice in which activin and follistatin (which antagonizes the activin signal), respectively, were overexpressed in a forebrain-specific manner under the control of the αCaMKII promoter. Behavioral analyses revealed that FSM mice exhibited enhanced anxiety compared to wild-type littermates, while ACM4 mice showed reduced anxiety. Importantly, survival of newly formed neurons in the subgranular zone of adult hippocampus was significantly decreased in FSM mice, which was partially rescued in ACM4/FSM double transgenic mice. Our findings demonstrate that the level of activin in the adult brain bi-directionally influences anxiety-related behavior. These results further suggest that decreases in postnatal neurogenesis caused by activin inhibition affect an anxiety-related behavior in adulthood. Activin and its signaling pathway may represent novel therapeutic targets for anxiety disorder as well as ischemic brain injury

    Genomic Analyses of Bifidobacterium moukalabense Reveal Adaptations to Frugivore/Folivore Feeding Behavior

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    Funding: This research was funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), grant for the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) “Conservation of Biodiversity in Tropical Forest through Sustainable Coexistence between Human and Wild Animals” (PI, Juichi Yamagiwa) and the study was also supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (15K18775, Sayaka Tsuchida)”. Acknowledgments: We thank Ayumi Akiyoshi and Chiaki Hagiwara for technical assistance and Takahiro Yonezawa at Tokyo University of Agriculture for his valuable discussion about genetic evolution of Bifidobacterium. The authors are indebted for the sampling to Juichi Yamagiwa (Kyoto University), Yuji Takenoshita (Chubu Gakuin University), Shiho Fujita (Kagoshima University), Ludovic Ngok Banak and Alfred Ngomanda, the former and the actual Director of the Research Institute of Tropical Ecology (IRET)/National Center of Scientific Research and Technology (CENAREST) of Gabonese Republic. Takahiro Segawa was supported by Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center (TRIC) of the Research Organization of Information and Systems. Ortholog analyses were supported by Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research program (2051). Computations were partially performed on the NIG (National Institute of Genetics) supercomputer at ROIS (Research Organization of Information and Systems) National Institute of Genetics.Peer reviewe