567 research outputs found

    Associação genômica ampla para resistência a bacteriose em germoplasma de pessegueiro com base em SNPs.

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    Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia - Fitomelhoramento) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2018. Orientador: Caroline Marques Castro; Co-orientador: Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira; Sandro Bonow

    Avaliação de caracteres de interesse agronômico em uma coleção de germoplasma de batata com resistência a insetos-praga.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetvo avaliar esta coleção de trabalho quanto a incidência de danos no tubérculo causado por Diabrotica sp, a produção total e comercial de tubérculos, e o comprimento e a largura de tubérculos

    BMPix and PEAK tools: New methods for automated laminae recognition and counting — Application to glacial varves from Antarctic marine sediment

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    We present tools for rapid and quantitative detection of sediment lamination. The BMPix tool extracts color and gray-scale curves from images at pixel resolution. The PEAK tool uses the gray-scale curve and performs, for the first time, fully automated counting of laminae based on three methods. The maximum count algorithm counts every bright peak of a couplet of two laminae (annual resolution) in a smoothed curve. The zero-crossing algorithm counts every positive and negative halfway-passage of the curve through a wide moving average, separating the record into bright and dark intervals (seasonal resolution). The same is true for the frequency truncation method, which uses Fourier transformation to decompose the curve into its frequency components before counting positive and negative passages. We applied the new methods successfully to tree rings, to well-dated and already manually counted marine varves from Saanich Inlet, and to marine laminae from the Antarctic continental margin. In combination with AMS14C dating, we found convincing evidence that laminations in Weddell Sea sites represent varves, deposited continuously over several millennia during the last glacial maximum. The new tools offer several advantages over previous methods. The counting procedures are based on a moving average generated from gray-scale curves instead of manual counting. Hence, results are highly objective and rely on reproducible mathematical criteria. Also, the PEAK tool measures the thickness of each year or season. Since all information required is displayed graphically, interactive optimization of the counting algorithms can be achieved quickly and conveniently

    Melhoramento de Germoplasma: Seleção de Clones de Batata com Resistência a Insetos-praga e Caracteres de Interesse Agronômico.

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    Feeding regimens in finishing phase of beef cattle on corporal development and meat quality.

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    Despite to be a traditional activity in southern Brazil, beef cattle production based exclusively in natural grasslands normally presents low animal productivity, reflecting a misunderstanding of basic management practices like control of forage allowance and or lack of utilization of others possibilities of foraging

    Sagebrush-Obligate Passerine Response to Ecological Site Characteristics

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    Adoption of ecological sites as monitoring and management units by a variety of land users has prompted discussion of their benefits for wildlife habitat management. Density and occurrence of shrub-steppe passerines are often related to key habitat characteristics such as plant species composition, cover, and structure. Until recently, ecological sites have not been tested as units for monitoring and management of passerines. We conducted a study implementing ecological sites as management units and used passerines as indicators of potential use of these sites. Ecological site characteristics and three sagebrush-obligate passerines were quantified on ecological sites at and near Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge in Colorado. In 2006 and 2007, we surveyed passerines and site characteristics using standard techniques within 101, 100-m radius plots. Density of Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri) and occurrence of Brewer’s sparrow, sage sparrow (Amphispiza belli), and sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanu) were estimated for six ecological sites and then related to site characteristics. For example, Brewer’s sparrow densities were greatest (3.0 birds/ha) on a Loamy Fine Sand Ecological Site containing taller vegetation than vegetation for other ecological sites. Scientific literature commonly associates Brewer’s sparrows with sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) presence, but on ecological sites at Browns Park Brewer’s densities are related more to vegetative structure rather than species composition. Results show there are links between passerine populations and ecological sites; a relationship which provides a meaningful foundation in developing long-term monitoring protocols and enhancing management decisions to favor sagebrush-obligate passerines
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