236 research outputs found

    Identificazione del rischio per fenomeni di caduta massi

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    La nota riferisce sulle modalità descrittive e di quantificazione del rischio in relazione ad eventi franosi localizzati, quali i fenomeni di caduta massi. Ponendo come base il riconoscimento delle caratteristiche geostrutturali e morfologcihe del versante, sono inquadrate le procedure per valutare il passaggio dalle condizioni di ricorrenza dei fenomeni al danno potenziale. Il rimando ad un esempio applicativo denota quali siano i margini di incertezza connessi allo studio di fenomeni per loro natura puntuali e discontinui

    Il mondo naturale e il \u201cmondo dell\u2019anima umana\u201d: la natura in "Vita e destino"

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    Nel saggio si analizza la concezione della natura che emerge dal romanzo "Vita e destino" di Vasilij Grossman. Proprio la natura \ue8 infatti un aspetto centrale della poetica grossmaniana, uno di quegli aspetti che lo lega alla grande tradizione classica della letteratura russa del XIX secolo. Allo stesso tempo, tuttavia, Grossman ha una concezione individuale e specifica della natura, legata inscindibilmente alla sua concezione dell'uomo, che lo distingue da molti altri autori

    Are Commercial EV Chargers Ready to Aid with Household Power Consumption?

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    The transportation industry now accounts for approximately a quarter of worldwide energy-related direct CO2 emissions, and governments all around the globe have committed to converting their fossil-fuel vehicles to zero-emission ones by adopting electric vehicles. Current electric vehicles (EV) can store approximately 18 to 100 kWh of energy, which may be employed not only for commuting but also for other purposes such as delivering energy to households (V2H) or buildings (V2B), as well as offering ancillary services to the power grid (V2G). In this study, a real test setting including a trending bidirectional charger, an EV, a PV simulator, and household appliances are utilized to evaluate the performance of various V2H components and to learn about the concerns that may arise during V2H operation. The results of the tests on the bidirectional EV charger are presented in this paper. Although the results of the tests on the charger installed in the house are not satisfactory and consistent to the project’s goal, they are released in order to aid future studies in better understanding the true challenges of commercial bidirectional chargers

    TAS2R38 is a novel modifer gene in patients with cystic fbrosis

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    The clinical manifestation of cystic fbrosis (CF) is heterogeneous also in patients with the same cystic fbrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) genotype and in afected sibling pairs. Other genes, inherited independently of CFTR, may modulate the clinical manifestation and complications of patients with CF, including the severity of chronic sinonasal disease and the occurrence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization. The T2R38 gene encodes a taste receptor and recently its functionality was related to the occurrence of sinonasal diseases and upper respiratory infections. We assessed the T2R38 genotype in 210 patients with CF and in 95 controls, relating the genotype to the severity of sinonasal disease and to the occurrence of P. aeruginosa pulmonary colonization. The frequency of the PAV allele i.e., the allele associated with the high functionality of the T2R38 protein, was signifcantly lower in i) CF patients with nasal polyposis requiring surgery, especially in patients who developed the complication before 14 years of age; and ii) in CF patients with chronic pulmonary colonization by P. aeruginosa, especially in patients who were colonized before 14 years of age, than in control subjects. These data suggest a role for T2R38 as a novel modifer gene of sinonasal disease severity and of pulmonary P. aeruginosa colonization in patients with CF

    Annexin A1 Released in Extracellular Vesicles by Pancreatic Cancer Cells Activates Components of the Tumor Microenvironment, through Interaction with the Formyl-Peptide Receptors

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most aggressive cancers in the world. Several extracellular factors are involved in its development and metastasis to distant organs. In PC, the protein Annexin A1 (ANXA1) appears to be overexpressed and may be identified as an oncogenic factor, also because it is a component in tumor-deriving extracellular vesicles (EVs). Indeed, these microvesicles are known to nourish the tumor microenvironment. Once we evaluated the autocrine role of ANXA1-containing EVs on PC MIA PaCa-2 cells and their pro-angiogenic action, we investigated the ANXA1 paracrine effect on stromal cells like fibroblasts and endothelial ones. Concerning the analysis of fibroblasts, cell migration/invasion, cytoskeleton remodeling, and the different expression of specific protein markers, all features of the cell switching into myofibroblasts, were assessed after administration of wild type more than ANXA1 Knock-Out EVs. Interestingly, we demonstrated a mechanism by which the ANXA1-EVs complex can stimulate the activation of formyl peptide receptors (FPRs), triggering mesenchymal switches and cell motility on both fibroblasts and endothelial cells. Therefore, we highlighted the importance of ANXA1/EVs-FPR axes in PC progression as a vehicle of intercommunication tumor cells-stroma, suggesting a specific potential prognostic/diagnostic role of ANXA1, whether in soluble form or even if EVs are captured in PC

    High levels of soluble CD73 unveil resistance to BRAF inhibitors in melanoma cells

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    : Melanoma cells express high levels of CD73 that produce extracellular immunosuppressive adenosine. Changes in the CD73 expression occur in response to tumor environmental factors, contributing to tumor phenotype plasticity and therapeutic resistance. Previously, we have observed that CD73 expression can be up-regulated on the surface of melanoma cells in response to nutritional stress. Here, we explore the mechanism by which melanoma cells release soluble CD73 under low nutrient availability and whether this might be affected by agents targeting the proto-oncogene B-Raf (BRAF). We found that starved melanoma cells can release high levels of CD73, able to convert AMP into adenosine, and this activity is abrogated by selective CD73 inhibitors, APCP or PSB-12489. The release of CD73 from melanoma cells is mediated by the matrix metalloproteinase MMP-9. Indeed, MMP-9 inhibitors significantly reduce the levels of CD73 released from the cells, while its surface levels increase. Of relevance, melanoma cells, harboring an activating BRAF mutation, upon treatment with dabrafenib or vemurafenib, show a strong reduction of CD73 cell expression and reduced levels of CD73 released into the extracellular space. Conversely, melanoma cells resistant to dabrafenib show high expression of membrane-bound CD73 and soluble CD73 released into the culture medium. In summary, our data indicate that CD73 is released from melanoma cells. The expression of CD73 is associated with response to BRAF inhibitors. Melanoma cells developing resistance to dabrafenib show increased expression of CD73, including soluble CD73 released from cells, suggesting that CD73 is involved in acquiring resistance to treatment

    Field assessment of guar gum stabilized microscale zerovalent iron particles for in-situ remediation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane

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    A pilot injection test with guar gum stabilized microscale zerovalent iron (mZVI) particles was performed at test site V (Belgium) where different chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) were present as pollutants in the subsurface. One hundred kilograms of 56 μm-diameter mZVI (~ 70 g/L) was suspended in 1.5 m3 of guar gum (~ 7 g/L) solution and injected into the test area. In order to deliver the guar gum stabilized mZVI slurry, one direct push bottom-up injection (Geoprobe) was performed with injections at 5 depths between 10.5 and 8.5 m bgs. The direct push technique was preferred above others (e.g. injection at low flow rate via screened wells) because of the limited hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and to the large size of the mZVI particles. A final heterogeneous distribution of the mZVI in the porous medium was observed explicable by preferential flow paths created during the high pressure injection. The maximum observed delivery distance was 2.5 m. A significant decrease in 1,1,1-TCA concentrations was observed in close vicinity of spots where the highest concentration of mZVI was observed. Carbon stable isotope analysis (CSIA) yielded information on the success of the abiotic degradation of 1,1,1-TCA and indicated a heterogeneous spatio-temporal pattern of degradation. Finally, the obtained results show that mZVI slurries stabilized by guar gum can be prepared at pilot scale and directly injected into low permeable aquifers, indicating a significant removal of 1,1,1-TCA
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